I was reviewing the Chappaquidick story because I won't pay to see the movie, but I am curious as to how they will portray Mary Jo Kopechne who was close to events regarding both the JFK and RFK assassinations I ran across this article on Mae Brussell who relentlessly pursued the truth regarding many conspiracies. It struck me while reading it that you could apply what she has compiled to what is going on right now, and that she had a firm toe-hold on the cabals activities at the time. So much so that I got chills reading it. There are some interesting bits and her radio shows are recorded and available online. The most interesting part of the excerpt is regarding how the CIA was using the prison system to test their mind control drugs and techniques on the black population way back when.
This is not a slide. She figured all this out old school with interviews letters and public record. She died of cancer at 66. She was often asked why she was still alive. The answer is that her audience was small. She couldn't reach enough people to make a difference.
She was an anon born too early
http:// www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Mind%20of%20Mae%20Brussell.html
"Hitler was gassed in World War One and they took him to the hospital and, according to a U.S. Navy Intelligence report, they brought in a Dr. Forster, a hypnotist, and they groomed him. They told him that he would have troops that would someday invade Russia and kick the Communists out. They hypnotized him so that he would always believe that he'd be a great leader, like Joan of Arc.
"Now, take a man like Nixon, a man who is going to be President of the United States. He's known for his poker playing, his straight face. He already has a proclivity for intelligence. He wrote to Hoover, asking to join the FBI. After World War Two, the great poker player of the South Pacific was assigned to the Navy Bureau of Aeronautics, negotiating settlements of terminated defense contracts, where he helped escalate the importation of 642 Nazi specialists into the U. S. defense and aerospace industry—Project Paperclip. Then he gets a call from Murray Chotiner, who works with Howard Hughes and the Bank of America, inviting him to run for Congress against Jerry Voorhis. What did he have besides a poker face? In 1951 Senator Nixon introduced a bill to bring Nikolai Molaxa into the U. S. Molaxa was a former head of the Iron Guard and was allegedly involved in Nazi atrocities. Nixon set him up in an office of his own."
Another turning point in Mae's research occurred when she attended the trial of Hugo Pinell, who had been charged with killing a Soledad prison guard. "A public defender was assigned on Friday to begin the case on Monday, and none of his witnesses could appear. The whole trial was rigged, and I was just outraged. It was then that I decided not only to study who killed John Kennedy, but also to find the relationship between the corruption of the courts, political prisoners in this country and the political assassinations and conspiracies. When you think of Hitler, you think of prisons like Auschwitz and Dachau. And when I thought about the killing of Kennedy and all the Nazis involved, I realized that the prison system had to be directly related to it. And that's when I began to correspond with prisoners and make friends with them and get more information about prison deaths and mind-control experiments. I found there were incidents identical to what occurred in Nazi Germany, where the innocent were locked up or killed and the guilty were allowed to go free.
"Instead of just researching the deaths of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Mary Jo Kopechne, and the George Wallace shooting, I began collecting articles about the murders of people involved in those cases. And I began paying attention to the deaths of judges, attorneys, labor leaders, musicians, actors, professors, civil rights leaders—studying what I considered to be untimely, suspicious deaths."
In preparation for an upcoming campus lecture in Seattle, Mae spends a day and a half cross-filing one ten-year-old article—"The Murder of Malcolm X" by Eric Norden—into some 30 different subjects. The actual motives behind the assassination. Collusion between Federal intelligence and local police. Involvement of bodyguards. Prime witnesses killed. Perjured testimony that doesn't fit the evidence. . .