My theory on the 'why' of the corruption.
I believe that humans are on a path, or timeline, that aims to create and maintain the perfect universe for humans. This means that when humans act, we use our infinite creativity to find the best option available based on our time to process our current surroundings in relation to our previously processed surroundings, striving to continuously increase our time to process our surroundings.
Humans value other humans as the processing done by additional humans increase the ability to maintain the perfect universe.
We can by design believe that if we have our full mental capacity and time, we will always take the best action out of the infinite actions seemingly available.
But for some reason the universe contains suffering and degeneracy, breeding corruption and death.
The reason why is, as a theory, that some people figured out how humans operate, towards a goal in the future, and figured that if you force humans into thinking in a way that is limited, as in, in strict adherence to a religion, and create a human that does not know how to think like a complete human, by circumcision or other forms of abuse from a young age, with life long consequences, these humans will not naturally follow the path to create the perfect universe due to the resulting confusion and pain, they will instead aim to create what they have been relegated to, as in, create israel, a marxist society or similar, and use their infinite creativity, within the confines of the thought system/religion, to reach this goal, with fear of more suffering if not followed strictly.
This means that some people can actively strive against their and others well being, if trapped in a thought system designed in this fashion, maintained by the infinite creativity that humans have, making it a difficult enemy to battle, as it is invisible, and within a human tasked by despots to maintain this system at all costs, valuing humans less if they aren't trapped in the same forced thought system.
How this system came to be to begin with, I have no idea, as it never makes sense to not naturally use the infinite creativity of our minds, but instead to write a book and have others live according to a book written by someone else, a book that would only be interpreted correctly by its author at the time it was written.
The solution might be awarding people time to think, undisturbed and undistracted, to escape the mental thought prison as it is possible with time to think beyond the confines thanks to the infinite creativity of our mind.