>muh low ceiling
Well golly gee I thought there was moar MAGAs out there than I thought I guess I gotta vote Dim no matter who they replace Creepy with since I don't want to be caught being a member of a minority fringe group.
"Chris" almost as That's A Man Baby! as Cryin Chuck's old "lady".
That pic about 1.5 million miles ago.
Corney has good hair dna
It's not the full movie. It's the frame right before the high speed wall impact.
I had no idea they was frens.
aka throw the intersectionalists a bone when not their turn in the spotlight.
It's their Battle of the Bulgeless week.
Thought you was working.
>Just start a Q News Network, Q !
Now the shills (I kid I kid) want Q to become a Paytriot!
>Nunes good at mind-fucking his fellow Calis
Normal TP: Rethugs want to be authoritarian dictators!
Nunes Twat Replies: How dare he support people ignoring the authorities like that!
>when has breakdancing solved anything?
tv n movies taught me that was the cool way to settle arguments
At least the trains ran on time when Crip was in charge.
>lag seems to be getting a little worse as the morn'n ages. hold those late bred notes anons. can get you hook'd up nb.
Solid bakering, NT
Rush ripping on Falsi right now.
"When did the NIH become the source authority for opening the country?"
This is the week Falsi v POTUS comes to a head.
Should be interdasting especially if Jim is at the next presser.