Anonymous ID: b82981 April 13, 2020, 7:26 a.m. No.8777855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7863

>>8777530 White House rewat w/CAP: Borders matter in a global pandemic.


Anons you didn’t such a great job on Out of Darkness, it’s only up to 8700, let’s get this petition completed in next couple of hours. Anyone in twatter pass around please. I just signed it

Anonymous ID: b82981 April 13, 2020, 7:36 a.m. No.8777903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Solomon’s poll, bet those 63 votes were media, the 14,900 opposed! Kek


It’d be be nice to get a petition against Dems plans with upcoming package to include MSM and other communist organizations

Anonymous ID: b82981 April 13, 2020, 8:20 a.m. No.8778114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8136 >>8159 >>8302 >>8310 >>8400 >>8520

>>8777162, >>8777181, >>8777225 anons call for eyes on and determine whether legit or disinfo. ToRe (Brennan affiliate) dropping C_A twats.


Entire thread reader app, she’s promising more


I am ToRe 🎙️


@redstatetalk BITCOIN: 16h3nb9QkbJR6iiqi5ob4CUqxdK1mJ7NyR Cash App: $ToreSays

Apr. 13, 2020 1 min read

My NDA ends. So, do you know WHY Brennan became CIA Director? Moved TAC to fix up a personal issue McCain, HRC and Obama passports hacked? Told you I have his real one from Morocco.130 (3 are dead) "celebrity passport" data too y not? #EpsteinsIsland

JOB was blackmailing for??


Who copied all those files? Me.

I made duplicates. Why? Cause JOB asked me to. He did it to get GSG linked and get CIA Post. He wanted IN.


I've said Obama has MANY passports but he's FROM Morocco a petri dish boy. A petri dish boy .

HRC has multiple nationality passports too. How do you think they travel incognito. Ask yourself what passport did owen use?

Celebrities you ask? Oh boy. That includes MEDIA.


Brennan got his job with blackmail and Muslim Brotherhood Money. He blackmailed the local cabal in the US with EU cabal money cause Obama may not be "obedient" too power high. They wanted direct access to our intelligence. They got it with JOB.

He punished me.


See anything that involves my work with TAC is open and clear. I signed my NDA when I was pregnant with my daughter since they knew I was out of bounds … On leave. A leash. When you have time to reflect you come back better than ever.


God it feels so good.

TAC was the worst assignment ever when it turned to GSG.

Who do you think Steele works with GSG?

Haller? misfud? Who did I work with GSG. Why did I got back to school?

To learn and penetrate.

#humanExpirements #ThesePeopleAreSick


While I did my job I did my duty and took mental note of everything….

UBS accounts.

Why is TAC and the FBI one in the same? We should ask Jim.


That's all for now. More tomorrow. It's great to share 😊 #justice. 1 down 3 more to go.


You can follow @Tore_says.

Anonymous ID: b82981 April 13, 2020, 9:17 a.m. No.8778397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NPR financial statement 2019, finance snd CPA fags help with interpretation please. I want a petition the WH to defund NPR


Organization and Principles of Consolidation (Continued)

Foundation (Continued)—Furthermore, certain provisions of the Foundation’s Bylaws may only be amended or repealed by an affirmative vote of NPR Inc., provided such action is authorized, in advance, by a two-thirds vote cast at a meeting, duly called, and at which a quorum was present, of the NPR Inc. Board.

 NPR Asset Holding Company, Inc. (NPRAHC Inc.)—Incorporated in 2018, NPRAHC Inc. is a wholly owned, taxable corporation, which holds interests in commercial entities on behalf of NPR Inc.

NPRAHC Inc. is governed by a three member Board of Directors which is currently composed of senior staff members from NPR Inc.

 National Public Media LLC (NPM)—Formed in 2007, NPM secures public broadcasting and digital sponsorship for public radio and television entities, and other like-minded entities, including NPR Inc. and certain of NPR’s members.


NPM is governed by NPRAHC Inc., WGBH Educational Foundation (WGBH), and Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). Each member elects a manager and the three managers collectively comprise the NPM Board of Managers (NPM Board). Member capital percentages are 72%, 18% and 10%, for NPRAHC Inc., WGBH, and PBS, respectively as of September 30, 2019 and 2018.


NPRAHC Inc. controls NPM’s Board due to its majority ownership. WGBH and PBS hold equal positions on the NPM Board. Depending upon the specific nature of a decision, WGBH and PBS have certain veto rights (e.g., to purchase, lease or sell any property, to borrow or lend money, to change material policy relating to the timing and structure of the distribution of cash, and the determination of employment or certain key executives) as more fully described in the limited liability company formation agreement, as amended

All intercompany balances and transactions were eliminated in consolidation. Unless otherwise noted, NPR Inc. and the above consolidated organizations are hereinafter colle

Anonymous ID: b82981 April 13, 2020, 9:20 a.m. No.8778411   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Daily Beast why NPR should give up federal government funding, guess what, it’s so they can criticise Trump more


btw I didn’t see in their financial statement $450 million cane from givernment


The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) gets about $450 million per year, which is essentially a rounding error in the federal budget, and NPR has consistently maintained that, on average, “less than 1%” of its “operating budget comes in the form of grants from CPB and federal agencies and departments.” But the absolute numbers are inconsequential. Public broadcasting fights tooth and nail to keep the meager scraps of public money it gets, demonstrating that the funding, however small, is significant enough to affect their behavior.

Anonymous ID: b82981 April 13, 2020, 9:29 a.m. No.8778468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8520

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting Act funds NPR and other public broadcasting


Senate coronavirus bill includes $75M for Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which funds NPR, 'Big Bird


The Senate emergency stimulus compromise package allocates $75 million for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), the nonprofit that funds National Public Radio (NPR), offers programming featuring the children's character "Big Bird" and supports other public stations.


The massive payout – which the draft bill says would "make fiscal stabilization grants to public television and radio stations facing declines in non-federal revenues" –


is less than the $300 million that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., had proposed in her own coronavirus stimulus proposal


No wonder NPR won’t air WH briefings (in one state I think), Pelosi


The money nevertheless drew complaints from conservatives, who called the spending unrelated to the coronavirus, and who have long accused NPR of overt political bias.


President Trump has repeatedly called for Congress to cut all funding for CPB in his budget requests. On Tuesday, a Washington state NPR station said it would stop airing Trump's coronavirus briefings because they could not be fact-checked "in real-time."


"That's why the Dems felt it was CRUCIAL to fund NPR in the coronavirus stimulus bill," mused conservative commentator Ann Coulter.


Let's focus on addressing the problem and fighting the virus, not liberal pet projects," said Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, referring to Pelosi's call to fund CPB with stimulus money.


"Congress is run by morons," wrote The Federalist co-founder Sean Davis. "This bill should've been one page – everyone gets a check and they'll be taxed on it in 2021 based on what they earned in 2020 (people who don't need it will pay it back) – and it should've taken all of a day to enact."