Anonymous ID: e245fe April 13, 2020, 8:34 a.m. No.8778179   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8205 >>8212 >>8233 >>8277 >>8291 >>8481



PART 1 of at least 5


00:11 T-Shirt: Snoopy laying on back, flowers on top. [Dead, not “live:”]

00:22 Camo jacket, black face mask & skull cap. [Military?]

00:28 Background plywood wall. [who has plywood wall in their home? Camera adjusted as he entered the room, implying not a laptop camera?]

00:30 Drummer, notice shadow shape, doesn't match equipment. More like man w/ curly hair. (Not alone?) Black and white instead of color – except for a blue line drawn on center drum (sad lips?). Clock on table 4:14:55 or 4:15:55. [not in the same time zone as Hanx? Not filmed live]

00:30 Keyboard, studio equipment? Printer, large computer monitor.

00:33 upper left, someone in front of flowers wallpaper. Lower left: clock? 4:55

00:35 building image (odd for a home). A blurry palm tree to the left of commercial type metal staircase. (filmed in black and white)

00:36 an old fashioned mailb ox being opened (filmed in black and white)

00:36 2 pieces of “toast” popping up from a 4 piece toaster (filmed in black & white)

00:37 I don't know what this image is, quickly obscured by something moving filmed in black and white

00:37 Red wine poured into a glass, wedding photo, candle burning in crystal, filmed in black and white

00:38 man reading book in hammock, in front of heavy foliage. Filmed in black and white, but a green drawn on line on the hammock frame.. 45 degree angle down, horizontal to right. Then the line moves off and up the hammock from to the right and off screen.

00:39 man trying to figure out how to assemble a puzzle, sitting in front of fireplace, bookcase on either side. Filmed in black and white.

00:39 man playing with small white fuzzy dog on couch. Filmed in black and white, with a blue horizontal line the moved downward the levelors window shade.

00:40 man removing something large from a clothes dryer. Filmed in black and white, with a green line drawn (happy smile at first that moves around the front of the dryer window to the top into a sad smile).

00:41 Man washing a metal baking pan in water at kitchen sink. Filmed in black and white, then changed to color at the last split second. (B E C K BENNETT)

00:44 fully clothed man stiff as a board falls forward into pool. Hammock is in the background (same as 00:38). Small dog at edge of pool. Filmed in black and white.

00:45 Chubby female with white fuzzy dog sitting on couch. Filmed in black and white.

Anonymous ID: e245fe April 13, 2020, 8:38 a.m. No.8778202   🗄️.is 🔗kun



PART 2 of at least 5


00:46 Chubby female standing watering a plant growing out of a white swan planter. Wall clock 4:04. Next to a rainbow. Filmed in black and white, except water pouring out is drawn in light blue.

Changes to color image, (A I D Y BRYANT) At last split second it goes back to black and white and she smiles even bigger and raises her eyebrows. Now the water is black and white, and the rainbow has been colored in all blue, sad smile shape.

00:49 Sax player in front of plywood wall, starts in black and white and then changes to a beige/tan colored filter. Adds in two more images: upper right guitar player in aqua colored filter, lower right female in plum colored filter.

00:50 BM taking selfie w/ phone in front of bathroom? Mirror. Note 3 triangular black dots on back of cell. Filmed in black and white starts at an angle, then swirls to upright. With an orange colored motion circle drawn on.

00:51 BM starts out as black and white, then goes to color. Possibly two small analog clocks behind him on shelf; 12:14:40 (MICHAEL C H E )

00:53 Male sitting on swivel chair writing on a white board “Hope everyones staying safe and hanging in there!” 1980s style Pacman game on right. Filmed in black and white; white board has outline in shape of L and Pacman machine has yellow outline in shape of U. Yellow line moves off edges. Male swivels to camer with a thumbs up and smile. Part of image goes to color, part stays black and white. (P E T E DAVIDSON)

00:58 Male and female in kitchen. Female unloads dishwasher, male puts dishes in cubboard above her head. Filmed in black and white.

00:58 Male laying in children's bed with young boy, reading Back to the Future kids book. Filmed in black and white, green line drawn moving along edge of bed.

00:58 Man and young boy standing playing sword fighting. Teepee behind bed. Safari book w/ elephant on bookshelf. Globe with South America facing camera, with small portion of Africa. Balls on floor – spots - … —- …. – Filmed in black and white.

00:59 Man pouring large size box of Cap'n Crunch cereal into bowl. Carton of milk on table. Filmed in black and white, turns to color. (MIKEY D A Y)

01:02 Back to play sword fighting, adult male falls to ground, kid turns away. Black and white.

Anonymous ID: e245fe April 13, 2020, 8:39 a.m. No.8778205   🗄️.is 🔗kun





PART 3 of at least 5


01:02 Back to play sword fighting, adult male falls to ground, kid turns away. Black and white.

01:02 Female using boxes of juice? For weight lifting. T-shirt of a mail with a bunch of nails pounded in the head. Filmed in black and white, then pink drawn in lines move up a piece of cloth artwork hanging on the wall, slight upward arched.

01:03 Female sitting on couch cutting a cat that was previously curled up on a stool near the kitchen. Film in black and white.

01:04 Blonde Female tropical plants (potted? Fake?). Starts in black and white and immediately goes to color. (H E I D I GARDNER)

01:06 Bearded man toasting someone w/ a beverage glass sitting at a table in a room w/a clothes cabinet and door in background. Filmed in black and white with light orange drawing along the cabinet drawers.

01:07 Camera then swings to opposite side of the table to show who he is toasting. There are toys seated at the table with 3 drinks in front. From left to right, a blonde doll, a muppet type stuffed animal, a brunette doll, a floppy eared bunny rabbit. In the background is a short child size stool. Butterfly carpet. Filmed in black and white.

01:08 Bearded man juggling canned goods in front of a front door w/ windows on either side. Filmed in black and white, then turns to color. Appears to be fake studio. Windows are blue sky from top to bottom. Note 3 horizontal dots (reflection of lights?) in upper left window. (COLIN J O S T) At the last split second the windows turn pink, and then the entire image goes back to black and white.

01:13 Split screen, four images each in different colored lens filters. From top to bottom. Bass guitar player in front of bamboo screen w/ yellow filter. Guy in front of plywood wall, aqua filter. Hands on a keyboard, flower wallpaper, pink filter. Guitar player in front of equipment, blue filter.

01:13 Black and white cat licking face of woman laying on couch. Moving yellow outline drawn on upper part of cat. Filmed in black and white.

01:14 Same female and cat smiling at camera still on couch. She's wearing a wrist watch/left arm. Filmed in black and white.

01:15 Same female messy hair sitting eating toast. Starts in black and white with a yellow line moving down edge of wall. Changed to color. (K A T E MCKINNON)

Anonymous ID: e245fe April 13, 2020, 8:40 a.m. No.8778212   🗄️.is 🔗kun





PART 4 of at least 5


01:19 Man standing outside a brick home sits down on a wood patio chair. Metal garbage can with a lot of holes. House up higher on a hill in background. Light plum line moves drawn up the corner of the brick wall. Filme in black and white.

01:20 Image of a shower head, water turns on (filmed in black and white.

01:12 Image of man w./ towel wrapped around head, and another wrapped around body (the way a female does) reaching in to test water temp. Starts in black and white, with pink highlighting various shower tiles. Image partially turns to color pic. (A L E X MOFFAT) At last second image goes back to black and white and he stops smiling and turns his head away.

01:25 Split image. Drummer on left. Sax player on right. Colored lens switch back and forth. First light plum on left, b/w on right, Then purple on Sax, b/w on drummer. Then pinkish orange on drummer, b/w on Sax.

01:25 Man w/beard in kitchen. Frying pan w/canned cooks and bottle of wine, shaking pepper or salt on them. Filmed in black and white. Dark pink tiles highlighted, moving.

01:26 Same man sitting on front of a window next to philodendron plant looking down the street, smiles. House across the street has 3 garbage cans. Looks like someone painted something on the wall in a haphazard way. Image changes to color. (K Y L E MOONEY)

01:28 Same man all happy. “Yeah!” Back to black and white.

01:29 Split screens all black and white w/ 3 screens divided by light plum colored line. Sax left haft. Drummer upper right. Bass guitar lower right. Dummer analog clock hard to read, possibly 4:15. Same time as before. But image is a tad smudged.

01:30 BM opens microwave oven door. Camera is inside. Letter C on baseball cap. Smiles and puts a bowl inside. Light orange outline drawn on the bowl. Filmed in black and white.

01:31 BM in skull cap smiles in front of a textured wallpapered wall. Image partially changed to color. (CHRIS R E D D) Then goes back to black and white.

01:34 Black and white split screen, yellow dividing line drawn. Sax on left. Keyboard on right w/copier/printer in background.

01:34 Four-way split. Clockwise. Upper left yellow filter (a horned instrument player), Keyboard teal filter, Horn player orange filter, Sax pink filter. Divided by teal lines.

01:35 Female in 3split images. Filters change colors back and forth divided by blue lines. Blue and purple filters.

01:37 Female sitting with towel wrapped around. Black fuzzy dog in background. Image changes from black and white to full color. (C E C I L Y STRONG) Black and white last second.

01:39 Heavy BM stirring an empty fry pan in kitchen. Wearing a Chef Daddy kitchen apron.

01:40 Same male removing garbage from a can for a split second, to sitting on stairs indoors. Black and white w/ blue and pink colors flashing on stair risers. Image changes to full color. (K E N A N THOMPSON)

01:42 Same male sitting on stairs w/ two young girls, ongirl and Kenan waving to the camera. Black and white.

Anonymous ID: e245fe April 13, 2020, 8:44 a.m. No.8778233   🗄️.is 🔗kun





PART 5 of at least 5


01:44 Female playing guitar. Bird images painted on the open door behind her. Black and white, pink drawn on guitar strings. Image changes to her smiling. Then to full color. (M E L I S S A VILLASENOR)

01:47 NOTE: PAINTING OF ONE SLICE OF PEPPERONI PIZZA PROPPED AGAINST THE WALL BEHIND Villasenor. Green and yellow background. Painting next on right to pizza looks like a female child with a large British style purple hat on. Can't see what the one of the left is. Image returns to black and white.

01:49 Starts as black and white guitar player turns teal, then 2nd image of drummer (black and white) time on clock is still 4:15. Drummer blue filter. Adds in 3rd image of Sax, pink filter. Yellow dividing lines.

01:51 Female jumping on a small (short) trampoline next to a house. Black and white.

01:52 Same female squatting next to house, image changes to full color. Wearing a red shirt w/ blue/white stripe. (C H L O E FINEMAN). Back to black and white, she's inside sipping a cup of coffee.

01:55 BF eyes closes on a bed. Opens eyes, smiles for camera. Image change to in front of a set of mirrors, smiles waves. Black and white. Image change to removing biscuits from oven. Black and white changes to full color. (EGO NWODIM)

01:59 Image: Celcius Temp gauge 26 degrees, with a BUNNY (78.8F)

02:00 Man sitting on couch. Light plum outline drawn on couch. Large leaf indoor plant next to couch. Pic change to eating something near a sink. Changes to full color. (BOWEN Y A N G) Back to black and white - image change to him waving at camera in another part of kitchen, exit door in background. Clock on wall next to door above alarm panel. Smudged, but possibly 12:30, or 6:00. Sticker or magnet on fridge: World Pride NYC. Fam pic. And another unreadable.Black and white.

02:05 Black and white, zoomed in pick of kitchen faucet turned on.

02:06 Someone washing hands w/ bubbly soap. Black and white.

02:06 Teapot cooking on stovetop, steam comes out. Black and white.

02:07 Guitar player. Standing in front of a mic. Multiple other instruments behind him. Keyboards, sound equipment. Guitar on a stand. Headphones. Baseball cap on keyboard displaying letters LRQ, with a circle around that looks like a Q at first glance, but is not. And written on 3 boxes(?) hanging on the wall behind him: ENTRAN(ce?) TO TRAINS. This guy's name is announced as CHRIS MARTIN, but they never display his name, and the image doesn't turn to color.

02:10 “…And your host, Hanx” Black and white. Hanks is standing in front of a door and turns to the camera, raises eyebrows and smiles. His hair is shaved down to a stubble. Behind him is a picture from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. To the right of the door, a pencil sharpened is attached to the wall. There is a framed photo, I can't identify the person.

02;12 multiple splits screens of everyone shown… totals 17 people. What a coincidence.

02:13 Another split screen w/ 9 images of the people. Color filters changing.


02:16 OPENING SCENE FOR HANX. And image of a pewter clock w/ old fashioned typewriters behind. 3 typewriters on the top shelf. 3 on the bottom shelf.

[reminder to only communicate the old fashioned way]

Camera zooms out and then swings left to where Hanx is standing in front of a small kitchen.

02:17 There is another pencil sharpener attached to the wall, with a pencil inserted. The picture in the background is not the same as the previous picture next to a pencil sharpener. Can't make out the person in the picture.

02:21 Hanx steps forward. Left hand raised just above head height, 5 fingers spread open. Teapot on the stove behind him. Towels on oven handle not hung the same.




Anonymous ID: e245fe April 13, 2020, 8:52 a.m. No.8778277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8300 >>8451



A number of dogs. Is "Snoopy" dead? Who is nicknamed snoopy?


Some people go from black and white to color. (In living color? Still alive?)


Drummer's clocks not moving, staged.


Pizza. Teapots whistling. Laptops moving (or is it really professional cameras?) Guy falls dead into pool. The kids rooms. The birds on a door. Who uses a pencil sharpener. Warning to comm only by snail mailbox and typewriters. And more.


Need help with the symbolism here. Have to run to a IRW meeting. :-( Dang that RW for interferring!!


BAKER I might have missed-linked part 2

Anonymous ID: e245fe April 13, 2020, 8:54 a.m. No.8778291   🗄️.is 🔗kun





PART 2 of at least 5 (sorry if double posted)


00:46 Chubby female standing watering a plant growing out of a white swan planter. Wall clock 4:04. Next to a rainbow. Filmed in black and white, except water pouring out is drawn in light blue.

Changes to color image, (A I D Y BRYANT) At last split second it goes back to black and white and she smiles even bigger and raises her eyebrows. Now the water is black and white, and the rainbow has been colored in all blue, sad smile shape.

00:49 Sax player in front of plywood wall, starts in black and white and then changes to a beige/tan colored filter. Adds in two more images: upper right guitar player in aqua colored filter, lower right female in plum colored filter.

00:50 BM taking selfie w/ phone in front of bathroom? Mirror. Note 3 triangular black dots on back of cell. Filmed in black and white starts at an angle, then swirls to upright. With an orange colored motion circle drawn on.

00:51 BM starts out as black and white, then goes to color. Possibly two small analog clocks behind him on shelf; 12:14:40 (MICHAEL C H E )

00:53 Male sitting on swivel chair writing on a white board “Hope everyones staying safe and hanging in there!” 1980s style Pacman game on right. Filmed in black and white; white board has outline in shape of L and Pacman machine has yellow outline in shape of U. Yellow line moves off edges. Male swivels to camer with a thumbs up and smile. Part of image goes to color, part stays black and white. (P E T E DAVIDSON)

00:58 Male and female in kitchen. Female unloads dishwasher, male puts dishes in cubboard above her head. Filmed in black and white.

00:58 Male laying in children's bed with young boy, reading Back to the Future kids book. Filmed in black and white, green line drawn moving along edge of bed.

00:58 Man and young boy standing playing sword fighting. Teepee behind bed. Safari book w/ elephant on bookshelf. Globe with South America facing camera, with small portion of Africa. Balls on floor – spots - … —- …. – Filmed in black and white.

00:59 Man pouring large size box of Cap'n Crunch cereal into bowl. Carton of milk on table. Filmed in black and white, turns to color. (MIKEY D A Y)

01:02 Back to play sword fighting, adult male falls to ground, kid turns away. Black and white.

Anonymous ID: e245fe April 13, 2020, 9:27 a.m. No.8778451   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Going thru the archives, I'm seeing the word Snoopy in the same posts w/ Bill Gates. Weird.


Bill Gates is doing the snoopy dance repeated a few times. But I doubt that is who their snoopy references.