Anonymous ID: 0130f9 April 13, 2020, 10:05 a.m. No.8778668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8704 >>9093 >>9259 >>9321



Not only did China admit to harvesting and editing over 100 versions of the coronavirus, but they also fingered the National Institute of Health (NIH) as the government agency responsible for awarding close to $4 million in research grants to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.


According to an article published by Daily Mail, “The Wuhan Institute of Virology undertook coronavirus experiments on mammals captured more than 1,000 miles away in Yunnan which were funded by a $3.7 million grant from the U.S. government.”


Experimenters grew the virus in a lab and injected it into three-day-old piglets. Intestinal samples from sick piglets were ground up and fed to other piglets as well.


Daily Mail


The same article states that it’s a “conspiracy theory” to think that COVID-19 came from the Biosafety Level 4 Laboratory (BSL-4) in Wuhan, and stressed that the virus originated in a bat conveniently located only 20 miles away from the lab at Huanan Seafood Market. There’s a big problem with this however. No bats were ever found being sold at the Huanan Seafood Market.

This seems like an appropriate time to note that the Biosafety Level 4 Laboratory (BSL-4) in Wuhan is a specially designated World Health Organization (WHO) research lab.




In other words, the virus did not have the ability of being passed from animal to human until those working in the bioweapons lab edited elements of the virus that would make that possible. Though the Chinese want to place all blame on the virus originating from bats (in a seafood market no less), the science speaks for itself and it’s telling a different story.


The novel coronavirus COVID-19 so closely resembles two different bat SARS-like coronaviruses that it appears COVID-19 was created through “copy and pasting” the exact amino acid similarity and cannot be a natural mutation within bats or any other mammal.


The issue is in the S protein, otherwise known as the spike protein (seen in the image below as the blue rods that align the outside of the cell) which in natural occurrences of SARS-CoV-1 don’t have the ability to penetrate Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 Receptors or (ACE2 receptors) ripping the veil, and allowing the pathway of the virus to invade humans cells and destroy them.

Anonymous ID: 0130f9 April 13, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.8778704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9093 >>9259 >>9321




Could this be the true reason behind NIH, under the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci, and during the Obama administration in 2015, awarding $3.7 million in grants to the Chinese for further research?


We know that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation collaborated with the National Institute of Health (NIH) investing $100 million each to develop gene-based cures for AIDS and sickle cell, but is that as far as their connections reach? How much has BMGF donated to NIH over the years?


Remember, Bill Gates is the same man who wants to issue mandated vaccines to everyone on the planet who wants to leave their home and travel freely.


Call me crazy, but I don’t trust anyone who has such high stakes in offering a solution that includes a vaccine with technology that houses everything about you and your medical history by connecting you to “The Cloud”. Why would anyone trust a software engineer who created a computer virus to make money off of an antivirus? Gates is looking to repeat the process, only this time using our bodies. He has no medical degree, but his obsession with vaccinations and eugenics cannot be ignored.


But, what if China is only partially lying and the weaponization of the virus? What if it’s weaponization wasn’t done at the P4 bioweapon lab in Wuhan, but by the recently indicted Harvard Professor Charles Lieber who ran his own facility in exchange for a monthly payment of $50,000 by Wuhan University of Technology as a “Strategic Scientist”? The Chinese government also paid Lieber $1.5 million to set up and run the nearby lab, according to a court affidavit.


Why wouldn’t the Chinese government be interested in a Harvard Professor whose expertise lies in NANOSCIENCE? It’s impossible to not add 2+2 here and come up with 4. Conspiracy theory, or just rational speculation?

Was Lieber being paid to work on the weaponization of the virus, or even a vaccine for the virus?

“The Lieber Research Group’s website identifies its principal sponsors as NIH and DoD, including the Office of Naval Research (“ONR”) and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (“AFOSR”). Based upon records maintained by NIH, DoD, and Harvard University, I know that the Lieber Research Group has received more than $15,000,000 in grant funding from NIH and DoD since 2008.”


Lieber was working on a transistor as early as 2011 that could penetrate cell membranes. Could this have been why his research and development was so important to China, Wuhan specifically?


So what does all this mean? It appears that while working on weaponizing the known bat-like SARS-CoV-1 (coronavirus) in China, a new strain was created that allows for the permeability of human cells.

Is this more misinformation from China, their attempt to take no responsibility for the origin of the “Chinese Wuhan Coronavirus”, point the finger at the U.S., or blackmail the deep state? Time will tell.

The coronavirus had to be engineered in a lab based on the virus’s RNA, as author of Biowarfare and Terrorism author Dr. Francis Boyle explains in the following videos:

Anonymous ID: 0130f9 April 13, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.8778861   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I know many intelligent people who are rational and compassionate, but who do not have time or the right personality tyre to research Q. They could contribute greatly to REAL human welfare if they weren’t trapped in the false world created by the cabal. If scientific discoveries are kept from them, if real history is hidden from them, if real economic consequences are flat out faked, if imaginary crises are offered to distract them, their attention, intelligence and love is wasted.


This is what makes me most angry.


This is why we MUST have the truth exposed. ALL of it. Lying deprives us of our greatest human right, tha ability to devour rational minds to better our own lives.!Lying is genocide.