Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.8778755   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Fauci Said Cruises Were OK on March 9 – Fauci Said Malls, Movies, Gyms Were OK on Feb. 29 — Now He Wants to Blame Trump for His Failures!


On Sunday Dr. Anthony Fauci went on CNN and MSNBC and started to blame President Trump for his failures.


** Fauci went on CNN on Easter Sunday and suggested that President Trump should have shut down the country in February!


** Fauci later went on with Al Sharpton on MSNBC and and told Al Sharpton that he warned President Trump that “we were in real trouble” from the coronavirus.


Earlier today we reported on a list of several contradictory statements made by the good doctor.


Back on March 9 Dr. Fauci told Americans cruises were OK.


Here again is our list from earlier today–


1.) Dr. Fauci says he warned Trump in January that the US was in real trouble but that is not what he said publicly.


In January Dr. Anthony Fauci told Newsmax TV that the United States “did not have to worry” about the coronavirus and that it was “not a major threat.”


2.) Dr. Fauci warned of an apocalyptic coronavirus pandemic — then just weeks later he later compared the coronavirus to a bad flu.


3.) Dr. Fauci based all of his predictions on garbage IHME models that were OFF BY MILLIONS and then told reporters this past week, “You can’t really rely on models.”


4.) On March 20th Dr. Fauci jumped in and “corrected” the president during a press briefing on hydroxychloroquine treatment for coronavirus saying, “You got to be careful when you say ‘fairly effective.’ It was never done in a clinical trial… It was given to individuals and felt that maybe it worked.”


Exactly two weeks later hydroxychloroquine was deemed the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus in an international poll of more than 6,000 doctors.


5.) Dr. Fauci pushed these garbage models every step of the way.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:22 a.m. No.8778768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8819 >>9010

Morgan Stanley Publishes Full Timeline Of Upcoming Coronavirus Milestones; Sees Second Coronavirus Peak In December


Now that it has become clear that every day that the US economic shutdown continues as a result of the coronavirus pandemic means billions in economic losses and untold damages to the social fabric of the United States where over 20 million people will soon be unemployed, what all analysts - and frankly everyone else - want to know is i) when will the US reach the peak of the coronavirus curve and ii) when will the US start reopening.


Addressing the first, we showed some good news yesterday when the latest JPMorgan coronavirus "curve" showed the US fast approaching the peak of the curve, i.e., the end of the "late accumulation" phase, and sliding into recovery.


More corrupt models from cabal entities

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:24 a.m. No.8778790   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China Coronavirus is Linked to the Former Leader of the Chinese Communist Party, His Family and Soros Investments. Does This Surprise Anyone?


The deadly China coronavirus that has now circled the globe is connected to one of the former leaders in China and his family, as well as George Soros.


Who would have figured?


The China coronavirus has connections to former leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin. For starters, Jiang is the grandfather of Jiang Zhicheng, Who has a controlling interest in WuXi AppTec, which controls Fosun Pharma.


In January of this year, a few months ago as the coronavirus was first being reported in China, the Wuhan Institute of Virology applied for a patent on a US drug, Remdesivir, used for the treatment of Ebola and coronavirus infections. George Soros invests in WuXi.


TRENDING: Fauci Tells Sharpton He Warned Trump Admin in Mid to Late January "We Were in Real Trouble" from Coronavirus


We’ve previously reported on George Soros. We reported during the corrupt impeachment hearings how Obama’s State and Justice Departments were assisting George Soros in his attempt to control the Ukraine. Former US Attorney Joe diGenova called out George Soros as a Ukrainian oligarch who is anti free speech and attacks those who speak freely about him.


George Soros is a major Democrat donor and at the same time connected to numerous actions around the world that are very suspicious, if not corrupt. At the time of the 2017 Inauguration, we reported that Soros related groups were linked to every major protest since the November election.


Soros was interviewed years ago on CBS’s 60 Minutes where he admitted helping Nazi’s during World War II. He helped Nazis steal from Jews during the war. Soros is a Jew. Note that even in this video he parades his activities in the Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.8778818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8830 >>8851 >>9007 >>9093 >>9142 >>9259 >>9321

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem announces statewide hydroxychloroquine trial to formally test its effectiveness against COVID-19


'We're going to let the science, facts and data drive our decision-making'


South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) announced plans to launch a statewide trial Monday to formally test the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine — the anti-malaria drug touted by President Trump — against the novel coronavirus.


The action makes South Dakota the first state in the nation to implement a trial to test the drug's effectiveness in treating and preventing COVID-19.


In order to collect data about the potential treatment, doctors in the state have been instructed to prescribe the drug, along with the antibiotic azithromycin, to willing COVID-19 patients who desire to be a part of the trial.


"From Day One, I've said we're going to let the science, facts and data drive our decision-making in South Dakota," Noem said in a statement, according to Fox News.


Noem said that she has been in cooperation with the federal government in preparation for the trial.


"I made direct requests to President Trump and Vice President Pence to supply us with enough hydroxychloroquine so that it could be made available for every hospitalized person the state may have, as well as those for health care workers on the frontlines and those in the most vulnerable populations," Noem said.


"Today, I'm pleased to report we have received the initial doses we need," she added.


President Trump has been optimistic about hydroxychloroquine since three separate studies showed it to be a potentially effective at treating and preventing the disease. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration fast-tracked the drug for the treatment of COVID-19 in late March.


Health experts such as Dr. Anthony Fauci have tempered the president's optimism, saying that proof of the drug's effectiveness is anecdotal.


"[Tests were] not done in a controlled clinical trial. So you really can't make any definitive statement about it," Fauci suggested, according to ABC News.


Now, South Dakota will attempt to scientifically settle that issue.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:29 a.m. No.8778827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8855 >>8875 >>9035

Adam Schiff Wants to Investigate Trump Over Coronavirus – Hold Hearings Before 2020 Election


This really is amazing.

Back in February Democrats led by Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi were pushing through a sham impeachment trial in their latest attempt to remove President Trump from office.


It didn’t work.

At the same time reports were spreading of a dangerous virus running rampant in Wuhan, China.

President Trump in January banned flights from China before there were deaths in the US.

Democrats including Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden attacked President Trump for being xenophobic for banning the Chinese flights.

Now Adam Schiff wants to another sham investigation, show trial and impeachment proceeding of President Trump before the election.


This is today’s Democrat Party.

Angry, unhinged, undisciplined, out of ideas and out of control.


Schiff missed the media attention.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.8778840   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Yet another Democrat bans religious gatherings in face of coronavirus fears


'Twas the night before Easter …


New Mexico Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham amended her mass gathering ban to fight the spread of the coronavirus to include houses of worship, the Las Cruces Sun News reported.


The change was made Saturday — the day before Easter, the paper said, adding that the ban on gatherings of five or more people previously exempted religious gatherings.


"I am so grateful for the support and cooperation from the vast majority of religious leaders of all faiths who have already made the difficult decision to cancel services in the interest of the health and safety of their members," Lujan Grisham said, according to the Sun News. "I understand the tremendous social and spiritual burden this places on New Mexicans, but ultimately, we must do everything we can to limit the spread of COVID-19, including being absolutely clear that mass gatherings of any type are not permitted in houses of worship."


Of 39 states that have implemented stay-at-home orders, only 11 have exceptions for religious gatherings — and most of those require social distancing at services, the paper said.

A growing left-wing chorus


On Good Friday, Kentucky Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear warned that anyone caught attending a "mass gathering" in the state over Easter weekend would have their license plates recorded by state police and then would be forced into a two-week self-quarantine.


Still, dozens of cars were in the parking lot of the Maryville Baptist Church in Hillview on Easter morning despite Beshear's threat — and despite nails spread at the parking lot's entrances.


After the Democratic mayor of Louisville banned drive-in services for Easter, U.S. District Judge Justin Walker on Saturday granted a Louisville church a temporary restraining order against Greg Fischer's mandate, thoroughly rebuking him: "The Mayor's decision is stunning. And it is, 'beyond all reason,' unconstitutional."


In addition:


Far-left New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened last month to permanently shut down churches and synagogues that did not comply with his order to not gather.

Police in Greenville, Mississippi, were caught on video last week handing out $500 tickets to Temple Baptist Church members who'd gathered in their cars with their windows rolled up in the church parking lot to hear a service on the radio. Their actions were deemed a defiance of Democratic Mayor Errick Simmons' executive order that all church buildings are to be closed for both in-person and drive-in services.

Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam last month criminalized gatherings of larger than 10 people — including churches.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.8778845   🗄️.is 🔗kun

British PM Boris Johnson tested negative for coronavirus before leaving hospital – spokesman


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson tested negative for the deadly Covid-19 coronavirus before his discharge from hospital, a spokesman has said. The PM will only return to work when cleared by his medical team.


Johnson, 55, was discharged from hospital on Sunday, a week after he was admitted with a severe case of coronavirus. The Prime Minister spent several days in intensive care, and said after his discharge that “it could have gone either way.”


A spokesman for the PM said on Monday that Johnson tested negative for the virus before his release. He will nevertheless continue to rest at his country residence at Chequers, and “any decisions which he makes in relation to when he returns to government work will be following the advice of his medical team," the spokesman added.


Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab will continue to deputize for Johnson.


Johnson’s insistence on working remotely, following his initial diagnosis in March, has been blamed for his eventual hospitalization. Though the premier appeared visibly sick while he addressed the public, he nonetheless continued releasing video messages and chairing “digital cabinets.”


Still, even Johnson’s fiercest opponents wished him well during his time in hospital. #PrayForBoris trended on Twitter, and new Labour leader Keir Starmer and Scottish National Party head Nicola Sturgeon were among the well-wishers.


When he does return to work, Johnson will head a government that is still drawing criticism for its response to the pandemic. His cabinet has faced persistent criticism for shortages of protective gear in hospitals, and the public's patience for the strict lockdown measures in place has begun to wear thin.


Meanwhile, the death toll has continued to rise unabated. 737 new fatalities on Sunday brought the UK’s confirmed deaths above 10,000, while infections rose to nearly 84,000, passing China’s 82,000.


Globally, more than 1.8 million people have caught the virus, and more than 115,000 have died.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.8778858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9093 >>9259 >>9321

Surgeon General: We’re Working with Real Coronavirus Data Now, Not Models


Surgeon General Jerome Adams emphasized in an interview on Monday with Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow that the Coronavirus Task Force is working with real data from the United States, instead of predictive models.


“What the American people need to know now is we actually have data, and so we’re tracking that data,” Adams said during the interview.


Previously, the task force was working with predictive models, frequently criticized because of their tendency to exaggerate the possible effect of the virus on the United States. Models predicting the deaths of millions and hundreds of thousands in America appear to be overblown, as the real-time data is showing the death count much lower.


Adams said that the models usually took data from different cultures and places around the globe, but they were able to track more accurately what could happen in the United States based on real data gathered in places such as California and New York.


“We’re following this data every single day, and we’re giving that data to communities so that they can make informed and intelligent decisions about when and where to reopen,” he said.


A significant indicator for communities being allowed to reopen, Adams said, was actual testing data, not a predictive model.


“I feel confident that some places will start to reopen in May and June. Other places won’t; it will be piece by piece, bit by bit, but will be data-driven,” he said.


Adams praised South Korea and Singapore, which closed their borders early, just like the United States did with travelers from China. But he said there are lessons learned across the board.


“No one alive has dealt with this before, and no one has got it exactly right,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:35 a.m. No.8778868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8941

Trump Says Decision To Reopen Economy ‘Will Be Made Shortly’


President Donald Trump said Monday that the decision to reopen the U.S. economy is his to make, and that a decision “will be made shortly.”


“For the purpose of creating conflict and confusion, some in the Fake News Media are saying that it is the Governors decision to open up the states, not that of the President of the United States & the Federal Government,” Trump tweeted. “Let it be fully understood that this is incorrect. It is the decision of the President, and for many good reasons.”


“A decision by me, in conjunction with the Governors and input from others, will be made shortly!” the president concluded.


The U.S. economy has largely been shut down since the White House issued strict social distancing guidelines in March in order to slow the spread of coronavirus. Since then, 42 states have been placed under a stay-at-home order. The guidelines are set to expire April 30, and Trump has emphasized his desire to get people back to work, as nearly 17 million Americans have filed for unemployment over the past few weeks.


The president said Friday that reopening the economy is the biggest decision of his life.


“I’m gonna have to make a decision, and I only hope to God it is the right decision,” Trump said. “But I would say without question, it is the biggest decision I have ever had to make.”

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:37 a.m. No.8778883   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9093 >>9259 >>9321

NY, NJ, CT Governors Plan ‘Regional’ Reopening of Economies


The Democrat governors of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut are discussing plans Monday for a coordinated regional reopening of their economies after the coronavirus pandemic subsides.


“It all has to be coordinated regionally,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) said during a briefing in Albany Sunday, reported the Center Square. “We closed everything down in a coordinated fashion, and we did it regionally. … That partnership is very important for our individual states and our collective states.”


Cuomo said he would be speaking with New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy and Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont about a coordinated effort.


In his own state, Cuomo issued two more executive orders, one directing employers in essential businesses to provide staff with masks while interacting with the public, and another to expand antibody testing.


“The keys to reopening the economy are continuing to limit the spread of the virus and ramping up antibody testing,” the governor said. “These measures will be key to getting people back to work and making sure they are protected when they do go back.”


Lamont tweeted a video message about the “partnership” among the three states for a “back-to-work strategy”:


The Connecticut governor has extended school closings until May 20.


The state is suffering from a dramatic drop in sales tax revenue during the current lockdown, and some economists suggest the consumer purchasing trends that existed prior to the onset of the coronavirus crisis may become a permanent fixture in the post-pandemic landscape.


“I can’t recall a time when I’ve seen greater economic uncertainty in my 40 years of doing this,” DataCore Partners economist Don Klepper-Smith, former Connecticut chief economic adviser, told CT Mirror.


“Before the coronavirus this was an economy based on consumption and more consumption,” he explained. “All of that is going to be revamped now. People are going to take inventory of what’s important in life.”


Murphy, said Sunday on CBS News’s Face the Nation, that any economic restart must evolve after the infection caused by the novel coronavirus has subsided:


Any sort of economic reopening or recovery depends first and foremost on a complete health care recovery. Getting that sequencing right, I think based on the data and the facts that we’re seeing, is incredibly essential and that, if we either transpose those steps or we start to get back on our feet too soon, I fear based on the data we’re looking at, we could be throwing gasoline on the fire.


Cuomo said he has been working jointly with the other nearby governors as well as local governments from his own state.


“I work cooperatively with all the local governments, and I hope Nassau County, Suffolk County, New York City, Westchester County, New Jersey, Connecticut, that we can all get on the same page,” Cuomo said. “That’s the ideal. But at the end of the day, there’s one page. There’s one page and there’s one plan.”

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.8778894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9093 >>9259 >>9321

UK National Health Service Trials ‘Trump Pills’ to Treat Coronavirus


Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) is to trial anti-malaria drugs dubbed “Trump pills” by some supporters of the U.S. President after he touted them as a possible “gamechanger” in the fight against coronavirus.


President Trump tweeted that “HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & AZITHROMYCIN, taken together, have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine” after anecdotal information suggested they may improve coronavirus patients’ prospects.


This drew the ire of much of the mainstream media and sections of the medical establishment, as the drugs’ efficacy has not been definitively proven in clinical trials, with the evidence for its usefulness, such as it is, coming largely from China, controversial French studies, and individual clinicians such as Dr Anthony Cardillo of Los Angeles and Dr Vladimir Zelenko of New York — who had claimed a 100 per cent success rate using hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in combination with zinc sulfate.


President Trump has taken a decidedly anti-bureaucratic approach to whether or not clinicians should experiment with such treatments, saying: “What do you have to lose? Take it.”


“[W]e don’t have time to go and say, ‘Gee, let’s take a couple of years and test it out, and let’s go and test with the test tubes and the laboratories,’” the President said in response to critics highlighting the lack of definitive proof that the drugs work — an endorsement which has caused prominent supporters such as cartoonist and commentator Scott Adams to dub them “Trump pills”.


In the United Kingdom, meanwhile, a correspondent to The Telegraph has previously criticised Chris Whitty, the Chief Medical Officer for England, for allegedly having “banned doctors from treating Covid-19 with anything other than paracetamol and, in severe cases, oxygen”.


“Professor Whitty’s position is that British doctors may not use therapies that have not undergone double blind controlled trials here,” claimed the correspondent, one Dr Steven R Hopkins.


“This could condemn many thousands to avoidable death through a failure to recognise that different rules should apply when patients are dying at such a rate… hydroxychloroquine is well-known, with a well-understood side-effect profile. It is safe,” he suggested.


Now the National Health Service (NHS) does appear to be conceding that hydroxychloroquine may have some merit, with St Bartholomew’s Hospital, known colloquially as “Barts”, and the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital trialling its use in some patients.


“Barts Health NHS Trust has convened an expert clinical group to consider novel medications in the treatment of Covid-19,” a spokesman told The Telegraph.


“The evidence base is limited for all such drugs and we are actively recruiting patients to major clinical trials that have been prioritised by the Department of Health and Social Care.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.8778901   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Belgium: 43 Arrests After Rioters Stone Police, Fire Shots from Stolen Service Weapon


Dozens of people have been arrested in the Brussels municipality of Anderlecht after migration-background youths staged a riot and fired shots from a stolen police service weapon.


The trigger for the riot in the European Union capital — which is under strict lockdown as Belgium experiences one of the worst per capita coronavirus death tolls in the world — seems to have been the death of a 19-year-old identified as “Adil”.


The young suffered fatal injuries after running a police checkpoint on a scooter and subsequently colliding with a police van which was sent as back-up, according to POLITICO.


Calls for a “protest” soon followed, despite bans on public gatherings, and video footage shows youths who appear to be from a migration background trashing police vehicles with slabs of stone in the middle of the street.


Reports indicate that the “protest” escalated to the point of an individual disguised by a balaclava firing shots from a handgun which was stolen from the police, ending in at least 43 arrests.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:43 a.m. No.8778919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8946 >>9034

Israeli Troops Open Fire on Palestinian Farmers in Southern Gaza


Israeli troops opened fire, early on Sunday morning, on a number of Palestinian farmers in the southern besieged Gaza Strip.


Local Palestinian media sources and witnesses said that Israeli troops, stationed on watch towers, near the border fence with Khuza’a village, southeast of the coastal territory, opened fire with their machine guns indiscriminately towards a number of local farmers, while bending down in labor.


Sources added that the Israeli troops’ fire caused no causalities, but spread panic among farmers, forcing them to leave their farmlands immediately.


Israeli army fire on border areas are reported frequently, as Israel has created a buffer zone of about 300 meters width, along the eastern and northern border fence with Gaza.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.8778939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8964 >>8968 >>9167

ABC News host George Stephanopoulos, 59, tests positive for coronavirus but has NO SYMPTOMS despite infected wife Ali Wentworth saying she had 'never been sicker'


George Stephanopoulos has tested positive for coronavirus, less than two weeks after his wife revealed she had 'never been sicker' as she quarantined at home with the illness.

On April 1, Ali Wentworth shared a photo of herself suffering in bed with high fever, body aches and a heavy chest while enduring what's regarded as mild symptoms the illness.

But on Monday as he revealed on Good Morning America that he too had COVID-19, Stephanopoulos shared that he was asymptomatic and feeling fine.

Discussing Wentworth's progress with is co-hosts Robin Roberts and Michael Strahan, Stephanopoulos said 'she's doing much, much better', going onto her fifth day with no fever and slowly getting out of bed a little bit more each day'.]

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.8778970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8991 >>8997 >>9403

‘Voter Suppression At Its Finest’: Wisconsin Citizens Say Missing Ballots, Lines and Coronavirus Kept Them from Being Counted in Election


With just hours before election results are released, many Wisconsin citizens say they never got the chance to cast their votes.

After a chaotic week culminating in a last-minute U.S. Supreme Court order, questions remain about the validity of the process for people who never received their absentee ballots.

Over the past several days, reporters interviewed 32 would-be voters who said they were forced to choose between going to the polls during a pandemic and not having their votes counted.

More than 500 people, responding to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in an online form, said they requested their ballots in advance but did not receive them in time.

A picture emerged of voters disappointed, angry and confused about how the election played out in a state that has long prided itself on taking voting seriously.

Roseann Schmidt, an 80-year-old disabled breast cancer survivor who lives in Milwaukee, said she applied twice for an absentee ballot.

After her first attempt was rejected because she did not know how to attach a photo ID, Schmidt applied a second time with the help of a disability rights advocate.

Although Schmidt got confirmation that the ballot was mailed, no envelope had arrived by election day, she said.

“I felt so bad all day,” she said. “All day, off and on, I just burst into crying. I just felt so bad, physically sick and then not being able to go and vote on top of it all. My day just felt so empty. It was nothing. It was just fruitless.”

Several would-be voters in Milwaukee said they were recovering from COVID-19.

Hannah Gleeson, a 34-year-old health care worker, said she knew voting in person was not going to be an option for her after she tested positive for coronavirus in late March.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.8778976   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Almost 23,000 fined in Italy for breaking coronavirus social distancing rules


Thousands of people who went out in Italy ahead of Easter were fined by police for ignoring coronavirus guidelines.

Between Friday and Saturday alone, 22,956 people and 397 businesses were fined for breaking social distancing and shutdown rules, according to the interior ministry.

Italy had crackdown down heading into Easter, sending out drones to surveil the countryside, looking for family gatherings for the holiday. Police also frequented tourist spots and areas like beaches as spring creeps in.

“Even at Easter, we all have to remain at home,” Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese said, according to The Telegraph. “Staying at home will allow Italy to reopen as soon as possible. People who cannot justify their journeys will be fined.”

In an attempt to stop the spread of coronavirus, Italy has been locked down for weeks, with people only allowed to leave for essential work, grocery shopping or medical appointments.

More than 156,000 people have tested positive for coronavirus so far in Italy, which was the epicenter of the outbreak in Europe. Almost 20,000 people have died so far.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.8778989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9093 >>9259 >>9321

Pelosi is trying to Sneak in H.R 5717, the most aggressive gun control bill of all time into the 4th Stimulus package. Includes a 30% tax, federal licensure, aggressive ban on many firearms and more.


Never let a crisis go to waste.


Now we sh*t all over the Bill of Rights, or they won’t vote on bills to help people out.


Remember when Pelosi raced to get her shampeachment in December, but then mysteriously stalled for a month before serving it to to Senate? Seemed weird.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:56 a.m. No.8778998   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Phoenix mayor encourages people to call the police on anyone participating in large gatherings at city parks


The mayor of Phoenix sent out a tweet advising residents to call the police on anyone participating in large gatherings at city parks.


"If residents need to report large gatherings at city parks they can call the @PhoenixPolice non-emergency line: 602-262-6151," Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego wrote on her official Twitter account.


Gallego said, "Easter Sunday is the equivalent of Super Bowl weekend but, not this year," a reference to the closure of park amenities.

"To ensure the health of all Phoenicians and Parks employees there will be NO picnics or BBQ in city parks. Parking lots will be closed unless vehicles display a handicapped placard," the Democratic mayor, elected last March, also tweeted. "Park amenities such as playgrounds, athletic courts, and bathrooms are already closed and will remain so. Open green spaces and walking paths will remain open to allow residents access to fresh air. Please protect public health and #StayHome."


Gallego declared a state of emergency on March 17, forcing the closure of bars and restaurants, but allowing takeout, delivery, and drive-thru orders.


Arizona has over 3,300 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with 108 deaths, according to the Arizona Department of Health Services. Maricopa County, where Phoenix is located, has over 1,800 coronavirus cases. This is the highest number in the state, Pima County is second in Arizona with 591 cases.


This comes after another Democratic mayor, Louisville's Greg Fischer, prohibited drive-in church services. However, the On Fire Christian Church filed a lawsuit. On Saturday, U.S. District Judge Justin Walker issued a temporary restraining order, which prevents the city from barring the church from holding church services while congregants are practicing social distancing in their cars.


There was also the case of Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) declaring that anyone caught attending a "mass gathering" over Easter weekend will have their license plate number recorded by state police and forced to serve a two-week self-quarantine. That decree was immediately opposed by fellow Kentucky statesmen Rep. Thomas Massie (R) and Sen. Rand Paul (R).

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 10:57 a.m. No.8779012   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cops bust Christian service, criminally charge pastor for having 16 people in 293-seat building


After the service, two police officers entered the church in full mask and gloves and asked to speak with the pastor.


CHINCOTEAGUE ISLAND, Virginia, April 9, 2020 (Liberty Counsel) — Police served a summons to the pastor of Lighthouse Fellowship for holding a church service for 16 people spaced far apart in a sanctuary that seats 293.


The charge is violating Virginia Governor Northam’s COVID Order 55 with a penalty up to a year in jail and/or a $2,500 fine. Liberty Counsel is representing Pastor Kevin Wilson and Lighthouse Fellowship Church.


Last Sunday before the service, a local police officer entered the church. He gave no introduction and did not ask for the pastor. He abruptly said they could not have more than 10 people spaced six feet apart. Then after the service, two police officers entered the church in full mask and gloves and asked to speak with the pastor. They issued Pastor Wilson a summons and informed him that if he had service on Easter, and if more than ten people attended, everyone would receive the same summons.


Lighthouse Fellowship helps keep people free of drug addiction, brokenness, mental illness, poverty, and prostitution. Many of the members do not have driver’s licenses and are dependent on the church family for rides to get food, supplies, and go to medical appointments and personal care services like haircuts. Many attendees are on limited income obtained from government assistance — whether disability or social security, Medicare or Medicaid. The church has helped various members with electric or gas bills, rent, groceries, physical labor and transportation for moving, donating time, expertise and resources for repairing and renovating houses and travel trailers, cooking meals, helping people to apply for disability benefits, providing rides to medical appointments, clothes, and wood for stoves, fuel for cars, and cutting grass. The church also offers a blanket ministry, prayer ministry, discipleship programs, and counseling services.


Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel Mat Staver said, “Lighthouse Fellowship Church protected the health and safety of the 16 people by requiring them to be spread far apart in the 293-seat sanctuary. The church does not have internet. Some people do not have cars and they depend on the ministry of the church for their physical and spiritual needs. But because the church had six more people than the 10 allowed by Gov. Ralph Northam, the pastor is being criminally charged. There is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ template that works for every church. We need to balance the First Amendment with protecting the health and welfare of people. Using an arbitrary number of 10 people for every church is not the answer.”


Liberty Counsel is a nonprofit, litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of life, and the family since 1989, by providing pro bono assistance and representation on these and related topics. Liberty Counsel provides broadcast quality TV interviews via Hi-Def Skype and LTN at no cost.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 11:01 a.m. No.8779038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9101

REVEALED: U.S. government gave $3.7million grant to Wuhan lab at center of coronavirus leak scrutiny that was performing experiments on bats from the caves where the disease is believed to have originated


The US National Institutes of Health, a government agency, awarded a $3.7million research grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology

The lab is the center of several conspiracy theories that suggest it is the original source of the coronavirus outbreak

The institute experimented on bats from the source of the coronavirus

They were captured more than 1,000 miles away in Yunnan

Sequencing of the Covid-19 genome has traced it to bats to Yunnan's caves

The U.S. government funded research on coronavirus transmission in the lab over the past decade


The Chinese laboratory at the center of scrutiny over a potential coronavirus leak has been using U.S. government money to carry out research on bats from the caves which scientists believe are the original source of the deadly outbreak.


The Wuhan Institute of Virology undertook coronavirus experiments on mammals captured more than 1,000 miles away in Yunnan which were funded by a $3.7 million grant from the US government.


Sequencing of the COVID-19 genome has traced it back to bats found in Yunnan caves but it was first thought to have transferred to humans at an animal market in Wuhan.


The revelation that the Wuhan Institute was experimenting on bats from the area already known to be the source of COVID-19 - and doing so with American money - has sparked further fears that the lab, and not the market, is the original outbreak source.


Lawmakers and pressure groups were quick to hit out at U.S. funding being provided for the 'dangerous and cruel animal experiments at the Wuhan Institute'.


US Congressman Matt Gaetz said: 'I'm disgusted to learn that for years the US government has been funding dangerous and cruel animal experiments at the Wuhan Institute, which may have contributed to the global spread of coronavirus, and research at other labs in China that have virtually no oversight from US authorities.'


On Saturday, Anthony Bellotti, president of the US pressure group White Coat Waste, condemned his government for spending tax dollars in China, adding: 'Animals infected with viruses or otherwise sickened and abused in Chinese labs reportedly may be sold to wet markets for consumption once experiments are done.'

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.8779054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9152

JPMorgan Chase: You will need credit score of 700 and above only with 20% down to buy a home now.


JPMorgan Chase, the country’s largest lender by assets, is raising borrowing standards this week for most new home loans as the bank moves to mitigate lending risk stemming from the novel coronavirus disruption.


From Tuesday, customers applying for a new mortgage will need a credit score of at least 700, and will be required to make a down payment equal to 20% of the home’s value.


The change highlights how banks are quickly shifting gears to respond to the darkening U.S. economic outlook and stress in the housing market, after measures to contain the virus put 16 million people out of work and plunged the country into recession.


“Due to the economic uncertainty, we are making temporary changes that will allow us to more closely focus on serving our existing customers,” Amy Bonitatibus, chief marketing officer for JPMorgan Chase’s home lending business, told Reuters.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.8779061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Los Angeles adds new sexual battery count against Weinstein


Los Angeles prosecutors have charged imprisoned former film producer Harvey Weinstein with an additional count of felony sexual battery by restraint.


The district attorney’s office said the charge was filed over allegations the former movie mogul sexually assaulted a woman at a Beverly Hills hotel in May 2010. The woman was initially interviewed by detectives as a corroborating witness but recently provided details showing her alleged assault occurred within the 10-year statute of limitations.


The charge has been added to a Los Angeles case that alleges Weinstein sexually assaulted two women in separate incidents in 2013.


Weinstein, 68, was convicted in February of rape and sexual assault in New York and is serving a 23-year prison sentence. He recently overcame a bout with coronavirus. It is unknown when he will be transported to face the charges in Los Angeles.


Los Angeles prosecutors on Friday said they are declining to prosecute two other cases involving Weinstein because the women did not want to testify against him. Both alleged victims are described in a document as actresses, and one testified against Weinstein at his New York trial.


Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey said investigators continue to work to strengthen their case against Weinstein. “As we gather corroborating evidence, we have reached out to other possible sexual assault victims,” she said in a statement. “If we find new evidence of a previously unreported crime, as we did here, we will investigate and determine whether additional criminal charges should be filed.”


A spokesman for Weinstein had no immediate comment on the new charge.


Weinstein, the Oscar-winning producer of “Shakespeare in Love,” was convicted of raping an aspiring actress in 2013 and forcibly performing oral sex on a TV and film production assistant in 2006. His lawyers have said they’ll appeal his prison sentence.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.8779070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9123 >>9228

70 coronavirus vaccines in the works, three being tested on human: WHO


There are 70 coronavirus vaccines in development globally, with three candidates already being tested in human trials, according to the World Health Organization, as drugmakers race to find a cure for the deadly pathogen.


The furthest along in the clinical process is an experimental vaccine developed by Hong Kong-listed CanSino Biologics Inc. and the Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, which is in phase 2. The other two being tested in humans are treatments developed separately by U.S. drugmakers Moderna Inc. and Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc., according to a WHO document.


Progress is occurring at unprecedented speed in developing vaccines as the infectious pathogen looks unlikely to be stamped out through containment measures alone. The drug industry is hoping to compress the time it takes to get a vaccine to market – usually about 10 to 15 years – to within the next year.


Drugmakers big and small have jumped in to try to develop a vaccine, which would be the most effective way to contain the virus. Pharmaceutical giants like Pfizer Inc. and Sanofi have vaccine candidates in the preclinical stages, according to the WHO document.


CanSino said last month it received Chinese regulatory approval to start human trials of its vaccine. Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Moderna – which has never put out a product – received regulatory approval to move quickly to human trials in March, skipping the years of animal trials that are the norm in developing vaccines. Inovio began its human trials last week.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.8779082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9111 >>9127 >>9153 >>9185 >>9217 >>9259 >>9321

America should be ready for 18 months of shutdowns in ‘long, hard road’ ahead, warns the Fed’s Neel Kashkari


This could be a long, hard road that we have ahead of us until we get to either an effective therapy or a vaccine. It’s hard for me to see a V-shaped recovery under that scenario.’


That’s Neel Kashkari, the head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, painting a rather gloomy picture in a CBS interview on Sunday morning of what lies ahead for the U.S. economy as the country continues to battle the coronavirus pandemic.


Kashkari, while acknowledging the downside of what a prolonged shutdown could mean for the economy, said the U.S., “barring some health-care miracle,” is looking at an 18-month strategy of rolling shutdowns based on what has happened in other countries.


“We could have these waves of flare-ups, controls, flare-ups and controls, until we actually get a therapy or a vaccine,” he said. “We need to find ways of getting the people who are healthy, who are at lower risk, back to work and then providing the assistance to those who are most at risk, who are going to need to be quarantined or isolated for the foreseeable future.”


Looking ahead, Kashkari doesn’t envision a quick rebound for the U.S. economy, which has already suffered more than 16 million job losses in the past three weeks.


“This could be a long, hard road that we have ahead of us until we get to either an effective therapy or a vaccine,” he said. “It’s hard for me to see a V-shaped recovery under that scenario.”

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 11:09 a.m. No.8779089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9259 >>9321

Millions of Spaniards are allowed to resume their 'non-essential' jobs as 'industrial lockdown' is lifted and lowest number of cases for 24 days is announced - while Italy prepares to open some shops tomorrow


Spain is starting to return to work today as non-essential workers such as factory and construction personnel were allowed to resume their jobs after a two-week ban.

Police were handing out millions of masks at Spanish metro stations today as some people returned to work, although the wider coronavirus lockdown remains in force.

The people returning today include metalworkers, builders, cleaners, factory and shipyard workers and people involved in sanitation and security.

One construction union said the resumption in the materials, wood and furniture industries would lead to at least 1.7million people returning to work, although today is a public holiday in some regions of Spain.

The two-week 'hibernation' of non-essential business was imposed on March 30, making the lockdown even tougher than in Britain where people have always been able to travel if they cannot work from home.

There was further encouragement for Spain today as the number of new cases fell to 3,477, the fewest since March 20. The daily death toll also dropped back to 517 after jumping sharply to 619 yesterday.

Meanwhile, Italy will allow bookshops, stationery shops and stores selling children's clothes to re-open tomorrow in the first loosening of Europe's longest lockdown.

In Denmark, schools and daycare centres will re-open on Wednesday, allowing some parents to return to work.

Austria is also opening some shops this week, but France's president Emmanuel Macron is expected to warn later that the lockdown there will last weeks longer.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 11:10 a.m. No.8779099   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CIA’s Candidate for Iraq PM Fails to Secure Support, the New PM-Designate Is Iran-Friendly


The new PM-designate was involved in the anti-ISIS campaign as intelligence chief


With the appointment of intelligence chief Mustafa al-Kadhimi as Iraq’s new prime minister-designate, Iraq’s President Barham Salih is attempting for the third time this year to end a months-long political deadlock.


Kadhimi is the latest candidate tasked with forming a government after Adnan al-Zurfi, unable to obtain support among Iraq’s political parties, withdrew his bid Thursday morning.


“This decision will not stop me from serving the public through my current parliamentary position. I will continue to work and prepare the country for the upcoming early elections and other challenges,” Zurfi said on Twitter.


Already facing resistance from Shiite blocs who labeled him a “candidate of the CIA,” Zurfi’s candidacy was dealt a major blow when the parliament’s main Kurdish and Sunni parties pulled their support for the former Najaf governor this week.


Iraq’s political crisis kicked off in late November when Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi resigned amid sweeping anti-government protests aimed at dismantling the political establishment. Salih then tapped Mohammed Tawfiq Allawi, a former communications minister, who withdrew his candidacy for the premiership a month later.


The 53-year-old Kadhimi now has 30 days to assemble a cabinet subject to approval by Iraq’s highly fractured parliament. The fact that nearly all Iraq’s political bloc leaders were present at his nomination ceremony suggests that Kadhimi’s candidacy has a greater chance of success than the two previous appointees. Kadhimi himself is unaffiliated with any political party.


Kadhimi has led the Iraqi National Intelligence Service since 2016, overseeing much of the battle against the Islamic State and his agency played a key role in the hunt for IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Kadhimi was also a prominent opposition figure during Saddam Hussein’s rule and also worked as an author and journalist, including as the Iraq Pulse editor for Al-Monitor.


In a tweet Thursday, the new prime minister-designate promised a new government “that radiates the aspirations and demands of the Iraqis at the top of its priorities, safeguards the sovereignty of the country, preserves rights.”


This latest attempt at forming a government in Iraq comes as the United States and Iraq prepare to meet next month to discuss the status of American troops in the country. Referring to the United States as “Iraq’s closest friend,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently proposed a “strategic dialogue” with Baghdad to begin in June. The dialogue would include the continued partnership between the US-led coalition and Iraq against IS. Pompeo also warned that Iraq risked “economic collapse” as a result of falling oil prices and the impact of the COVID-19 virus.


The US-led coalition assembled to fight IS has in recent weeks pulled out of several smaller bases in Iraq in what military officials say was part of a long-planned repositioning unrelated to recent rocket attacks from Iranian-backed militias. Most recently, rockets landed near the site of the US oil company Halliburton in southern Iraq on April 6.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 11:13 a.m. No.8779118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9259 >>9321

Virginia governor makes Election Day a holiday and expands early voting


Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam announced Sunday that he signed a series of new measures into law aimed at expanding access to voting in the commonwealth.

The new legislation will establish Election Day as a holiday, remove the requirement that voters show a photo ID prior to casting a ballot and, expand early voting to be allowed 45 days before an election without a stated reason.

"Voting is a fundamental right, and these new laws strengthen our democracy by making it easier to cast a ballot, not harder," Northam said in a statement. "No matter who you are or where you live in Virginia, your voice deserves to be heard. I'm proud to sign these bills into law."


Several states and cities have already made Election Day a civic holiday, including Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky and New York. State offices typically close, though it depends on the state whether employees are entitled to paid time off to vote.

Proponents say making Election Day a holiday could improve voter turnout. But Election Day may not become a federal holiday anytime soon – it's drawn deep division along party lines.

In January 2019, Democrats proposed a sweeping bill that would make Election Day a national holiday among other measures. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said the measure would pay government workers to "hang out at the polls during an election" or campaign for candidates.

The new legislation also repeals the current Lee-Jackson day holiday which honored Robert E. Lee and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson as "defenders of causes." Both men owned slaves and fought to preserve slavery in the US.

The holiday is typically observed with Civil War-themed parades, wreath layings and reenactments hosted by Confederate memorial groups, though these celebrations are increasingly unpopular. Defenders of the holiday say it honors Virginia history.


"We need to make Election Day a holiday," Northam had said in his State of the Commonwealth speech earlier this year.

"We can do it by ending the Lee-Jackson holiday that Virginia holds … It commemorates a lost cause. It's time to move on."

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.8779149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9192

Data Suggests American Companies ARE Pulling Manufacturing From China


Forbes magazine reports that United States manufacturers are, in fact, pulling their operations from China amid concerns that the country lied about the origins of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, and hid key information from the U.S. and other countries about the true impact of the virus, including the country’s death count.

An initial exodus of manufacturing, the report says, began because of an impending trade war, and because of a lack of cooperation by Chinese authorities in resolving what the White House labeled a “trade imbalance.” Experts now expect the exodus to continue because of the pandemic.

“Global manufacturing consulting firm Kearney released its seventh annual Reshoring Index on Tuesday, showing what it called a ‘dramatic reversal’ of a five-year trend as domestic U.S. manufacturing in 2019 commanded a significantly greater share versus 14 Asian exporters tracked in the study,” Forbes reported Saturday. “Manufacturing imports from China were the hardest hit.”

Companies have been pulling back because of increased tariffs on Chinese-made goods, preferring instead to make those same products in countries with a better current trade relationship with the Trump administration, particularly countries in North America, many of whom just inked a new trade agreement with the White House. Those countries in southeast Asia with similar manufacturing capacity to China but friendlier governments, like Vietnam, have also benefitted. Vietnam absorbed 46% of the manufacturing moved from China.

The cost of manufacturing in China has risen significantly in the last year, and with relations now further souring, costs will only go up.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.8779158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9196 >>9246

Alexa how long will coronavirus last?


Coronavirus will last another two weeks but a FACTION known as the democratic will try to keep it going for at least six months to try to steal an election.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 11:21 a.m. No.8779181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9229 >>9249 >>9259 >>9321

Man, 39, faces 20 years in prison 'for attempting to sell 125 million nonexistent face masks to the Department of Veterans Affairs worth $750M'


A Georgia man could face up to 20 years behind bars for attempting to sell nonexistent personal protective equipment (PPE) worth $750million to the Department of Veterans Affairs.


Christopher Parris, 39, was arrested on Friday after he allegedly made a series of fraudulent misrepresentations to secure orders from Veterans Affairs for 125 million face masks and other PPE, according to a statement from Attorney General William Barr.


A complaint alleges that Parris promised that he could obtain millions of genuine 3M masks from domestic factories 'when he knew that fulfilling the orders would not be possible'.

Anonymous ID: 432918 April 13, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.8779221   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9321

Jordan: Two TV executives arrested for airing virus complaints


April 13, 2020 at 3:29 pm


The Jordanian military has arrested two television executives, the owner of Roya TV and its news director after the channel aired a segment featuring labourers complaining about their inability to work due to the government-mandated coronavirus lockdown.


Roya TV released a statement on Friday confirming Thursday’s arrest of the channel’s news director, Mohammad al-Khalidi, and the general manager and owner, Fares Sayegh.


The statement said, “the public prosecution at the state security court has ordered the detention of Sayegh and al-Khalidi for 14 days over the airing of a news segment.”


It added that “Roya Channel supports the Jordanian government efforts throughout all the crises as part of the Jordanian media that works professionally and patriotically,” and respects “the rule of law… and the fair Jordanian judiciary.”


The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), however, condemned the move, saying the “Jordanian authorities should be working with media outlets to inform citizens about the wide-ranging impacts of COVID-19, not jailing members of the press who expose public concerns about the virus and the government response to it.”


Sherif Mansour, the CPJ coordinator in the region called for the immediate release of al-Khalidi and Sayegh, and the resumption of “their work without interference from the authorities.”


Roya’s report, which aired on Wednesday, showed a group of people in the capital, Amman, saying they were forced to break curfew and beg after the government’s coronavirus lockdown left them without any income.


“I need to feed my family, what should I do now? Should I resort to stealing or selling drugs? Should we start begging on the streets”, one man said, according to Al Jazeera.