Anonymous ID: 783fe4 April 13, 2020, 10:50 a.m. No.8778956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8777858. Cunningham’s death occurred in 2018, I read an article on a natural news site where he was seeing bad things with the recent flu vaccine that people were getting the flu and were spreading it, I’ll find the info but it’s mostly been scrubbed. There were a lot more reports from family he was not suicidal, there were problems at work, see some of his work below. Any cdc scientist that goes against the narrative is not welcome


This is an extremely unusual set of circumstances,” O’Connor said, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “It is not common for us to find someone’s entire belongings.”


A $10,000 reward had been offered for information by Atlanta police, who said they didn’t suspect foul play.


Original story:


The search for clues in the shocking disappearance of Timothy Cunningham has turned up some strange loose ends. Cunningham, 35, is an epidemic intelligence officer at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta who went home sick on February 12 and has been missing since that date.


In the days following Cunningham’s mysterious disappearance, a $10,000 reward was offered by Atlanta police for information on his whereabouts or intel that could lead to any criminal arrests. A neighbor revealed an odd and startling detail about the Morehouse graduate, according to CBS News.


“He told my husband to tell his wife – me – to erase his cellphone number from my cellphone,” Viviana Tory, Cunningham’s next-door neighbor, said.


Conspiracy theorists have also chimed in with ideas on how and why the scientist vanished without nearly a trace. The doctor, who went to Harvard as well as Morehouse, had worked on a study about the disparities in death rates among Blacks that was published last May. The study was connected to a 1996 ban by the NRA against the CDC examining gun violence as a crisis, according to social media users who pointed out that Cunningham’s bizarre disappearance happened after this controversial publication.


Cunningham is first author on this longitudinal study of disparities in death rate among Black Americans, published May 2017. The study went from 1999-2015 and would have been conducted under the 1996 NRA-bought ban on the CDC’s study of gun violence as an epidemic.

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In addition, Internet rumors about Cunningham being a whistle-blower who had cautioned the public about the flu shot being responsible for this year’s deadly flu season have been touted as a possible reason for his disappearance, a claim that his father, Terrell Cunningham disputed as false to CNN.


Though theories may start running rampant, Cunningham’s parents have come up short as to why their son has gone missing. As they continue to hang missing posters throughout Cunningham’s neighborhood and try to get the word out, the mystery surrounding their son’s disappearance is overwhelming.


“Everything about this disappearance is unusual,” his father, who drove from Maryland to Georgia after not hearing from his son for two days, told CNN.


The family discovered Cunningham’s wallet, his car and dog left behind in his Atlanta home, where he lives alone. Police have turned up nothing yet to offer any comfort to the man’s relatives after having searched the woods near his residence. No foul play is suspected, though authorities are “exploring all possibilities,” CBS reported.

Anonymous ID: 783fe4 April 13, 2020, 11 a.m. No.8779031   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8777858 Atlanta Police reported 5 April that the body of Timothy Cunningham, a CDC employee, had been found—this happened in 2018

excerpts from article below, the link for has been scrubbed. BTW the false report he was upset about getting a promotion is BS, you don’t killing yourself over a promotion, especially when you’re a rising star at CDC, and was creating kudos through the science community


“My first mind is that something has happened — especially considering the length of time he’s been gone… Not having his phone, leaving his dog Bo alone, he just wouldn’t voluntarily check out like that.” Anterio told Fox 5.


A recent article that was published by YoursNewsWire.Com, reported that Dr. Cunningham spoke out about flu shots being the cause of deadly outbreaks of Influenza.


“Some of the patients I’ve administered the flu shot to this year have died I don’t care who you are, this scares the crap out of me… We have seen people dying across the country of the flu, and one thing nearly all of them have in common is they got the flu shot,” he told YoursNewsWire in January.


The news source reportedly granted Dr. Cunningham anonymity, but he told them to go public in case anything were to happen to him. He’s one of the few doctors who have the courage to bring awareness to the issue publicly.

Anonymous ID: 783fe4 April 13, 2020, 11:08 a.m. No.8779079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9105

This is BS to extend the stay at home in Georgia until April 30; I friends in CA that have been in for close to five freakin weeks. This has got to end. I’m sure posted before, but I’m pissed and it’s left wing pressure. If someone dies while it’s lifted it’s the governors fault, if they die during lock down, it’s the governors fault, if NO ONE does it’s the governors fault


Kemp extends Georgia stay-home order through April 30

By Nyamekye Daniel, The Center Square

April 9, 2020 - 10:00 AM