Anonymous ID: 3577f5 April 13, 2020, 1:50 p.m. No.8780210   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0474

>>8780092 lb [repost from end of bread]


This is how Project Mockingbird is being destroyed. MSM is full of actors making dumb jokes mocking someone or other, and discouraging critical thinking.


But, people feel empowered when they are treated like grown-ups, given the facts by people who explain how they analyze those facts as well as the limits to what we can know about the future. The pressers portray a number of hopeless situations, and then explain what actions are being taken to resolve those situations as best we can. Then the following day we learn that prompt action made a difference, some masks were found, an airlift from overseas brought them to the state that needed them, the military built a new hospital overnight, ships we being prepared, etc, etc, etc.


MSM seems like juvenile airheads at a party, in comparison

Anonymous ID: 3577f5 April 13, 2020, 2:15 p.m. No.8780390   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0409

Remember how Q taught us not to make knee-jerk reactions based on emotion?

We were advised to USE LOGIC

To use Critical Thinking.

And the NSA even provided a handy little cardboard cube

To help us avoid focussing too much attention in one direction

It works like Edward de Bono's book, Six Thinking Hats

Which is attached as a PDF


So then,

Everybody sees Trump retweet a negative tweet about Fauci

And jumps to the WRONG conclusion

Because they forgot that Trump never gives away his plan

And always acts in the most unexpected ways

Often waiting for the enemy to jump to a conclusion

And provide an opening for the fatal attack.

A highly placed insider confirmed that Fauci is out

But he also said 'Wait for it

How long? Or better yet, until what precondition is met?

And now one of Brennan's intel agent gives us a clue

And tells us one way, that Fauci can be dealt with

And POTUS does not have to get his hands dirty.

After all, POTUS is not a dictator who fires people left an right

When did you ever see POTUS say You're fired!

Did you say Never.? Because that is the correct answer.

The guy that you saw on TV saying You're fired! was a character

A movie role played by businessman Donald J. Trump

But he was just an actor in a movie.

Setting up the Cabal for disastrous decisions.


The thing is that Anons who followed all the Q drops,

And dug into them,

And watched the surge of arrests and deportations and resignations

Should understand by now,

How BOTTOM TO TOP works.

No full frontal assaults

Send specialised teams in every direction

So that they pick off enemy forces bit ny bit

Seemingly at random.

It's the only way to win World War 3,

Without horrendous destruction and civilian casualties.

Never imagine that the COVID crisis is all about a virus

POTUS never does a single thing at a time

And never uses an event to achieve a single goal

There are hundreds of thousands of people

Military and civilian

Who are progressing the battle forward every day

And we are helping by staying at how

And ENJOYING The Show.

Seriously folks, you should be calm, and HAPPY.

If you are not happy and enjoying what you see

Then you are watching the wrong videos and reading the wrong sources.


Read the Six Thinking Hats, please

Expand your thinking

Anonymous ID: 3577f5 April 13, 2020, 2:18 p.m. No.8780409   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


And if you just need a simple reminder toโ€ฆ

Expand your thinking

And avoid getting stuck in unproductive ratholes,

Print this out and use the cube.

And every time you do,

Smile at how you are taking a Cabal symbol

And using it against them.


Anonymous ID: 3577f5 April 13, 2020, 2:24 p.m. No.8780474   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



As I watch the Whitehouse pressers on COVID19

I get a sense of the gameplay that is going on

Trump is a master of Game Theory

And I have no doubt that many of his aides

And the senior military men now in charge

Are also masters.

Because the enemy is treating our world

As a playing board for a real-life version

Of Game Of Thrones


So here I attach 3 PDFs on Game Theory

First an article

Then a chapter from a larger book

And finally a short 76 page book


Please browse through them and find some bits that make sense to you

Or do some digging on Game Theory and military operations

Like Sun Tzu's Art Of War.

Anonymous ID: 3577f5 April 13, 2020, 2:37 p.m. No.8780609   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


The initials of Keith Raniere and Allison Mack are KR AM

Mirror that backwards like Satanists love to do

MARK โ€” Now look up the meaning of mark in a dictionary

Or better yet, open this article


And use Ctrl-F/Cmd-F to search for mark


The intended victim of a con artist.

Too true

The pagan religious beliefs

Of the Cult Of Con Artists

Cause them to reveal themselves

To those who pay attention

Anonymous ID: 3577f5 April 13, 2020, 2:50 p.m. No.8780738   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



You need to try redpilling them.

Too many Anons think that means PREACHING

Or shouting at them

Or forcing the message down their throat


First, read these two short threads

From someone who makes a living

Getting people to redpill themselves


And then go through this guide

Which has lots of recommended techniques.


Save the videos until AFTER they have been redpilled

And they ask you for more info


It is impossible to redpill someone by showing them videos.

Anonymous ID: 3577f5 April 13, 2020, 3 p.m. No.8780867   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun





The people who believe in MSM media can all be saved

The ones who are truly lost are the 4-6%

Who are conspiracy theorists

Who think they know it all

And call themselves patriots

While calling for violence against fellow American citizens


Liberals are people who were hoodwinked

Tricked to believe in an impossible fantasy world

Lied to about conservatives and capitalists

As Trump's plan moves forward

And gives them health care better than Obamacare

And gives their friends and relatives meaningful jobs

And as the media shifts to more constructive content

All these liberals will start to ask questions

And will be redpilled.

You should be asking them small questions

About tiny inconsistencies in the liberal agenda

Like Lieutenant Columbo

You should be begging them to help you

To explain it to you

Ask them how it all makes sense

Find more inconsistencies

Tell them you want to believe the socialist fantasy

But there is just one small problem


That is how to redpill somebody

Other than that, you can just sit back and wait

Until glaring contradictions on MSM

Or in the Dem campaign

Cause them to wake up and start asking questions themselves

Beating people over the head with info does not work

If you tried that on me, I would punch you in the face.

So don't try that on friends and relatives either

Or you just end up sowing division

That can never be repaired.