Anonymous ID: 2f92b7 April 13, 2020, 5:16 p.m. No.8782771   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The ChiComs screwed over US investors holding pre-CCP Chinese bonds now worth over US$1 trillion - refusing to recognise China's obligation. About time we pay-off the US, interest-bearing debt China holds over our heads - coincidentally about $1 trillion worth. That write-off of our China-owned debt would reduce our debt-service by $50 billion PER YEAR (assuming an average 5% interest bearing rate).


Come on, President Trump! Let's start our next federal tax reduction with that $50 billion gift from the CCP.


"Trump’s top trade warriors are “studying” the possibility of calling in century-old debts incurred by China before the nation went communist, according to a Bloomberg report…China doesn’t recognize the debt, of course,..but…desperate times may call for desperate measures. China owes over $1 trillion, adjusted for inflation, interest and other fees, on the long-defaulted debts, according to Jonna Bianco, whose American Bondholders Foundation (ABF) represents holders of the seemingly worthless paper. Bianco has been pushing for 18 years to convince the US to force China to honor the certificates, roping a stable of former government officials into taking up the cause.


She has even met with Trump administration officials to discuss selling the debt to the US government in order to exchange it with China to pay off Washington’s mounting debts, among other possibilities…“What’s wrong with paying China with their own paper?” she asked rhetorically, noting the sum she calculated is roughly equal to China’s US Treasury holdings. Bianco claims to have met with Trump himself at his Bedminster, New Jersey golf course last year, as well as Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin more recently, and says members of her ABF “team” met with Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in April."