Anonymous ID: 59e19f April 13, 2020, 7:38 p.m. No.8784892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5437

Trump's COVID pressers are how Project Mockingbird is being destroyed. MSM is full of actors making dumb jokes mocking someone or other, and discouraging critical thinking. No need to arrest them to destroy MSM. Just give people another source to compare and contrast, and MSM destroys itself.


People feel empowered when they are treated like grown-ups, given the facts by people who explain how they analyze those facts as well as the limits to what we can know about the future. The pressers portray a number of hopeless situations, and then explain what actions are being taken to resolve those situations as best we can. Then the following day we learn that prompt action made a difference, some masks were found, an airlift from overseas brought them to the state that needed them, the military built a new hospital overnight, ships we being prepared, etc, etc, etc.


MSM seems like juvenile airheads at a party, in comparison


As I watch the Whitehouse pressers on COVID19

I get a sense of the gameplay that is going on

Trump is a master of Game Theory

And I have no doubt that many of his aides

And the senior military men now in charge

Are also masters.

Because the enemy is treating our world

As a playing board for a real-life version

Of Game Of Thrones


So here I attach 3 PDFs on Game Theory

First an article

Then a chapter from a larger book

And finally a short 76 page book


Please browse through them and find some bits that make sense to you

Or do some digging on Game Theory and military operations

Like Sun Tzu's Art Of War.


Anonymous ID: 59e19f April 13, 2020, 7:40 p.m. No.8784917   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Oh dear.

Such rudeness to leave out TYB

But what is this about a repeat???

Did you click this?



The last time this lady appeared it was a broken image that did not expand.

This time, click and it expands so you can see what she looks like.

That's all.


And what is smh???