>>8786299 lb
>>8786299 lb
>>8786314 lb
Wow, you made that up yourself? That's right on, Karen. Impressive. Nobody messes with you, huh?
Q is the real skeery keyboard warrior with his skulls and spooky cheesy music n stuff. Gamer much, Q?
Hello, I am Tinix from the planet Zorcon.
CBS needs 2 gorillian ventilators, stat!
Aw, she's just being optimistic.
Those wacky Bernie Bros with their unchannelled hatred and anger!
One dose per day helps with the Govt Shutdown Blues. More is ok, if you can handle it, if you're good with yourself.
So Brennan was in the original meme but missing in the new twat?
She likes it.
There was a New York Football Yankees too back in the day.
Bartman is the Punisher?!?!?!?
What is she trying to cover up with all these scarves?
No boxes, Tony.
Real shot?
I was thinking more of a gas fire.
In about a day, she'll know how badly she beclowned herself. Trump's fault, of course.
Word 1.
Ive never figured out why anybody prefers tobacco over pot. Taste, I guess.
Congress referred Steele and Simpson to the DOJ for prosecution back in 2018.
Numerically, Trump has been very successful against muh corona. Some of the demoncrat governor shutdowns are probably excessive and need to be removed soon.
Very bad sign for Nov. Vote fraud likely still rampant in WI.