TY Baker!!!
Also, thank you for including that notable, and the intense discussion around it.
>>8786217 (lb)
You gonna pull that card with me?
(pic related)
>>8786250 (lb)
Q wouldn't post it if there wasn't significance later on down the road. We build a "current day" map. Q has the map, through to fruition, in front of them (future).
From our perspective, everything we do here is a gambit. Either we get a score on the board, or we don't. We look at past, present, and hope for the future to align with our research, desires, and expected long-term outcome; like Roulette. Eventually, it has to land on black, right?. Arguing over a notable in an ocean of notables is futile; especially if Q controls the house.
Providing a valid reason to not include whether or not the dig lands on black is one thing. Suggesting that Q/POTUS coordinated on Brennan's presence in a meme that was retweeted on @realDonaldTrump's own personal twitter account is an entirely different conversation.
But I'm not here to persuade. I'm here to analyze, and think about the significance of when Q posts something legitimately interesting as fuck.Q posted something interesting. An anon noticed it. It's notable to more than just me; and that's something I know based on probability. Others want to make certain it's not in notables. What are they betting on?