>Chris Pratt
Parks and Rec had overt propaganda mindlessly praising Gov institutions, typical programming for major networks, even featuring No-name and other dirt bags in their Washington DC episode.
Pratt's rapid rise to stardom always seemed wholly manufactured, following a familiar route: Lovable chubby goof on widely watched cultural touchstone, transforms into ultra-ripped hunk and becomes Hollywood leading man, tabloids and award shows spew drivel to praise and adore a new idol.
There's an outtakes scene from parks and rec where Pratt is 'improving' a joke about Ahmadinejad, doing what all the late night hosts do, inject negative ridicule toward an enemy of the deep-state to plant the seed in the unwitting receivers of [their] programming. It's why those afflicted with TDS can still only regurgitate things like "orange man Putin's bitch" after 3 years, the brainwashing is strong.