You could see the MSM talking points of, "Trump didn't listen soon enough", building during the day. Trump even tweeted about news being fake, and wondering why.
Trump does a linebacker blitz and sacks the planned reporter attack to start the PC rolling. Reporters don't know what to do, run the planned attack anyway and walk into a Trump right hook.
Now Trump has them reeling and they decide last night to pick up the pieces of the strategy Trump just blew up and try to glue it back together with some "campaign ad" bullshit. Must have spent a lot of money running that original talking points bullshit through focus groups. Trouble is, there are too many live PC viewers, and they're not buying it and are telling their closest friends and relatives not to buy it.
So, Trump takes out two days of 4 AM talking points and has the MSM stepping all over their dicks trying to bullshit their way through a failed strategy. Good chance Trump will hit them with something today that no one is prepared for.