All this talk of cures has me wondering: does anyone remember the cure for cancer we were researching many hundreds of breads ago?
One anon mentioned a heart dewormer for horses (ivermectin related to Corona too?)
All this talk of cures has me wondering: does anyone remember the cure for cancer we were researching many hundreds of breads ago?
One anon mentioned a heart dewormer for horses (ivermectin related to Corona too?)
Fuck off famefag. No one here gives a shit enough about your larp account where you have been pretending to be one of us and seeding threads with screenshots of your own twitter hoping to get a notable with your account show up on so people will think you're TOTALLY A REAL ANON when you start selling mugs and keychains at a discount to all your future patreon saps.
You have literally posted one of my decodes to your lap twitter. Lmao you realize that steinvart got arrested for trying to do the same "THIS IS ABOUT ME" ego-baby nonsense, right?
Enjoy prison with the pedos who also tried to destroy something patriots created to enrich themselves. Maybe they'll be a nice gofundme for your ramen noodles.
Using a vpn to try to hide your identity doesn't change the fact you GLOW.
the fact you're supporting a literal LAME ASS POSER account when Q himself said "be careful of who you follow" because people like IET and Austin were coming to try to make themselves famous and important to make some chump change because mommy's boys want the credit without doing the workproves you're as scummy as the rest of the rats and traitors.
IET is like the JROTC kids who tell people "thank me for my service."
He'll always be remembered as the "male" who saw the adults literally trying to save the world and decided to commit babby''s first stolen valor.