God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.
R pill for civilians.
Image Malik O's twot.
Truth for Grabs: Meek to Inherit Earth
Not only is bad news and evil practise hidden from the public but the good news is buried deep - where it is not actually concealed, ridiculed or derided. This 2013 article from Tablet talks about some of the incredible things we should know about and most of us have never heard of.
We have the ability to arrest aging so people do not get sick in the first place. Professor Michael Levin at Tufts has documented the existence of a "biogenetic field" that controls the regeneration of limbs and organs.
Did you know that up until about age seven if a child loses a fingertip it regenerates like a lizard's tail will when amputated?
Micheal Levin PhD describes his work here, at the (Paul) Allen Symposium. The biggest discovery in the history of medical science and biology. Heard anything about it?
No news? Not one story anywhere outside specialist publications?
CIA director William Casey famously said "We will know we have succeeded when everything the American public believes is false. "
MSM / legacy media is protecting pedovores. Malik Obama, the former president's Kenyan half brother knows about pedovores. He is bringing this to our attention by posting the andrenochrome image.
Hunter Thompson references andrenochrome in "Fear and Loathing" in Las Vegas, and William S Burrough called it "the true black meat." Anthony Burgess famously mentioned the substance in Clockwork Orange where he was called 'drenchrome.
Adrenochrome is real. You can look it up. It's in the manual.
Adrenochrome is oxidized epinephrine, the substance found in epipens. Wikipedia notes "Adrenochrome is also featured in a variety of conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and Pizzagate."
Indeed it is. The drug can be synthesized, but pedovores prefer to extract it themselves from the brains of terrified children. This depraved activity is the source of our scariest fairy tales, legends and folk myths about lost or kidnapped children. The stories are all rooted in the distasteful reality which MSM legacy media has concealed from us; as they hide all evidence of pedovore crimes.
Having now spent six years with great spies and great scientists I've learned how poorly we are served by our Mockingbird media. How little of what we need to know to function as citizens and protect our families we are ever told.
Pedovores are being delivered to justice. Child trafficking networks are being shut down worldwide. There is nothing that can stop that process. We will free ourselves, our friends and enmeshed fellow citizens from the matrix of MSM legacy media lies.
MSM media instigated our wars, divided our country, setting races genders religions and cultures against one another, inflaming each with against the other. Remember the Kuwaiti Ambassador's daughter tearfully describing Iraqi troops dumping babies from incubators to steal the devices for Saddam?
Everyone in DC knew that was fake. They'd many of them met the daughter, were introduced to her at parties held at her father the Ambassador's house. No one said a word was said until the war was well started – after which it was revealed in a burst of recriminatory candor.
Information Operations these are called. They are basic spycraft. Control the information supply, control the mind. Control the economy. Control the future. This is what pedovores do. This is what white hat spies and the US military are working to undo, shutting down narcotics and human/child trafficking networks of the CIA sponsored narco cartels.
You don't hear it on MSM legacy media but humanities prospects are dazzling. After we deliver every pedovore to justice. Then as the great scientist Jacob Bronowski said we will discover "who we are, where we came from and where we are going."
Pedovores will be delivered to justice.
williams = loving everybody
Hilldawg's body guard Sawman and operators of a fake child rescue op exposed this termite?
Why does a mouse fight in a garbage can come first to mind?
great video