Anonymous ID: 664f10 April 14, 2020, 5:26 a.m. No.8788320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8324 >>8330 >>8331 >>8333 >>8338 >>8343 >>8351 >>8353 >>8355 >>8362 >>8364 >>8369 >>8378 >>8379 >>8402 >>8413 >>8421 >>8435 >>8485 >>8487 >>8490 >>8521 >>8523 >>8597 >>8657 >>8722 >>8725

Some of you may be aware of the drama that wen't down with the BO of /v/ (Mark Mann) and the leak of internal DMs between Mark Mann and Jim Watkins. (PDF Linked below for context.) While the content of these DMs trouble me on their own the disconnect between what Ron said on the board and what Jim said in his live stream on the same day were more troubling. As a result I decided to start looking around for bunker boards for this community. I am not ready to announce the backup just yet as its not finalized however I wanted to let those of you who are wondering know that I have been watching this as it developed and am taking actions to secure options if this place becomes untenable.


I want to be very very clear, I am not asking anyone to move to a new board. Where we go one we go all means we follow Q wherever he decides to post regardless of who the board owner is. At the end of the day I am just a janitor that is here to clean up the messes. I should hold no authority beyond following the established rules and operations of this board. Where Q goes I follow and until he decides to leave this board or other boards that I control, I will be of service until the ride ends.


Time for credit where credit is due. Codemonkey has been a good admin to us regardless of the issues with the site, he has been very responsive and open for questions whenever I need them answered. This is not a vote of no confidence in CM this is a precaution.


To reiterate I do not intend to move this community nor do I intend to dictate to Q where to post, that is above my "pay-grade" (I do this for free). This is just an update to the members of this community, I want you all to know I am staying on top of issues that may affect us and our research. Beyond that everything is business as usual.


Hope you had a good Easter.

Anonymous ID: 664f10 April 14, 2020, 6:01 a.m. No.8788457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8490 >>8497 >>8502 >>8503 >>8514 >>8517 >>8521 >>8559


>BO of /v/ is Mark mann

>Mark is an employee of Jim Watkins

>Mark has several responsibilities including managing newsplus and /v/

>he may have more those are the ones knows for sure by admission

>Mark and Jim have a fight, see pdf

>Mark contacts myself and other board owners regarding possibly moving to a new site the state of the site and so on

>I sit on the info to see what happens

>I run the info by some trusted advisers some who you all know but I will not name

>consensus is see what happens

Mark makes his open letter on /v/

>expresses concerns about site direction and notes no lolicon board exists and well as other boards not being migrated

>lolicon, as morally distasteful as it is, is considered a free speech issue by many anons on the internet that use imageboards

>Mark is fired and removed as BO of /v/

>CM announces he will reinstate Mark as BO of /v/ to mixed reception from userbase

>CM announces loli board will be available in a few weeks

>Jim says on livestream Mark is upset there is no loli board and that loli is not allowed on 8kun

>Mark leaks the pdf

>Mark and CM have a back and forth

>CM announces he will not be reinstating Mark as BO

>CM announces he will consult lawyers RE:Legality of Lolicon

>CM announces he will interact with the community more often

>CM announces he will discuss the direction of the site with his father and report back

>shitstorm is written about on several boards across many sites and an article is written


that about sums it up more or less

Anonymous ID: 664f10 April 14, 2020, 6:27 a.m. No.8788588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8601 >>8604 >>8625 >>8634 >>8645


To clarify my concerns are essentially as follows

>Jim saying qresearch is not important

>The summary removal of a BO by the admin

>Jim and Codemonkey not being on the same page about the direction of the site


The lolicon issue is a non issue as far as this board is concerned. However these points had me concerned about the stability of the internal staff of the site. I wanted to wait for the dust to settle before I addressed the issue though I had sorted out options at the time this drama occurred.