Chinese racism rears it’s ugly head. From the Daily Mail:
McDonald's China 'bans black people from entering due to coronavirus'
A viral video shows a notice which read 'black people are not allowed to enter'
The store is said to be based in Guangzhou, home to 13,600 African migrants
The US chain was accused of racial discrimination as the video sparked outrage
Guangzhou said today that 111 African citizens had tested positive for COVID-19
Comes as Africans described racism and discrimination from Chinese residents
A McDonald's restaurant in China has allegedly banned black people from entering the store out of fears that they might be coronavirus carriers.
A video recently circulating online showed a customer holding a sign that read: 'We've been informed from now on black people are not allowed to enter the restaurant.' The store is believed to be located in the southern Chinese city Guangzhou.
The footage sparked uproar online after the fast-food chain was accused of fuelling the rising xenophobia, particularly towards African nationals, in the country.
McDonald‘s said the notice 'is not representative of our inclusive values'. The US fast-food giant has temporarily closed the branch, according to a statement.
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