Anonymous ID: 287680 April 14, 2020, 6:52 a.m. No.8788730   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The BBC’s documentary Vaccine Wars interviews the usual characters like Paul Offit and Brian Deer, yet never discloses their conflicts including Offit’s status as a vaccine inventor and patent holder while serving on the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices which determines US vaccine recommendations. Offit and Deer predictably spouted off their usual talking points throughout the documentary


Despite this, the BBC provides a critical historical perspective about the vaccine safety movement that one rarely sees in the media. Parents, advocacy groups like SafeMinds and Moms Against Mercury, and news reels featuring physicians Dr. John Wilson and Dr. Andy Wakefield, early leaders in the movement, are all included in the documentary. Del Bigtree, Barbara Loe Fisher, Robert. F. Kennedy, Jr. and others are interviewed. US and UK Government actions to protect the pharmaceutical industry are also covered.


The documentary unfortunately excludes the alleged fraud of the Autism Omnibus proceedings and mistakenly announces George Hastings as a “judge” of some of the claims while he was only a “Special Master” of the government-run claims program.


As Special Master, Mr. Hastings was an employee of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the federal agency over the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in charge of vaccine safety and uptake.


Hastings noted that the lawyers in the Omnibus didn’t explain their evidence with science. He fails to say that the “court” wouldn’t let the parents’ side use much of their science or experts in the trials!


In fact, Dr. Andrew Zimmerman of Johns Hopkins, who now says that vaccines can cause autism and that he told the government so at the time (which DOJ attorneys allegedly subsequently hid from the public), was actually a government witness


Walter Orenstein, former director of the National Immunization Program, issues a craftily-worded admission saying that if there were actually efforts to cover up vaccine safety concerns, there would never have been a Simpsonwood meeting or a Verstraeten study. The fact is that the CDC’s Verstraeten study was the reason they were all brought together for the Simpsonwood meeting.


One doctor attending the conference in Norcross, GA said something similar to Orenstein, noting that if the CDC could have predicted the results of the study, it would have never been done in the first place


Notably absent are any actual words from CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson yet Deer and Offit are trotted out to discredit him. And, although Andrew Wakefield’s name is used quite a lot throughout the documentary, (including having the vaccine safety movement blamed on him), an interview with him is also missing.


Deer’s and Offit’s cries that the vaccine manufacturers aren’t making money falls flat. It is a ridiculous notion that can be easily proven wrong. To their credit, BBC didn’t lend credence to these claims.


When discussing recent mandates in the US, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was allowed a final thought,


The state should not be ordering people in a democracy to take an untested drug. That is something we signed off on in Nuremberg … never again


And regarding untested drugs, Deer, remarkably, admitted in his final words,


There is a very valid criticism of CDC in that it is both a cheerleader, the preeminent cheerleader, for immunization and it also plays a major role in safety research. I think the only way to resolve that is for vaccine safety issues to be moved to a separate entity that does nothing but, if you like, find fault with vaccines

Anonymous ID: 287680 April 14, 2020, 7:03 a.m. No.8788792   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8817 >>8868

CHD Statement on 5G and Coronavirus


Anons there may or may not be a connection to 5G with COVID-19, but let’s not hypothesize it’s the cause, it gives the industry a diversion point of the true harm 5G can cause


By Dafna Tachover, CHD’s Director of 5G & Wireless Harms Project

Thousands of peer reviewed scientific studies link wireless technology, including 5G, to a grim inventory of deadly and dangerous injuries. Children’s Health Defense (CHD) does not find sound scientific evidence to support the hypothesis that 5G is the cause of the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe that the spread of this hypothesis provides a strategic advantage to Big Telecom and Big Data. Allowing these companies to focus the debate on COVID-19 has given them pretext to censor discussion of 5G and to shift the debate to a battlefield where the science is hypothetical and weak. We therefore urge health advocates to focus discussion on proven harms.


There is ample pervasive human evidence of 5G and wireless harms. CHD’s work, including our historic lawsuit against the FCC for its false and obsolete health guidelines, is a potent threat to the wireless industry and its fraud on the public. CHD will continue to share the evidence and truth about 5G and wireless harms.


Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. CHD is planning many strategies, including legal, in an effort to defend the health of our children and obtain justice for those already injured. Your support is essential to CHD’s successful mission.

Anonymous ID: 287680 April 14, 2020, 7:26 a.m. No.8788957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9283

Anons Regarding stay at home orders, just a thought


Maybe in a cosmic sense America’s and WW souls are being tested on how much they value freedom, and will they embrace Gods mandate you have free will. Will it turn out mankind no longer values the free will he’s given them, if so Gods experiment could show that mankind could fail.


More likely people will cherish their freedom and free will more afterwards and choose to free themselves of the evil perpetrated here. I think this is a cosmic testing time and some will fail, but many more will win!


Interesting that “Out of Darkness” Video came out at this time and it’s exponentially breaking records of viewers in 4 short days, ehh?

Anonymous ID: 287680 April 14, 2020, 7:40 a.m. No.8789063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9074 >>9122

>>8788381 (You) Out Of Shadows Documentary has a whopping 4.3M views in 3 days


In the last two hours after taking the screenshot, the site has 64,891 more views. I bet after 6 pm at night the numbers double. Or maybe morning is the slow phase

Anonymous ID: 287680 April 14, 2020, 7:48 a.m. No.8789122   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Between 10:36 when I took the screenshot in this post, to 10:41 to the second 3,286 people watched or finished the video, less than 5 minutes, that’s close to 11 people per second. I wonder if this was Qs exponential growth, he said early on, engagement WW is bigger than you know

Anonymous ID: 287680 April 14, 2020, 8:08 a.m. No.8789275   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8788255, >>8788282 anon posts info on DJT 2018 vaccine EO mandating a change to safe adjuvants. Adjuvants is the responsible ingredient for causing side effects


Interested to see when EO was signed, since RFK Jr delivered a report to Congress in 2018, the first one I see on WH is September 19, 2019


MARCH 13, 2018

Congress Receives Vaccine Safety Project Details Including Actions Needed for Sound Science and Transparency


Children’s Health Defense Note: In March 2018, 15 dedicated children’s health and medical choice advocates joined Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Capitol Hill to fulfill our promise to the community to provide crucial vaccine safety information to every member of Congress. Meetings with Congressional Members, Senators, and staff took place over a four-day time period to explain CHD’s six-step Vaccine Safety Project that details the actions necessary to introduce sound science and transparency to our vaccination program. Federally elected officials can no longer ignore the chronic health conditions—tied in no small part to adverse vaccine reactions—that currently affect over half of our nation’s children. Not only are these officials now aware of the conflicts of interest and inadequate science upon which the vaccine program is built, but they have been given a common-sense plan for enacting desperately needed changes that puts children’s health first.

Anonymous ID: 287680 April 14, 2020, 8:18 a.m. No.8789345   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons that have the ability to communicate with full tard leftists, would you go on twitter and post “out of darkness” to all anti Trump sites, that actually do research? I can’t get any leftists family members to view it since it’s coming from me. They’re so paranoid that they’re scared beliefs may change they won’t even read any other news except NYT, WAPO, CNN, Huff post, Salon, New Yorker, Atlantic etc. This is an important documentary for all to see and share, it’s neither a right left issue


I know there are some here that have the ability to communicate this message.

Anonymous ID: 287680 April 14, 2020, 8:22 a.m. No.8789370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9406 >>9464

Just took a screenshot again if “Out of Darkness” viewers, last one taken at 10:41 am. This is freakin fascinating


Anyway an anon can set up a computer to take screenshots every hour on the hour? Or by different intervals?


From 10:41 to 11:15 am 32,598 more people have watched the video thats 24 minutes dudes. 1,358 people per minute

Anonymous ID: 287680 April 14, 2020, 8:27 a.m. No.8789405   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I read that one of main problems with vaccines today from in the past, along with adjuvants, is some are putting live (wild) viruses in vaccines, where in the past they were dead virus. Gates, WHO delivered and injected I’m children the live polio viruses In the vaccines to 3rd world countries by the billions. Scientists says the live virus can be peed out of the body and get in the water and earth system