Anonymous ID: c49d57 April 14, 2020, 7:16 a.m. No.8788887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8906 >>8944 >>9215

Let us give a moments thought for the Jew.


Imagine you are born into this world and people say that you belong to the religious group called Jews.


Imagine you are hearing over and over again about the holocaust and how the nazis killed 6 million Jews back in the 40s.


Imagine being a student in an Israeli school and going on a field trip to Auschwitz concentration camp to hear about gas chambers and how the nazis killed Jews.


Imagine turning on the tv and zapping to History Channel and the only thing you hear about is the nazis and Hitler.


Imagine scrolling through movies on Netflix and seeing that they too have documentaries about the nazis and the holocaust.


Imagine being bombarded over and over again with news articles about anti-semitism in the world.


Imagine going to free thinking discussion boards online and see a lot of anti-jewish memes.


Imagine being totally brainwashed into believing that the world is totally against Jews.


Imagine that you are being brainwashed your whole life into victimhood.


Who benefits from all of this?


Mossad? The Jewish State of Israel? Does victimhood build a sense of belonging? A sense of we against them? Even though an American Jew has less in common with an Israeli Jew than he has with an ordinary American?


Imagine being so brainwashed you do not even dare to criticize Israel for their crimes against humanity. Palestine?


Are the people of Israel and the Jew in general in need of a Great Awakening?


Just my two cents.