Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.8790389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0394 >>0636 >>0839 >>1025

John Brennan Is Main Focus of Durham Investigation – Intel Officers Have Already Testified


According to former US Attorney Joe diGenova, current US Attorney John Durham started bringing in witnesses under oath in front of a grand jury. And according to Joe, the key focus of the Durham investigation is currently John Brennan.


Former US Attorney Joe diGenova was on the Howie Carr Show. After Carr shared that the Wall Street Journal reported that the Durham investigation was still ongoing, diGenova shared the following about what he knew about the John Durham investigation:


One of the more interesting revelations is what I have confirmed with my sources, is that John Brennan is in fact the focus, the main focus of the investigation. And, a number of former intelligence officers have been interviewed and apparently testified about a series of questions involving the production of the famous assessment done after the election which of course was a phony assessment.


It was a constructed document. It was not in fact an assessment of anything and that is very interesting because they are looking at what Brennan did and what he asked other people to do in terms of that and some other things as well. So apparently Mr. Durham has not been deterred by the virus.


After Carr reminded the listeners what assessment diGenova was speaking about, diGenova said this:


They [Durham and his team] are clearly looking at abuse of power. In other words, were the resources of the CIA illegally used to undertake domestic terrorist investigations? Were the resources of the CIA used to illegally create a plot to either falsely lead FBI officials into a scheme or to conspire with FBI officials to deny certain people their civil rights.

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:21 a.m. No.8790406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0498 >>0636 >>0839 >>1025

CIA Secretly Told Staff COVID-19 Drug Touted By Trump Might Cause "Sudden Death"


President Trump's "game changer" drug he's frequently been advancing in the fight against coronavirus, hydroxychloroquine, has been met with mixed reactions among health professionals and even within his own administration - not the least of which is Dr. Fauci's own changing and at times contradictory statements on its potential effectiveness.


This ongoing debate centered on the anti-malarial treatment drug, which has recently witnessed an avalanche of pushback against Trump in the media — with Attorney General William Barr recently saying the mainstream has been on "jihad" against it — has now entered deep within the bowels of the national security state.


The CIA is now warning its analysts, agents and staff that taking hydroxychloroquine is likely "dangerous" — even potentially leading to "sudden death" — according to a new Washington Post report.

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.8790428   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After Refusing Until Every Dem Candidate Dropped Out, Barack Obama Endorses Sleepy Joe Biden


After months of silence, Barack Hussein Obama endorsed Joe Biden on Tuesday.


After waiting for every candidate to drop out of the 2020 Democrat race, Obama finally endorsed Biden.


With no other choice, Obama endorsed his VP.




“That’s why I’m so proud to endorse Joe Biden for President of the United States,” Obama said. “Choosing Joe to be my Vice President was one of the best decisions I ever made and he became a close friend.”


Barack Obama politicized the Coronavirus pandemic in his video message and said that Joe Biden, who can’t even form a sentence and never knows where he is, has what it takes to “guide us through one of our darkest times.”

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:24 a.m. No.8790448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0466 >>0636 >>0839 >>1025

Oil Tumbles As Saudis Quietly Launch New Price War With Record Discounts


This weekend's 11th hour decision to cut OPEC oil output by 23% was supposed to end the oil price war between Saudi Arabia and the rest of OPEC+, but it appears Saudi Arabia did not get the memo.


While oil production may (or may not) be cut by 9.7mmb/d on May 1, Riyadh remembered that to capture market share one can manipulate volumes, which are now set as per this weekend's OPEC+ agreement or one can adjust price discounts, which are not. And as the kingdom faces stiff competition from rival suppliers for market share in the prized Asian market (or at least what's left of it after India cut demand by 70%), the OPEC leader slashed its official selling prices to Asian customers for May by larger-than-expected margins this week, while keeping prices flat for Europe and raising them for the United States.


On Monday, Saudi Arabia’s oil giant Aramco set the May price for its Arab light crude oil to Asia at a discount of $7.3 to the Oman/Dubai average, down $4.2 a barrel from April, according to a document seen by Reuters.Asian refiners had called on Saudi Arabia to slash its crude OSPs for a third straight month in May after Middle East benchmarks and refining margins dropped amid ample supplies and lower demand due to the coronavirus. Overnight, China’s customs bureau reported that overseas energy purchases weakened in March as demand from the top importer took a hit from the coronavirus pandemic. Crude oil imports fell to the equivalent of about 9.72 million barrels a day, the least since July.


While Aramco cut Asian prices in hopes of beating Russia, Iran and other producers to the punch, it raised the May OSP of its Arab light crude oil to the United States to a discount of $0.75 per barrel versus the Argus Sour Crude Index (ASCI), up $3 a barrel from April, according to the document. Aramco left its OSP for Arab light crude oil to Northwestern Europe unchanged from April at a discount of $10.25 per barrel to ICE Brent.


The cut in prices to Asia reflect weak demand, while OSPs to Europe and the United States reflect oil market fundamentals and the global supply cut pact, an industry source familiar with the pricing process told Reuters.


Then on Tuesday morning, Saudi Aramco again cut official selling prices of all four grades to new record lows from Egyptian port of Sidi Kerir for May, in line with big cuts in prices for other customer regions, with some grades sold at a discount of as much as $10.95/bbl:


Arab Light OSP set at $9.85 discount to ICE Brent, vs -$8.40 for April

Arab Extra Light also at -$9.85/bbl vs -$5.60/bbl

Arab Medium -$10.95/bbl vs -$10.20/bbl

Arab Heavy -$10.95/bbl vs - $10.50/bbl

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:26 a.m. No.8790465   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rabobank: "The Fed Just Carved Central Planning Into The Bedrock Of The US Financial System"


Not enough. NOT enough. NOT ENOUGH


So much – and not enough: of things to cover and space to write it in – among others.


Let’s recall that we return from the long Easter Weekend to a world where the Fed has begun a USD2.3 trillion liquidity injection into the US economy. A special purpose vehicle (SPV) will purchase 95% participations in loans through the Main Street Lending Program from banks, who would retain 5%. The Main Street New Loan Facility (MSNLF) is aimed at new loans originated by eligible banks, while the Main Street Extended Loan Facility (MSELF) is aimed at Main Street loans that increase the size of existing loans to businesses. A Paycheck Protection Program Liquidity Facility (PPPLF) will lend to all depository institutions that originate PPP loans to small businesses, with those loans as collateral. The Municipal Liquidity Facility (MLP) will purchase notes from states, large cities and large counties at the time of issuance. Finally, the Fed expanded the size and the scope of the Primary and Secondary Market Corporate Credit Facilities (PMCCF and SMCCF) and the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF). The PMCCF and the SMCCF are now also open to fallen angels - and the SMCCF will now also buy ETFs of junk bonds, while the TALF was expanded to include ABS where the underlying credit exposures are leveraged loans and commercial mortgages.


So the scale is vast, and the usual complex technocratic acronyms coincidentally ensure that the public does not grasp what is actually happening, in the same way that Quantitative Easing (QE) is not “printing money” but an impossible to pronounce “asset swap”, where one of the assets is created out of thin air to bail out the other side of the deal. Indeed, let’s put it all in perspective. Even the Wall Street Journal has this to say:


“It is also putting the future of American capitalism at risk in a way even the financial panic did not. The Fed and Treasury are becoming the main lenders to American business, and in this storm there is no choice. But will they recede when the virus is defeated? Mr. Powell said Thursday that this is a “truly rare” intervention by the Fed, which will retreat when the virus plague is over. But that is what the Fed also said during the financial panic, and it never did come close to normalizing policy. If the shutdown lasts for many more weeks, the Fed could become America’s lender of first resort."


Indeed, this is not the same as the Fed back-stopping expanded fiscal expenditure during an unforeseen crisis/war. With junk being bought now, and with the Fed being the lifeline to Main Street as well as Wall Street, this is moral hazard and/or central planning being carved into the bedrock of the US financial system. As many voices have been asking, where is market price discovery if the Fed is going to backstop everything whenever it looks like investors might lose money? How exactly is this free-market capitalism?

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.8790479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0486 >>0509

Ireland’s Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald tests positive for Covid-19


The leader of Ireland's Sinn Féin party Mary Lou McDonald has become the latest politician to fall victim to Covid-19. The nationalist leader confirmed that she’d tested positive for coronavirus but is already recovering well.


McDonald confirmed she was tested 16 days ago, on March 28, and received confirmation of coronavirus infection on Monday. “The Public Health Doctor informs me that I am no longer infected or infectious, and this is a great relief after weeks of being very unwell,” she said in a statement.


The Dublin-based politician added that she had developed post-viral pleurisy in her right lung over the weekend but that she was responding well to treatment, vowing to return to work within a week.


“My appeal to everyone is to stay safe, stay home and stay apart. You do not want to get this virus,” she added in her statement, which comes shortly after Ireland’s Prime Minister Leo Varadkar announced the extension of the country’s lockdown until at least May 5.


McDonald’s illness comes as Ireland’s political parties are still attempting to cobble together a coalition in the aftermath of February’s general election. Sinn Féin performed historically well in the contest, garnering the most first-preference votes for the first time since 1922.


However, the party looks set for another spell in opposition as Ireland’s traditional two biggest parties - Fianna Fáil and the incumbent Fine Gael - have both ruled out going into coalition with McDonald’s nationalist party.

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.8790516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0554 >>0636 >>0839 >>1025

‘We scared the hell out of the American people’ over ‘flu,’ says Fox News guest


Former education secretary Bill Bennett has been savaged online for suggesting that the coronavirus is “not a pandemic,” calling for the lifting of lockdown measures, as the debate rages over reopening the shuttered US economy.


More than half a million Americans have caught the coronavirus, with just over 22,000 deaths. While the numbers are dire, the University of Washington’s forecasters revised their total predicted Covid-19 deaths down to 60,000 last week, a number comparable to deaths from influenza in 2017-2018, and significantly lower than the six-figure death toll floated by President Donald Trump’s top medical adviser, Dr Anthony Fauci, last month.


“For this, we scared the hell out of the American people, we lost 17 million jobs, we put a major dent in the economy, we closed down the schools… shut down the churches,” Bennett said on Monday’s edition of Fox and Friends. “You know, this was not, and is not a pandemic. But we do have panic and pandemonium as a result of the hype of this.”


The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic on March 11 and it has been reported in almost every country around the world. Bennett was flayed online for his “aggressively stupid” statement.


“Bill Bennett may be a self-proclaimed ethics expert, but he obviously knows very little about logic and cause-and-effect,” wrote author Ward Carroll.


“It is deeply irresponsible to air this view on national television,”tweeted CNN’s Chris Cillizza, while neoconservative pundit Bill Kristol suggested the low death toll was a direct result of the government scaring “the hell out of the American people.”“

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:33 a.m. No.8790538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0636 >>0839 >>1025

Sex Offender Judge Keeps Job for 2 Years Despite Being Caught Red-Handed Stealing Intern’s Panties


Long Island, NY — A Long Island judge, who was caught red-handed stealing panties from his former intern’s home, has been disbarred and forced to resign from his high and mighty position as judge. Fifty-year-old now former judge Robert Cicale was caught leaving the 23-year-old’s home in 2018. She had been one of his interns in court and was also his neighbor. When police searched his person they found he had stuffed several pairs of dirty women’s underwear into his coat. Even though he was caught red-handed and later pleaded guilty to the crime, it took a full two years to get him off his judicial bench.


The panty snatcher pleaded guilty to a felony charge of attempted burglary in September of 2019 and was placed on probation and forced to register as a sex offender later in the year. At the time of his plea deal Michael Brown, Cicale’s attorney, claimed the judge suffered from mental illness yet has “accepted responsibility for his actions.”


Brown said, “He has dealt with his mental illness issues in a proactive manner and is a better person for doing so.”


District Attorney Timothy Sini saw the case against Cicale quite differently saying the judge was finally held accountable for his actions and that justice was served.


Sini weighed in on Cicale’s crimes in a statement writing, “He violated the law, the public’s trust and the victims’ sense of security.”


Defense attorneys are most likely lined up to get their clients out of jail now that the judge in those cases admitted to having a mental illness and being a sexual deviant, a felon no-less, whose judgement in any case in which he sat on the bench most assuredly is flawed. We do not have any information as to how many cases have now been affected but it will likely cost the court system in Long Island untold millions of dollars in lawsuits.

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.8790555   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IMF: Global economy will suffer worst year since Great Depression


Beaten down by the coronavirus outbreak, the world economy in 2020 will suffer its worst year since the Great Depression of the 1930s, the International Monetary Fund says in its latest forecast.


The IMF said Tuesday that it expects the global economy to shrink 3% this year — far worse than its 0.1% dip in the Great Recession year of 2009 — before rebounding in 2021 with 5.8% growth. It acknowledges, though, that prospects for a rebound next year are clouded by uncertainty.


The bleak assessment represents a breathtaking downgrade by the IMF. In its previous forecast in January, before COVID-19 emerged as a grave threat to public health and economic growth worldwide, the international lending organization had forecast moderate global growth of 3.3% this year. But far-reaching measures to contain the pandemic — lockdowns, business shutdowns, social distancing and travel restrictions — have suddenly brought economic activity to a near-standstill across much of the world.


“The world has been put in a great lockdown,” the IMF’s chief economist, Gita Gopinath, told reporters. “This is a crisis like no other.”


Gopinath said the cumulative loss to the global gross domestic product, the broadest gauge of economic output, could amount to $9 trillion — more than the economies of Germany and Japan combined.

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.8790599   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Huawei urges UK to stick with 5G collaboration as Chinese firm becomes target of Covid-19 conspiracies


Huawei has argued that ending its role in 5G development in Britain would be a disservice to the country, as a Tory-backed review of the deal – as well as coronavirus-fueled panic – challenges the business relationship.


In a letter making the case for the Chinese tech giant, Huawei’s UK chief Victor Zhang noted that home data use has increased by 50 percent since the Covid-19 pandemic reached Europe – a surge that has put “significant pressure” on existing telecommunication systems.


He argued that development of the high-speed network would greatly benefit a rural community “stuck in a digital slow lane.”


“There are those who choose to continue to attack us without presenting any evidence,” Zhang noted.


In January, the firm was given the go-ahead to provide “non-core” elements for the UK’s 5G network. The longevity of the partnership remains an open question, however. In March, 38 Tory MPs rebelled on the issue, setting the stage for a major legislative battle when a bill is brought before parliament later in the year to sign off on telecoms infrastructure.


Although security concerns have been the primary motivator among lawmakers who oppose Huawei, the country’s budding 5G network has recently become the target of conspiracy theories about the coronavirus epidemic. Baseless rumors linking 5G mobile telecommunications masts with the spread of the Covid-19 illness have spread across the internet, forcing NHS England’s national medical director, Professor Stephen Powis, to denounce them as “complete and utter rubbish” and “the worst kind of fake news.”

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.8790626   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bloomberg EIC Reportedly Killed A Story To Appease Chinese Communist Party ‘Nazis’: ‘That’s Who They Are. We Should Have No Illusions’


Bloomberg News allegedly killed a story about the wealth of Communist Party elites in China six years ago to appease the country, and then sought to silence both the reporter and his wife.


The publication not only successfully censored the story at the time, but also was able to silence all reporters involved in the story, according to NPR, who broke the news. Bloomberg News reportedly tried to keep one of the reporter’s wife silent in an attempt to kill the news.


“It has to be done with a strategic framework and a tactical method that is … smart enough to allow us to continue and not run afoul of the Nazis [China] who are in front of us and behind us everywhere,” Bloomberg’s founding editor-in-chief Matthew Winkler said in a 2013 phone call about whether to run the story, according to audio verified by NPR. “And that’s who they are. And we should have no illusions about it.”


Former Bloomberg Beijing correspondent Mike Forsythe was among a team of journalists that reported an award-winning investigation in 2012 on China’s ruling classes and specifically about how they acquired their wealth. Bloomberg News published this story despite warnings from the Chinese ambassador, according to NPR.


Forsythe and his wife, journalist Leta Hong Fincher, moved to Hong Kong after the 2012 investigation came out and receiving what they viewed as death threats. There, Forsythe and the team tried to further their 2012 investigation, this time focusing on Chinese leaders’ ties to Wang Jianlin, the nation’s wealthiest man.


Included in this new investigation was Chinese President Xi Jinping’s family, NPR reported.


Winkler got involved in October 2013 after “radio silence” from Bloomberg News headquarters in New York City. Senior news executives and the China-based investigative team were on the private conference call, NPR reported.

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.8790638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0659 >>0732

MI5 Aware of 43,000 Terrorist Suspects, Not 23,000 as Previously Claimed


The government of the United Kingdom has admitted that it is aware of 43,000 terrorist suspects– nearly double the number previously revealed by security services.


After the 2017 London Bridge terrorist attack, the British people were informed that there were some 23,000 suspected terrorists being monitored by MI5 — this itself already a significant rise on the 3,000 suspects the government had admitted to knowing about to that point. However, a report has revealed that there are an additional 20,000 people on the government’s watchlist.


The numbers include 3,000 subjects of interest (SOI), who are actively being investigated by the government and 40,000 “closed” subjects of interest (CSOI), who are deemed by MI5 judges “to be some risk of re-engaging in terrorist activity”, The Times reports.


The list of “closed” subjects of interest included Salman Abedi, who killed 22 people during the Manchester Arena bombing and Khalid Masood, who ran over pedestrians and stabbed a police constable to death in the 2017 Westminster terror attack. Both terrorists were allowed to slip through the cracks of the surveillance system due to “limited


In its report, the government claimed that the increased number of terrorists on MI5’s watch list does not necessarily mean that there are 20,000 additional terrorists presently in the country.


“A substantial element of the increase to over 40,000 is the inclusion of individuals who have never travelled to the UK but whose details have been passed to MI5 by foreign intelligence services, in order that MI5 be alerted should they enter the UK,” the report said.


Earlier this year, it was revealed that some 160 convicted terrorists had been released back onto the streets of Britain. The revelation came in the wake of the Streatham terror attack in which Sudesh Amman stabbed two people days after being automatically released from prison.


The attack prompted the government to pass emergency legislation, ending the automatic early release of convicted terrorists. Those convicted of terror offences will now have to serve at least two-thirds of their sentence and be reviewed by a parole board before being released.

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.8790685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0699 >>0701 >>1052

Army's Seattle Field Hospital Closes After 3 Days, Without Treating a Single Patient


The hastily built field hospital set up by the Army in Seattle's pro football stadium is shutting down without ever seeing a patient, so the service can shift resources where they're more urgently needed, Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee said.


Medical equipment at the CenturyLink Field Event Center is being returned to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for use elsewhere, but the governor cautioned against reading too much into the move.


"Don't let this decision give you the impression that we are out of the woods," Inslee said in a statement Wednesday. "We have to keep our guard up and continue to stay home unless conducting essential activities to keep everyone healthy." Washington state saw the first coronavirus death in the U.S. on Feb. 29.


The state asked FEMA and the Army Corps of Engineers to convert the football stadium "before our physical distancing strategies were fully implemented and we had considerable concerns that our hospitals would be overloaded with COVID-19 cases," Inslee said.


"But we haven't beat this virus yet and, until we do, it has the potential to spread rapidly if we don't continue the measures we've put in place," he said.


Inslee joined Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan in praising the work of the Army's 627th Hospital Center out of Fort Carson, Colorado, in setting up the field hospital, which closed only three days after opening for patients.


"These soldiers uprooted their lives to help Washingtonians when we needed them most. Since then, it's become apparent that other states need them more than we do," Inslee said.


Durkan said the judgment has been made that the state's hospitals currently have the capacity to deal with the coronavirus threat.


"We are making the right decision to allow other cities to have these resources and capacity," she said. "While Seattle fought hard for these resources, it's clear other communities are in desperate need of this high-quality medical facility and personnel."


The decision to close the Seattle field hospital comes amid early signs that the number of new cases could be hitting a plateau in New York, the epicenter of the coronavirus epidemic in the U.S., and other states.


At a news conference Friday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said, "Overall, New York is flattening the curve."

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:50 a.m. No.8790724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0747

Bill Gates’ Instagram Page Flooded With People Calling For His Arrest For ‘Crimes Against Humanity’


Bill Gates’ plan to “save the world” by rolling out a potentially mandatory vaccine for the coronavirus — and suggesting nobody will be allowed to resume “normal life” without a “digital certificate“ to prove they have been vaccinated — is proving extremely unpopular with internet users.


Instagrammers are hitting back against Bill Gates, punishing his posts with thousands upon thousands of angry messages telling him to stop experimenting with the health of “lesser humans” or expect to be charged with “crimes against humanity.“


“Money doesn’t give you any rights against the people. You need to be charged for crimes against humanity,” said schizandramaier in a comment that garnered hundreds of likes.


“I look forward to watching your trial!” said ccseyanelee in a comment that also picked up hundreds and hundreds of likes.


Many users also commented on the fact Bill Gates has been deleting the torrent of critical comments from his page.


“Good luck deleting comments Billy Boy 😂 they will keep on coming and coming and coming… kinda like those computer viruses you loved so much!” wrote aleiorgu.


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has also slammed the Microsoft founder over his plans for “dictatorial control over global health policy” and his “messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology.“


“Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism,” Kennedy Jr. wrote.


“Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.”

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:53 a.m. No.8790765   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facebook, Google, Apple and Amazon use coronavirus to make 'shameless' plea to dodge new UK digital services tax that could generate £440m for the Treasury


TechUK represents hundreds of technology companies in UK including giants

Trade body has insisted the Government should 'look again' at the new levy

It has asked for 'bit more breathing space' by liabilities being delayed for a year

But plea is criticised as 'shameless' attempt to exploit coronavirus pandemic


Technology firms including Facebook, Google, Apple and Amazon have pleaded that they should not have to pay a newly-imposed UK digital services tax.

Trade body TechUK, which represents hundreds of technology companies in Britain including the four giants, said the Government should 'look again' at the new levy.

It has asked for 'a bit more breathing space' by liabilities being delayed for a year, with the tax expected to generate £440million for the Treasury.

But the plea was criticised today as a 'shameless' attempt to exploit the coronavirus pandemic which has already resulted in more than 11,000 deaths in Britain.


The 2 per cent tax came into force this month as the Government tries to clamp down on profits and cash being moved to countries with lower tax levels.

It will affect at least 30 firms with more than £500million of global revenues, but TechUK said it fears more companies will be caught by the tax than intended.

The new levy will mean California-based Google alone will see 2 per cent of its £1.6billion sales in the UK taxed, bringing in an extra £32million for the Treasury.

But the firms have asked that payment should be delayed as the pandemic stretches their resources and provokes concerns about future revenue, reported The Times.

TechUK deputy chief executive Antony Walker said: 'HMRC now expects many more companies across the sector to begin allocating resources to determine liability.

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:56 a.m. No.8790803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0856

Declaration of independence: Cuomo and five Dem governors break from Trump and launch 'coronavirus council' to coordinate reopening along I-95 'Covid corridor' in a direct challenge to the president's authority


New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday gathered the Democratic governors of five neighboring states to form a coronavirus 'council' to tackle how to reopen the country in a direct insult to President Trump who earlier tweeted that it was his decision and his alone.

Cuomo was joined on a televised conference call by the governors of New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Rhode Island where they revealed they were creating the first multi-state database in order to share information about the virus and help come up with reopening plan that would happen 'within weeks'.

A health official, economic official and the governor's chief of staff from each state will work on the plan. They all sit along what one of the governors described as the 'COVID corridor' - the I-95 highway which runs along the east coast from Florida to Maine.

Massachusetts and Maryland, which both also sit along the I-95 but are not yet part of the council, have Republican governors.

The governors gushed over one another and of Cuomo's leadership both of New York and of the country throughout the pandemic.

It was an unmistakable response to President Trump's remarks that 'it is the decision of the President' when to reopen businesses.

Cuomo, when asked about the president's remarks, challenged him to produce a plan and said wryly that it was 'interesting' that the federal government shrugged the responsibility of shutting down the economy at the start of the crisis but wanted to be the authority to reopen it.

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 10:59 a.m. No.8790833   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Porn Moguls Recruit Unemployed Women Struggling to Make Ends Meet


As thousands line up in bread lines amidst an economic meltdown, Jewish pimps are aggressively recruiting unemployed women to work as “camgirls” on their porn sites.


The modern left, which has embraced cultural liberalism, has taken up the cause of “sex work” as a chic and novel repudiation of “fascism.” Some women choose this profession, but’s CEO Evan Seinfeld, in a friendly interview with Vice News, has pivoted towards exploiting women desperate to pay their bills rather than choosing the life.


Women in the work place is often sold as a glorious feat of feminist independence, but in truth, most young women are not high powered politicians and doctors, but low wage throwaway employees stuck in urban wastelands with no rights, no husband, no safety net and no future.


After hearing that McDonald’s restaurants were going to furlough their employees in the UK and Ireland without sick pay, Seinfeld announced that he would only take 10% of the earnings laid off workers turning to porn generate for him, rather than the pimp’s usual cut of 20%.


This plan appears to be working. In a separate report last week, Seinfeld claims his stable of “models” has increased by 300% in the last two and a half weeks, which he connects to unemployment claims breaking records during the same time period.


While competing porn companies have not gone as far as Seinfeld, PornHub (controlled by David Marmorstein Tassillo and Feras Antoon) and StripChat (run by the Jew Dmitry D. Kravtzov, aka “Breeze”) have been trying to capitalize on the loneliness of modern liberal citizens during the quarantine to get them to watch porn. PornHub is offering free “premium” subscriptions and drastically expanded its user base, while StripChat reports a 25% increase in traffic.


While much of the internet is heavily regulated by capital to control for political opinions, the porn sites remain a wild west. Unlike when purchasing alcohol or tobacco online, sites offering “adult entertainment” do not meaningfully verify the age of their users. The average age young people today start to watch porn is estimated to be between 8 and 11, and increasingly, PornHub has hosted countless videos of children being molested.


In societies controlled by liberal-Jewish plutocracy, there is a strong correlation between the expansion of pornography and the reduction of political freedom, as figures like Dr. E. Michael Jones have found.


But the recruitment of struggling women into an underworld governed by Seinfelds and Marmorstein goes far beyond even that.

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.8790858   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chicago Releasing Hundreds of Inmates from Jails but Hiding Their Identities from Police: Report


As prisons and jails across the country release inmates over concerns about the spread of the coronavirus, officials in Chicago are releasing potentially dangerous criminals and are hiding information about them from the public and from police, according to a report.


The Washington Times reported on Sunday that Cook County, Illinois, has released hundreds of inmates from Chicago jails and is blocking information about their identities and the crimes they are accused of committing.


“The prosecutors and public defenders, who handle the cases in special COVID-19 court hearings, keep a close hold on the information,” the newspaper reported.


Not only is the public being kept out of the loop regarding the potentially dangerous criminals back walking the streets, but so are law enforcement officials.


Kevin Graham, the president of the Chicago Fraternal Order of Police, told The Washington Times that the Chicago Police Department has been given no information about the releases.

“The greatest fear people have is the fear of the unknown,” Graham said.


“We don’t know what is occurring, we don’t know why people are being released, we don’t know their offenses, and we don’t know if these people pose a danger to society,” the FOP leader added.


Inmates are being released from jails and prisons nationwide as public health officials reach consensus that the close quarters of jails and penal institutions are breeding rounds for the virus.


Politico reported on Saturday that the Bureau of Prisons is releasing some inmates early but excluding potentially dangerous offenders, such as those convicted of violent crimes or child pornography-related crimes.


One coronavirus outbreak at a prison in Oakdale, Louisiana, has left six inmates dead, KPLC reported.

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 11:02 a.m. No.8790862   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0890

Billionaire NBA owner says he did 45,000 workers a 'favor' by laying them off quickly


Tilman Fertitta, a billionaire who owns the NBA's Houston Rockets as well as a variety of restaurants and casinos, framed his swift laying off of tens of thousands of workers as a "favor" to them during a Fox News interview.


Who is Tilman Fertitta? Fertitta, 62, is the owner and CEO of Landry's Inc., which owns about 600 restaurants in 35 states; casinos in Atlantic City, Las Vegas, and Louisiana; hotels throughout Texas; as well as aquariums, amusement parks, and a cruise line. In 2017, Fertitta purchased the Houston Rockets franchise for $2.2 billion.


What did he say? "I'm holding up pretty damn good, but we've got about 45,000 employees out there that we've had to furlough, which is so tremendously unfortunate, who we've got to get back to work as soon as we can," Fertitta said.

Fertitta was asked about the difficulty of the decision to lay off his employees, and he said he came to the decision based on past experience.

"I went through the '87 crisis, the 2000, the 2008, and it's kind of something that you realize is, you're doing your people a favor if you get them furloughed first, because you have them first to the unemployment line after the severance that you give them," Fertitta said. "It's a trick that I learned many years ago, and that's why so many people are having a hard time now."

Fertitta pointed out that business owners are paying "yesterday's bills with today's money," so when everything abruptly shut down, he had to fund payroll and severance at roughly $100 million dollars. Even with that done, he said, he's burning $2 million in cash per day to keep things afloat.

"We've got to get all these people back to work," Fertitta said.

Anonymous ID: 17d7db April 14, 2020, 11:05 a.m. No.8790889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0926 >>0933 >>0977

Mnuchin Pulls It Off? ‘Economic Impact Payments’ (Free Govt Money) Hit Bank Accounts Today!


Stevie did say “you’ll get your money in two weeks”.


And he said that on April 2nd:


So check out to see if you’re eligible because there are a gazillion rules along with a ton of reasons why a person could end up with zilch.

