Anonymous ID: 921081 April 14, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.8790391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0399 >>0415 >>0417 >>0480 >>0499 >>0514 >>0527 >>0557





The solution to our grievances is simple and obvious: A march on the U.S. Capitol – Peaceful, but ARMED.

Keep it clean and keep it safe, just like the gun rally in Virginia was.

Once we are there, on-site and in-person, we can present the Government with a List of Demands.


The only way we can hope to achieve our freedom is through direct action.

Over the course of many decades, there has been a relentless push by those in power to strip us of our rights and destroy our quality of life and happiness. Continuing to sit around and wait for someone else to save us is never going to work. Government and corporations will only continue to take away our Rights and our Wealth until WE do something about it.


Nothing is going to substantially change unless we collectively take SERIOUS and FORCEFUL action in the real world to directly make that change.

We can only rely on ourselves to do this and deep down you all know that.


I propose we march on the U.S. Capitol and present our List of Demands and not leave until they are fulfilled.

The Plan of Action is simple: Enroll enough participants, Set a date, Bring your guns, and MARCH ON D.C.


Look to the example of other peoples across the world who amassed in their Capitols to force their tyrannical governments to capitulate.

Most of them did that without the benefit of arms and unfortunately, many of them failed.

Fortunately for us, we are the only country on Earth which was blessed with the Second Amendment, which was given to us PRECISELY FOR THIS REASON.

Yet our Rights have been taken from us precisely because we refuse to exercise our Right to Bear Arms to protect our Liberty.


If the Government refuses to act on our List of Demands or attempts to stop us from succeeding, then they force us to remove them and do it ourselves. It is our OBLIGATION to do so. As it states in the Declaration of Independence:

>”We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”


If 1776 must commence again for We The People to be Free again, THEN SO BE IT.


The time has come.


  • Patriot trapped in Commiefornia, USSA.

Anonymous ID: 921081 April 14, 2020, 10:21 a.m. No.8790417   🗄️.is 🔗kun



List of Demands

Here's some ideas to start:


First, the arrest and trail of all transnational criminal Cabal members who are suspected of treason, sedition, conspiracy and/or crimes against humanity.

>Including those responsible for 9/11.


Second, the immediate repeal of any and all laws which infringe on the Bill of Rights.

>Including, but not limited to: the end of the practices of indefinite detention without trial, warrantless wiretapping, electronic surveillance, torture and enhanced interrogation techniques, the execution of US citizens by drone strike with no due process, the closure of all CIA black sites, the repeal of any federal or state laws restricting our right to bear arms or mandating that we vaccinate our children.

For every abusive law that is repealed, a new law shall be written which guarantees our freedom and liberties and explicitly denies the government from re-writing the repealed law in any form in the future.


Third, the abolishment of the Federal Reserve System, the IRS, and the Income Tax.

>Our new currency shall not be debt-based fiat currency nor utilize fractional reserve banking.


Fourth, the abolishment of the CIA, NSA, and other institutions…

>which have demonstrated disregard for the Bill of Rights, committed heinous crimes in Our name, or otherwise acted in a manner inconsistent with promoting peace, tranquility, and liberty.


Fifth, the banishment of all secret societies/subversive groups. No member of government shall be permitted to have dual-citizenship.

>All members of the Government shall have only one allegiance: to the People of the United States. Violators shall be sent to prison.


Sixth, no outside mechanism of control or influence shall be made or imposed upon the operations of the US government.

>Citizens United must be overturned. Money must be removed from politics. Regulatory Capture must be routed out or Regulatory bodies must be disbanded altogether. Only the voice of the people may lawfully be acted upon by the government. Violators shall be sent to prison.


Seventh, monopolies are to be busted.

>Including, but not limited to: the too-big-to-fail banks, the 5 major media companies, and the rapidly consolidating health care industry. In addition, the dominance of finance over industry must be curtailed. Government favoritism of Wall Street over Main Street must be stopped.


Eighth, Laws shall be passed to prevent corporations and/or individuals from infringing on the Bill of Rights and the Liberty of our Citizens.

>Including stopping the censorship of online speech, the hidden collection and sale of user data, the banning or blocking of online users from entire marketplaces/banking systems/social media.


And more. To be added with your input

Anonymous ID: 921081 April 14, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.8790601   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I lost my job 3 years ago to a foreign contactor.

Sorry to hear that anon. Hypothetically, we could network in our local areas to coordinate travel.

I made a separate bread to discuss:


Also made an email:
