Anonymous ID: b6e5de April 14, 2020, 10:56 a.m. No.8790805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0843 >>0849 >>0857 >>1025

Dem senator to introduce bill to limit Trump's ability to fire Fauci


Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) on Tuesday said that he will be introducing legislation to limit President Trump's ability to fire Anthony Fauci, amid a swirl of speculation that the public health official's job could be in jeopardy. The bill would only allow Trump to fire a director of a national research institute or national centers under the National Institute of Health "on the basis of malfeasance by, neglect of office by, or incapacity of the director." Currently, Markey said, a director can be fired for any reason. Markey called Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases," the "most trusted voice" within the scientific community when it comes to the coronavirus and warned that he shouldn't be fired for disagreeing with Trump. ISEMENT


"Trump has an allergy to both — science and the truth. Our response to the coronavirus crisis must be based on science, on data, and on the truth. We cannot allow Donald Trump to silence Dr. Fauci or any other government scientists," Markey said in a statement. "Educating the public about the science and the facts that will save lives is not, and should never be, a firing offense," added Markey, who is up for reelection this year and facing a steep primary challenge from Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-Mass.).


The legislation, according to Markey's office, would give NIH directors like Fauci similar job protections to the heads of independent agencies like the Federal Trade Commission, where federal law includes built-in restrictions on a president's ability to fire the officials. Fauci's future has become a source of speculation around Washington after he told CNN that more lives could have been saved if the federal government had moved forward with social distancing guidelines directing Americans to avoid public places and travel earlier than mid-March. Fauci tried to downplay any break with Trump during a press briefing on Monday, saying that Trump immediately backed social distancing recommendations from Fauci and other public health officials despite the economic pain. “The first and only time that I went in and said we should do mitigation strongly, the response was, ‘yes, we’ll do it,’” Fauci told reporters in the White House briefing room.


The White House has also pushed back on speculation that Fauci's job is in danger, after the president shared a tweet over the weekend that contained the hashtag "#FireFauci." "This media chatter is ridiculous — President Trump is not firing Dr. Fauci,” deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley said in a statement. Gidley added that Fauci "has been and remains a trusted advisor to President Trump."

Anonymous ID: b6e5de April 14, 2020, 11:06 a.m. No.8790893   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0916

ABC Manipulates Video of Fauci Defending Trump, Insists He Killed People


During Monday’s coronavirus press conference, Dr. Anthony Fauci rebuked the media for pouncing on an out of context quote pulled from an interview he gave to CNN the previous day. The liberal media had been using the quote to suggest President Trump was responsible for the deaths of over 20,000 Americans due to alleged inaction. ABC’s World News Tonight manipulated the video of Fauci’s defense of the President to leave out key details, and insinuated that he was pressured by the President. As he was speculating about him being in hot water with the President because of the CNN interview, ABC senior national correspondent Terry Moran lied about Fauci blaming Trump for the deaths. “This, on the same day Fauci declared, in an interview on CNN, that the administration's reluctance to call for shutdowns and strong social distancing measures sooner has cost more American lives in the pandemic.” That’s not what he said and ABC manipulated that video too, see the transcript below where it says “transition.”


When it came to sharing Fauci’s clarification, Moran edited out the part where he scolded those trying to exploit it. “That was taken as a way that maybe somehow something was at fault here,” Fauci said as he was beginning to explain his experience with advising the President. And he hit on that point again as he was wrapping up: “But clearly, as happens all of the time, there were interpretations of that response to a hypothetical question that I just thought it would be very nice for me to clarify because I didn't have the chance to clarify.” Instead, Moran aired these manipulated soundbites and edited out Fauci admitting that “pushback” was too strong of a word to describe the discussions that went on. (Transcript above)

Anonymous ID: b6e5de April 14, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.8791013   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Taiwan releases December email to WHO showing unheeded warning about coronavirus


The World Health Organization is under fire after Taiwan released the contents of a December email inquiring about the person-to-person spread of COVID-19, which it says was ignored by the organization and further denied to provide adequate information about how to fight the virus. Taiwan is accusing WHO of downplaying the severity and spread of the coronavirus in an attempt to pander to China, even after Taiwan sounded the alarm about at least seven cases of atypical pneumonia that they were aware of in Wuhan, where the virus originated. When asked about the cases by the media, Taiwan said China's health authorities said, "The cases were believed not SARS; however samples are still under examination, and cases have been isolated for treatment," according to the contents of an email sent by Taiwan's Center for Disease Control and Prevention to WHO on Dec. 31. "I would greatly appreciate it if you have relevant information to share with us," the email said.


Taiwan is located about 80 miles off China's coast but has declared itself an independent nation for over 70 years. China, however, has refused to acknowledge Taiwan's sovereignty and consistently fights to bring it back under Beijing's control. As a result, China has successfully persuaded WHO to exclude Taiwan from the organization. The WHO denied that Taiwan ever alerted them to the potential person-to-person spread of the virus, but Taiwan's CDC said that because they specifically mentioned "atypical pneumonia" – reminiscent of SARS, which is transmitted via human contact – "public health professionals could discern from this wording that there was a real possibility of human-to-human transmission of the disease," they said in a press release. "However, because at the time there were as yet no cases of the disease in Taiwan, we could not state directly and conclusively that there had been human-to-human transmission," Taiwan's CDC said. Taiwan said that WHO and the Chinese CDC both refused to provide adequate information that could have potentially prepared the government for the impact of the virus sooner.


WHO ignored warnings from Taiwan and continued to reiterate China's false talking points — that "there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission" of the novel pathogen even as late as ''Jan 14. In addition, WHO failed to mandate that Chinese officials share the viral strains that would have allowed diagnostic tests to have been produced significantly earlier worldwide. Tensions between Taiwan and the WHO have caused President Trump to consider pulling funding from the U.N. agency, which receives the bulk of its money from U.S taxpayers' dollars. Trump said Monday during the White House's coronavirus task force briefing that he expects to reach a decision by the end of the week – days after he vowed that his administration would be "looking into" WHO's operations. WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has accused the U.S. of "politicizing" its handling of the virus and said that doing so would result in '''"more body bags."' Currently, the coronavirus pandemic has killed 118,854 people in the world and infected over 2 million others.