Anonymous ID: 62e8d8 April 14, 2020, 12:32 p.m. No.8791857   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thank you Q Team and Q+ for bringing Lyme disease to the forefront. It's a political nightmare to have Lyme/ME/CFIDS. Dr. Mikovits worked for the NIH in HIV/AIDS research was jailed and her career destroyed because she found the link between many patients who have co-infections such as HHV6-A and Mycoplasma really have XMRV a retrovirus. She refused to retract her study so Fauci/CDC/NIH destroyed her career. The red cross refused to ban patients blood. Millions are suffering with no help in site. LLMD's are hard to find and most do not take insurance. Same with Alternative doctors. There are treatments that help but I had to over overseas and again treatments are expensive and while people improve, not many are cured and you need continuous treatments. Patients are dying 25 years younger than normal. Thank you for raising awareness. We need you. God Bless