Anonymous ID: 228789 April 3, 2018, 8:03 a.m. No.879382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9444


I personally find the lizard people shills to be worse than Flat Earthers but they both take spots in the top ten biggest douches in the universe I'm sure.


This image is actual Q research and it's Japan's natural law connection which connects it to State Secrets through Townsend Harris and Lincoln - back to the original 2 big banks of Aaron Burr waaay back as the info shared about who the Tokugawa were in control of them - and it's all a big secret thing I had been digging into but it has taken a while and requires focusing on the QMAP from start to finish - linking events that seem hard to link but are very connected.


1600 Tokugawa Start

1636 Harvard

1661 Origin of Crown Queen currently wears

1668-1900 Sveriges Riksbank - first central bank

1608-1674- Giovanni Andrea Podestà

1765 Sons of Liberty

1775 American Revolutionary 200K KIA

1776 Chickamauga Wars

1777 Bass Brewery

1790 Half Translated Common Sense by Central Banks

1791 UK Observer

1792 Hamilton Sex Scandal

1791-4 Whiskey Rebellion

1800-1809 Jefferson Presidency

1801 Barbary War

1812 7 16 City Bank New York

1817 UM Michigan

1824 Ann Arbor Michigan

1836 Mysterious Package at Harvard

1837 09 18 Tiffany Co

1839 Berkshire Hathaway 08

1844 Chicago Sun

1845 White Star Line

1852 Wells Fargo

1858 07 28 Harris Treaty

1858 Flying Eagle Cent

1865-1927 Latin Monetary Union

1867 Alaska Purchase

1868 Tokugawa End Natural Law Japan

1871 De Beers


ok, I could do this for hours and I should make a longer research AB post on it to explain the connections… always seems that way too, but I just wanted to show actual research but it require actual thinking and not.. well whatever those people do. It requires an understanding of history anyway.

Anonymous ID: 228789 April 3, 2018, 9:06 a.m. No.879775   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9795 >>9821

I bet I'm not the only one.


I just realized that the government gave me a gift…. thank you Q, tho I'm not sure who it was or whether Q would know them… it was just such a strange thing to say…. and now I put it together because after they flipped the cultists and worked their way up the ranks at some point in the middle of this I got a card of an apology from one of them.


But more than that I got a person who passed by where I lived and said something to me I'd never heard anyone say before about me. It was an amazing thing to hear after the life I've led. And only just now do I realize that the push to get me to kill myself by the cult, that comment was the government trying to help me. I'm surprised I believed it…. but I did and only now do I realize it was a lie but a very kind lie.


It's the opposite of what people have said about me my whole life and I never realized until now that this was the mania they were planting in me. Getting me obsessed with that… and I was, and I still am…. and now I can't stop crying… so I'm posting this to thank you. I have never gotten a gift like that and all it was was a random person saying a random thing…. but there's no way that's coincidence. Nobody would say that - I just wanted to believe it I think.


I'm sorry I'm speaking in riddles but this is related to Q as anyone else who is on the cults list, maybe think back to the past year and whether or not you had a mysteriously kind person saying something very unusual and yet meaningful to you.


Pic only slightly related as it's part of my logo research and actually one person in my past called themselves "Quan" which I realize was always a joke with fellow cultists that they could watch me online… fucking cultists.

Anonymous ID: 228789 April 3, 2018, 9:22 a.m. No.879899   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ok, how about currency research for substance? Someone replied to my heartfelt thank you with a request to repeat with substance.


like the Yuan and Won - the idea of "won" winning - not Trump winning big league but the bad guys making a joke about having won - as well that's what the joke was in my view. And then the American penny being about philosophy, freedom symbolized by a bird then suddenly - feathers plucked. Currency does tell a tale if you can listen to it : )


and as for my other post…. I was talking from the heart. but too personal and I'm still crying.


That's just proof of how important this was to me. I'm really screwed up like a lot of us. I wear masks so I can act like a regular person and function as a member of society but the moment I peel back the masks I turn into this mess. I need to keep being a researcher and help. Not sobbing like a child…. which is why I wanted to say thank you and move on. Put the mask back on until it's time to really get into my head and work it out. That's my commitment to this cause.

Anonymous ID: 228789 April 3, 2018, 9:34 a.m. No.880011   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I was desperate to kill myself before I turned 18 because I was convinced that the best I could hope to do was at least die a minor so that it wouldn't be as pathetic. In my life I have heard countless time from age 15 people telling me I looked like I was 30 and always saying how young the people around me looked and it's absurd really… that really was something they were doing.


And then randomly one day someone comes by and asks me if I was my older sister's son. She went on and on about it, and the amusing thing is back years ago she was asked by one of "them" if I was her father. ha ha…. that's how I know it's the government. It's so tailored to me and the particular way my mind was fucked by them. For other people the fact that I got beaten daily and robbed daily and constantly demeaned in a thousand ways and oh so much else… to other people those trauma's would sound worse and they were but the undercurrent of all the abuse was "you are a waste, old, ugly, disgusting miserable retarded fat etc etc etc" - basically just make me be disgusted with everything about myself. And I was and still am much of the time - but I'm working on it.