I personally find the lizard people shills to be worse than Flat Earthers but they both take spots in the top ten biggest douches in the universe I'm sure.
This image is actual Q research and it's Japan's natural law connection which connects it to State Secrets through Townsend Harris and Lincoln - back to the original 2 big banks of Aaron Burr waaay back as the info shared about who the Tokugawa were in control of them - and it's all a big secret thing I had been digging into but it has taken a while and requires focusing on the QMAP from start to finish - linking events that seem hard to link but are very connected.
1600 Tokugawa Start
1636 Harvard
1661 Origin of Crown Queen currently wears
1668-1900 Sveriges Riksbank - first central bank
1608-1674- Giovanni Andrea Podestà
1765 Sons of Liberty
1775 American Revolutionary 200K KIA
1776 Chickamauga Wars
1777 Bass Brewery
1790 Half Translated Common Sense by Central Banks
1791 UK Observer
1792 Hamilton Sex Scandal
1791-4 Whiskey Rebellion
1800-1809 Jefferson Presidency
1801 Barbary War
1812 7 16 City Bank New York
1817 UM Michigan
1824 Ann Arbor Michigan
1836 Mysterious Package at Harvard
1837 09 18 Tiffany Co
1839 Berkshire Hathaway 08
1844 Chicago Sun
1845 White Star Line
1852 Wells Fargo
1858 07 28 Harris Treaty
1858 Flying Eagle Cent
1865-1927 Latin Monetary Union
1867 Alaska Purchase
1868 Tokugawa End Natural Law Japan
1871 De Beers
ok, I could do this for hours and I should make a longer research AB post on it to explain the connections… always seems that way too, but I just wanted to show actual research but it require actual thinking and not.. well whatever those people do. It requires an understanding of history anyway.