Anonymous ID: 3d3907 April 3, 2018, 8:45 a.m. No.879628   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How much time do you think we have each day fir this?

Physical time? Mental time?

Our lives were scripted by the slave masters before any of us were born. Just enough time to work, eat, pay bills & if we're lucky, a few hours of restless sleep. Who has time to rake through every single news story every day and weed out the BS. They ALL have some! Clearly our lives are lost to constantly working to fund this evil criminal government who spends it EXACTLY like they stole it! Been here since October. THERE IS TOO MUCH NOT TALKED ABOUT THAT LEAVES GIANT LOOPHOLES FOR THE GLOBAL AGENDA TO CONTINUE UNIMPEDED! Don't tell me I haven't been paying attention! GET MY ATTENTION! GET THE ATTENTION OF THE SLEEPERS! They have long since been taught to see us as fools!