Anonymous ID: a65bec April 14, 2020, 12:53 p.m. No.8792177   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dear Q and patriots on the board. I’ve been posting here and following since the beginning. I was awake before that but not to the extent that I am now. I have shared on here that I have suffered from chronic Lyme disease since I was 7 or 8. I am 26 now. I was not diagnosed until I was 21 and spent most of my life mildly sick until that point when it got way worse. I’ve been living a very sad life the last 5 years. Trying treatment after treatment and only getting a little better. Couple that with surgeries I’ve had and I just don’t see the point of life. The thing that keeps me going is this movement and the patriots that are likeminded and want to save the world from the evil that rots it from within. With that being said I am about to go through my next attempt at a Lyme treatment. It’s called SOT. I’m sure you’ve heard of it as it’s also used as a cancer treatment. I’ve heard great things from people that have had it done. My question to Q is, and I’m bringing this up due to the meeting today with the mention of Lyme, is there a cure coming for this bioweapon that is Lyme? I have Lyme, Bart and Babesia. I’ve done 2 years of combo abx (more than you can imagine) and over 2 years of Herbal plants and tinctures. Overall I’m about half way back to my health but I can’t get better than where I am. If you can…please point me in the right direction or at least tell me there is a plan to release more info. I’m not suicidal by any means but I’m to the point of “what’s the point of waking up if I spent every waking moment in chronic pain?” I also have a deep anger that I didn’t just get this from nature. Sick and evil people gave this to me and millions of other people around the world…for what? I’d take my life of suffering as long as these people pay for their crimes against humanity. All of them. Sickness, rape and murder of children, killing of innocents, etc. I’m very hopefully with the new treatment I will be getting but I’ve had my hopes up a lot and I keep getting burned. So Q, please, for the love of God, please please please do something about Lyme. It’s terrible. It effects some worse than others. I’m sure it has to do with the borrelia strain and then the particular co infections you get with it. God Bless all of you and God Bless DJT.

