Dear Q,
Anon here from the start in October 2017, with a few questions for you. I suspect that you are real busy right now, so whenever you find the time to answer, I would sincerely appreciate it!
I'll attempt to keep this short, since my heartfelt first attempt that was rather lengthy, suddenly disappeared just as I was ready to submit it. Something relating to the board not responding, then poof!
First off, since you have said many times that the only way forward is full transparency, how does that reconcile with us anons and the World, getting as little as 20% to 40% of the information that has been hidden from us by the Cabal? With all due respect and while understanding that you can’t (and I wouldn’t want you to) share anything that would put innocents in harm’s way, it seems to me that us anons as part of We the People should get at least 50% of the information we have been deprived of. (I want 80% -100%, and believe that we have a right to know at least that much, but understand that’s probably not going to happen). Is that within the realm of possibility, or will it just be the 40% you promised? I’m not trying to be divisive here, but I am curious to know.
My next two questions really relate to my motive for asking the above, because I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s and lived through the JFK assassination, which I believe now wasn’t just the murder of a POTUS, but an MK Ultra trauma mass event induced on every American living at the time, like 9/11. I was nine years old at the time, but even at that age I thought the official narrative of L.H. Oswald being the lone gunman stunk to high heaven, after watching Jack Ruby murder L.H. Oswald on live TV (Dead men tell no tales, plus his statement, “I’m just a patsy.”).
So my question is, will we ever learn who the Monsters were who are responsible for the murder of our great President JFK, that held so much promise? I have my suspicions beyond G HW B, but I would really appreciate confirmation before I leave God’s green Earth. I don’t really care about the three shooters in the triangulated assassination event, I want to know WHO was BEHIND and responsible for the National nightmare that seemed to be a flashpoint in the USA for the start of it’s devolution.
Beyond that, WHO was responsible for not just the assassination of JFK which was the start of the long downhill slide in America, but the endless wars like Vietnam, which I was just young enough to miss, creating racial strife, RFK and MLK Jr.’s murders, having to work harder and harder to earn less and less, our wages not even keeping pace with inflation, the 9/11 tragedy and the subsequent ongoing wars that followed it, the continual chipping away of our Constitutional rights, and now this orchestrated weaponized Covid-19 attack, and the resulting denial of just about every one of our Constitutional rights not only here in California, but across the USA, and the World, who I suspect are one and the same group of people!
Will we get to know WHO was behind all of this? I’ve got my informed suspicions, but would really appreciate confirmation! I know that’s a tall order, but I for one want to know, feel we deserve to know, and can handle, the TRUTH!
Just a humble, committed, and involved Anon