Anonymous ID: 667dd5 April 14, 2020, 2:50 p.m. No.8794072   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New decode of Hanx and now Ellen's video

  1. Saturday night Hanx referenced 'funny' in his skit on 4/11/2020

  2. Ellen posted in her scrabble, the word 'funny' on 4/12/2020

Here are the words (need descramble):

Hi, His, Heart, Be, Rats, Raod, Data, Toon, Funny, Go, Gone

  1. Both refer to Qpost 1135 which references Facebook, China, Building 8.

  2. Leads back to Qpost 2984

  3. Mentions the word 'Scramble'

  4. Ellen's words are scrambled

  5. Ellen Says 'toon' 'gone' 'Raod' 'data'

  6. Q references XBOX / PS, possible connection.

I believe she's telling him we capped her with what seems like no winning chance.

  1. Zuckerberg announces formation of Building 8 Group on 4/13/16 (exactly 4 years ago yesterday) with Regina Dugle (DARPA & Google) as head of group

  2. Same day as Q post 2984 4/11/18 the pres signed bill that punishes people that use websites for sex trafficking purposes:

I'm sure this applies to

  • Microsoft with Xbox - Mr. Bill

  • Facebook with Oculus, created Oculus GO - released in CHINA as Xiaomi Corporation

  • Facebook partnership with Samsung to make Samsung Gear VR - South Korea

  • Playstation - Japan

  • Fast forward to 4/11/2020 POTUS posts "WE WILL BUILD IT AGAIN" on Twitter.

  • Open access Pay to Play data mining corps like can have you stick in an API key to interface with whatever social information you want.

  • Pair that with DARPA / LifeLog situation, anyone can pay to play. Including our own few three letter word agencies that by law aren't allowed to.


Follow the Social Media giant connections and start the killcam.

Considering Q's post today, alongside their messages over the weekend. Looks like panic to meee.


They're screwed. We've got all the info.