>>JK wanted to remodel. [Destroy tunnels]
>Why was it REALLY denied?
>Imagine the view from the CENTER of the WORLD.
How big are the tunnels you're speaking of here? I've personally taken to a hollow/honeycombed earth (picrelated 1) theory, as well as it's many tunnels that connect through to the inner side at various locations, but have no clue if there would be any such tunnel in NY.
There's also the swaths of 'underground cloning centers' that have been rumored over the years..
Which has reminded me of the lost boys of the Montuak project, with the Montuak compound being a large underground base which would have required massive amounts of energy for it's projects in mind control, particle beam weapons, and time travel..
Which led me to this article: www.bibliotecapleyades.net/montauk/esp_montauk_18.htm
with this reference map (picrelated 2) on it..
Well, it's not a directly straight line, but it's damn near close enough to being on the same line as 666 fifth avenue (picrelated 3). Maybe this is one direction for a tunnel or high power conduit?