ELF masonic circuit-board?
buildings strategically placed?
antennas/nodes unite to form a larger antenna?
ELF masonic circuit-board?
buildings strategically placed?
antennas/nodes unite to form a larger antenna?
lithium burning the skin
samsung phones blowing up
and those plans for 666?
kind of like…..a heatsink?
they are trying to cover up the….for lack of a better term…..the god-frequency
the source.
cosmic background RAdiation
drown it out with dissonance
mirth is king and all that
interesting stuff about [Q]uartz
piezoelectric properties
another reason why phones would not be wanted (interference)
wands of horus
and just as an aside
reminds me of chronos
guess they pinged no-name a few too many times
>Mica has a high dielectric strength and excellent chemical stability, making it a favored material for manufacturing capacitors for radio frequency applications. It has also been used as an insulator in high voltage electrical equipment. Sheet mica is used as an insulating material and as a resonant diaphragm in certain acoustical devices
Global HARMonics
be still
allow the calm to return
and stop spacing your lines
they don't like that
go outside
get inspired
collect your thoughts
then come back
some will appreciate your work
they will say nothing
some will not
they will say something
sun goes down
sun comes up
I think it is not simply about sacrifices.
To maximize effect, one must sacrifice on a NODE.
A node is a crossroad of "leylines".
Leylines, for those uncomfortable with the term, are simply magnetic field lines.
Global magnetic field lines.
I am reasonably certain about what I've just written.
I am also wondering if the building of "temples" upon "nodes" has an amplifying effect.
The "temple" would of course encode certain "sacred" numbers such as "e", "phi", and "pi".
Am I close?
Oh my…..
when humor meets synchronicity it can be quite chilling.
So we have a current/flow of energy.
And the name of the game is to poison or to block the flow.
Or perhaps to redirect and use.
Let's seeeeeeeee
You have activated what's left of my almonds a bit.
Someone once told me
60Hz - our grid
50Hz - other grid
Heterodyne - what is this? I remember this word faintly.
Ahhhh it's just at the reaches of my mind.
Something about taking the difference or ratio and arriving at 66.6666666666666Hz
Familiar number, right?
1/3, 2/3
they seem to defy unity, you know?
because they never reach 1.
Sorry, I know this doesn't really answer your question.
Just trying to dump these thoughts before they're gone.
the grid is already constructed.
And now it's about amplification I think.
And it's all about sowing malcontent, violence, etc.
You can see it in the tuning. 440Hz
I know these thoughts jump around a bit, and may be a bit confusing but there are some crazy smart anons around so I think it's worth it.
Maybe they can untangle where I get stuck.
And so helperanon says that little thing about 147m pyramids.
And it reminds me of a little dig I once went on.
So I just want to say…..that when I go on these little digs….I digdigdigdigdigdig.
And finally I reach this giant epiphany.
And holy shit anons, everything makes sense.
But everything is so…..neatly wrapped up and well rounded, that I just feel absolutely no need to remember specifics.
It's difficult to explain, but the contentedness/exhaustion seem to disqualify the whole event from being recorded to memory in the usual fashion.
I can remember guideposts though that led me to wonderful conclusions.
But perhaps this is, in some small way, by design.
We all know the satisfaction of connecting the dots ourselves!
So the guideposts I can remember go as follows.
You start by thinking of meters and feet.
And you research how each came to be.
How often have we heard the rebuttal
"Well yeah, but that's just because a second is a second, a foot is a foot."
"That little coincidence wouldn't exist if things were different."
"It's just the chosen ______"
numbering system,
way of measurement,
Yet this argument seems null.
It seems quite apparent
that these systems of measurement are not accidental at all.
There is an underlying pattern.
A very specific relationship between the FOOT and the METER.
A very specific reason that a SECOND is a SECOND.
And I think that….somewhere along the line
I found someone who rephrased all the measurements
feet/meters, seconds, etc etc etc etc etc
with respect to fundamental constants
and it shined light on everything.
But that's all I can remember for right now.
Maybe that's one more piece for someone's puzzle.
Then we have things like this
getting in the way
blocking us from seeing the relationships
>http:// www.math.utah.edu/~palais/pi.html