See how the Clown shills use Pepe images
To pretend to be one of the crowd?
In fact, the rogue CIA
Who are servants of the Cabal
Invented Pepe and the chan lingo
And created 4chan
As part of an elaborate psyop
To corral conspiracy theorists
To mold them into a hivemind
And then to manipulate the groupthink mob
Against the whitehats.
The genius of Q is that he came to the clown's lair
And flipped the Clown's weapons
Into a BOOMerang that whacked them in the face
And escaped from their control
But diehard shills are still doing everything they can to divide
And especially
To discourage logical rational thought
And to continue the glorification of laziness
And moronic, juvenile idiocy.
I am here to teach Anons how to grow up
Because as we wake up
I believe that we all want to make up for lost time
And that WE CAN make up for lost time.