Anonymous ID: 9e33a4 April 14, 2020, 5:16 p.m. No.8796544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6563 >>6599 >>6635 >>6648

Which Country Has the Most Oil?


According to the US EIA (Energy Information Administration), Venezuela has the largest proven crude oil reserves in the world at 303 billion barrels. That’s about 18% of all global oil reserves. Interestingly, at its current production rate, Venezuela’s reserves can last more than 200 years!


Anonymous ID: 9e33a4 April 14, 2020, 5:30 p.m. No.8796710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6736 >>6759



Oil is not made from dinosaurs.

The oil that comes from biological sources is made from algae

There is no such thing as fossil oil.

Most oil is made from natural gas

Which is formed deep in the crust

From chemical reactions of Carbon Monoxide and Water

Catalyzed by Vanadium and Iron

It percolates up and under pressure forms longer chain hydrocarbons

The longest chain hydrocarbons are a rock-like mineral

That breaks almost like glass

And is called Asphaltite

Interestingly, Asphaltite deposits

Are our main source of Vanadium

And look where lots of Asphaltite deposits are found

When you dig

And I mean literally dig

Into the ground and look what is there

You gain a new appreciation for geography

Who knew that mineral reserves were being hidden

To control market prices?

Anonymous ID: 9e33a4 April 14, 2020, 5:38 p.m. No.8796807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6862



I guess we need an Autist

Who has learned to dig

Who knows the 4 reverse image search databases on the net

Their strengths and weaknesses

And how you can even find images

That are not in any of the 4.


But this lady is easy…


Come on dear, time to wake up!!!

Anonymous ID: 9e33a4 April 14, 2020, 5:49 p.m. No.8796914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7052


He waits…

That is what he does…

And I tell you what…


followed tock

followed tick

followed tock

followed tick…



The old sailors return to the bar,


And the drummer hit the beat with all his heart.

Good things come to those who wait…

Where We Go One, We Go ALL!!!

Anonymous ID: 9e33a4 April 14, 2020, 5:54 p.m. No.8796980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7019



See how the Clown shills use Pepe images

To pretend to be one of the crowd?

In fact, the rogue CIA

Who are servants of the Cabal

Invented Pepe and the chan lingo

And created 4chan

As part of an elaborate psyop

To corral conspiracy theorists

To mold them into a hivemind

And then to manipulate the groupthink mob

Against the whitehats.


The genius of Q is that he came to the clown's lair

And flipped the Clown's weapons

Into a BOOMerang that whacked them in the face

And escaped from their control

But diehard shills are still doing everything they can to divide


And especially

To discourage logical rational thought

And to continue the glorification of laziness

And moronic, juvenile idiocy.


I am here to teach Anons how to grow up

Because as we wake up

I believe that we all want to make up for lost time

And that WE CAN make up for lost time.

Anonymous ID: 9e33a4 April 14, 2020, 6 p.m. No.8797052   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Every time I stand at the bar

Watching the brown stream pour into the glass

And I see the black pool, like inky water

Rising up in the glass

And the white foam forming on top

Like frothy surf on a stormy sea

I remember this ad,

This poem,

This music

And my life is complete



Because I can experience this


And again

And yet again

As often as I visit a bar

Where Ireland's black stout is poured

Warm into the class.


Anonymous ID: 9e33a4 April 14, 2020, 6:05 p.m. No.8797134   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No matter how much the other guy seems to know

We should never give up

WE THE PEOPLE have all the power

And we need to continually learn'

So that we can exercise that power in the best way possible

Like Trump said today

Don't fear making mistakes

Because you WILL make mistakes

Just be decisive

Make a decision and move on

Then, when more information arrives

Make another decision

Don't sweat if the first one was a mistake

Life is all about flow

Keep things moving

Make another decision

Look up

Look around

Learn a bit more

And make a decision

Tell somebody what you know

And then move on

It doesn't matter if they listened

If you think you could have done it better

Then say it to another person, in a better way

And move on

No regrets

Take time for Prayer

Because God's guidance can keep your life flowing

Never worry about what you don't have

Instead focus on what you do have

What you can share

How you can help others

Anonymous ID: 9e33a4 April 14, 2020, 6:10 p.m. No.8797188   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Sometimes life is so simple that the answers

Are just staring you in the face.


Anons, whenever you suspect something

Don't just look for evidence that confirms your suspicion

Also look for evidence that your suspicion is a bunch of garbage

Because if you don't do this right

The garbage piles up until you stink

And people start avoiding you


Are people avoiding you now

In your real life?

Are you Addicted To Confirmation Bias???