Anonymous ID: db12e9 April 14, 2020, 7:10 p.m. No.8797917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7985


>Interesting, never heard this

Not surprising. Most people don't know shit about these kinds of things. Mainly because "mainstream" is typically our only window into these matters, and well, they are known for twisting the narrative.


Truth is, there are way moar sites WW than "mainstream" is comfortable to admit, because it tends to show a considerable amount of evidence that would essentially "debunk" the mainstream's narratives. Which is why you see shows on tell-lie-vision about how "ancient aliens" are responsible for building these amazing sites. Because everything they've told us so far is that our ancestors were basically retards with wooden clubs. But what if they were smarter than that? What!? That's crazy talk…


Even funnier, the sites that they do show us, spin a different narrative. Obviously, we all see the pyramids in Giza, there's shit in Central and South America, and in Asia, Greece, etc. And they are amazing and cool and neat. But there is an entire world filled with monuments, many on top of other monuments, which typically show size and scale that we cannot replicate even to this day. Some of these megalithic structures are actually so large that they are considered "natural" because the thought of even aliens building these is too crazy to think about


Still. We here very little about them, and instead we have hours and hours of "documentaries" on the "History" Channel, that focus on specific tourist attractions, like Stonehenge, for example. What you don't often here about on those "documentaries" is how that site, Stonehenge, was actually "rebuilt" not once, but three times in the 20th Century, often using modern (and inferior) concrete, to supplement the "reconstructuring" process. Then, these [controlled] sites are opened to the public to tourists, and they make a big deal about them, because they'll make a shit ton of money off the gullible public. However, sites that they don't want you to see, will be completely shut off to the public, and only certain "select" people are allowed access to "research".Guess what they aren't going to tell you, even if they do find a shit ton of "evidence"? Something that challenges the "official" narrative


Then of course there are all the underground tunnel systems, literally all over the world. Again, some you will get access to. But very few will ever get to see the full picture. And some of us already understand what else goes on in those tunnels, besides "research"…