Human Life Has Value, anon.
They cannot expose this until the brainwashed masses are ready to accept it.
We the people have the power, see what we did to Microsoft and that MA satanist lady - deleted! Poof!
Have to de-program people first.
We broke our programming long ago, hence our presence here.
We, The People, have to call for their arrests.
Transparency is the only way forward.
It's just going to be slow, but devastating.
Remember the reference to As The World Turns? Double meanings exist.
Not just ref to JFK, but also to literally soap operas. Daily "stories" our mom's and grandma's watched.
>You are watching a movie, a daily political spy v. spy thriller.
All written and directed by a small group of people.
Awaken the public with FACTS, since like the guy said in the Best Documentary of the Year: "what's really going on is way more interesting than the 'entertainment' they're feeding us".
The more people that catch on to the alternative narrative (the TRUTH), the more the tides turn.
That's when arrests will happen. Then and only then.
IMO, sorry for the rant.