I am going to get 1,200 [$1 scratch-offs].
Figure I'll at least double it.
Then, fly to Vegas and put all I have on a single hand of blackjack.
Win and cash out at around $250,000.
Take the quarter mill, stack it in a big pile, and then light it on fire.
>w-w-w-why would you burn it all???
I actually cashed out with $1,000,000 from Vegas.
Kept the $750,000 off the books.
Once everyone thinks I'm broke, I'll get 750,000 $1 scratch-offs.
Figure I'll at least double it to $1,500,000.
Take a plane to Vegas.
Put it all on a single round Roulette.
Lucky 13 [RED].
After I win that, I'll cash out at around $100 million.
Take that $100 million, stack it in a pile, and burn it.
But not really.
The pile was a hologram [it's the year 2100 at this point].
I keep the $100 million off the books.
Open up a Space Ship Wash.
Launder the cash that way.
Sell Space Meth on the side to supplement.
That's as far as I can plan at the moment.