I was pretty sick for a while and called my health group's COVID number. It was pretty late at night and they didn't have a backlog so I was able to shoot the breeze with them for a while. Basically if you are not
Coughing up blood
Puking up blood
Can't make it to your bathroom without assistance
Become unconscious
Have a fever for multiple straight days above 101 F that cannot be controlled
Have had problems understanding people or them understanding you (hypoxia)
Have under a 10/10 fresh stab wound level pain
Well, guess what, you don't have COVID-19 symptoms and are therefore asymptomatic as it relates to COVID-19. How fucking convenient. I said, why didn't you or the CDC put this on your websites? They said, "we want you to call us". She also basically implied that they're only testing to sort people into a COVID ER or a non-COVID ER, except for first responders or gov't employees, etc. Finally, I asked her what happens when we reopen. She said "we all have no idea". Food for thought.