Anna Von Reitz: Politics Can’t Be As Usual; NESARA?
Posted on 04/15/2020 by EraOfLight — Leave a reply
top news article eraoflightdotcomYesterday, we commented with absolutely brutal bluntness: “The [Federal] Subcontractors are passing themselves off as our actual government, and choosing up two teams of lobbyists to go glut at our trough every year.”
For those new to the debate, there are two groups of federal subcontractors: (1) British Territorial U.S. Citizens— mostly the U.S. Military and their dependents, and (2) Municipal Federal Civil Service — “citizens of the United States”.
Both these groups have been working for rival private, for-profit “governmental services corporations” and these corporations have been fronting the political parties with the “Republicans” more or less representing the U.S. Citizens, and the “Democrats” more or less representing the Municipal Civil Service, and all combined working toward one purpose since 1937: to bilk and in-debt their employers, the American States and People.
These are literally two groups of paid lobbyists, occupying Washington, DC, under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure, battling each other over their share of the public trough.
After the Civil War, these two groups were left in control, mainly because the Army Generals entrusted with the responsibility under the Lieber Code failed to make a clean breast of the situation and tell the American People what was going on.
As a result, the actual States never reconstructed the Federal States of States and one-third — the most important part of the Federal Government from our perspective — of the Federal Government ceased to function.
This has been the source of the perpetual ongoing “state of emergency” ever since, but nobody bothered to explain it to the American States and People, so we have, of course, failed to take the appropriate action to correct.
You’re not likely to do a job, if you don’t know that it needs doing.
Also as a result, Territorial States of States were substituted for our own American States of States, so we have had British controlled interlopers in here managing our State resources “for” us ever since the Civil War.
The Civil War Generals cut back door deals for themselves and — purportedly — for the country as a whole, even though they had no such authority and even though both the British Monachs and the Popes knew this was all horse hooey.
We are left with a spectacle of graft and greed and breach of trust unrivaled in human history, and even after this has all been discovered and documented and rebutted, the perpetrators in Washington, DC, were carrying on as if nothing happened. Business as usual. Politics as usual.
But it can’t be politics as usual.
It’s like waking up in bed with a strange man who isn’t your husband. A response is necessary. Objection is necessary. So we have given that response and rebuttal, and we’ve held the Pope and Queen responsible. Both.
It’s not possible to go back to bed, roll over, and turn out the light.
And it’s not possible to have a “normal” political party election in November and call that good, either, because that would be a continuance of the charade and the strange man would still be in your bed.
It’s important for Americans to understand that political parties are lobbyist organizations.
Lobbyists were never intended to run our government, and although there are always factions and special interests vying for attention, the people who are supposed to be running our government are not supposed to be members of political lobbies.
The people who are supposed to be running our government are not “representatives” — that is, people carrying our proxies as shareholders in a private for-profit corporations.