Nathanyell ID: f01620 Voices April 14, 2020, 11:50 p.m. No.8799931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9940

Heard a voice during sleep paralysis months ago. I heard an annoying oscillating pitch followed by a man saying "You are involved with the arm of fortitude." and then I felt pain in my head and got up, and when I looked at the time it was 11:11. And that day I was making fun of people who thought 11:11 was significant. Is this some V2K mk-ultra shit or what.


I've experienced similar things before and its always a different voice and always during sleep paralysis. one time it was two people talking, and one of them said "don't wake him up", and another time it was a woman saying that she loved me, etc. But it was never anything very interesting until that evening.


If this is something I believe I know something about the Darknet Markets that has not been revealed yet. [Lucy] is a hell of a "girl", and I bet people in the DS know exactly who she is associated with. I haven't been associated with her in almost a year, and we had one hell of a fight the last time.