The QMAP PDF has a new version out, 8.4.0, bread is showing 8.3.0 version. Just letting you know when someone gets a chance to update it. Most of my friends/family and I check there to download latest version.
The QMAP PDF has a new version out, 8.4.0, bread is showing 8.3.0 version. Just letting you know when someone gets a chance to update it. Most of my friends/family and I check there to download latest version.
This, have a feeling a lot of patriots in here doing similar things. I used to be an electronics engineer, then a nuclear tech. I got incredibly ill with chemically induced asthma, got better, went nuclear, then got lyme disease and 9 discs in back are shot. I AM NOT on SSDI or any form of assistance. I LEARNED how to truly support myself. The every garage is a small business meme from the other night hit home with me big time, loved it. I work at my own pace, can do damn near anything I try to. Buy and sell cars, trade stock/crypto, find any means to produce income. Funny thing is, my debts have been lowering from back when I worked under huge stress and half my paycheck was taken away. Have my own property deed in hand, my own paid for with cash vehicles, support my better half and 3 cats and will be having kids, raised CORRECTLY soon. Spent $6k to get 2 degrees from a community college, made upwards of $150k/yr in my careers, and not one second of it was worth the slave/corporate/stressful as fuck like atmosphere. The country was headed down the wrong path, just ask any of your older peers how much better it used to be in your profession. I took on a lot of debt at a young age once career started, things happened outside of my control, and I couldnt be happier about it. I truly believe in MAGA, and WWG1WGA. Sorry this doesnt help the bread, normally my posts are heavy in research furthering our progress, but needed to get this out.