Press Conf Recap from WH meeting with Baltic leaders
POTUS says we have $500 billion a YEAR trade deficit. Never before in history. We helped rebuild China in last 25 years. $200-300 billion a year intellectual property theft.
NAFTA terrible deal for US. Great for Mexico. Caravan from Honduras is SAD! very sad. Obama made changes that created no borders - Catch and Release - Court cases are set and they don't show up at court. Told Mexico you have strong borders and we don't. Everyone laughs at our immigration policy.
So we will be guarding our border with Military (hell yeah). He has Mad Dog on it. Caravan is breaking up rapidly now because of Mexico's immigration laws. He has great respect for Baltics. Great courageous leaders.
He says Amazon has enough money to pay fair price for their packages. Everytime Amazon pays $1.47 per pckg, USA loses money amounting to billions. Great point - Germany paying Russia for pipeline and not paying NATO.