Anonymous ID: 8685d5 April 15, 2020, 3:03 a.m. No.8800538   🗄️.is 🔗kun


On that pyramid, the top 4 layers are missing

The Freemasons who founded the Republic

And wrote the Constitution

Intended to NOT HAVE those 4 layers in society


The EYE of ALL-SEEING GOD shines his light

In the place where feudal monarchies had their control structure.

The king

The nobles

The knights

The clergy


In the United States of America

There would be no king

There would be no nobles

There would be no knight/warriors bound to the nobles

And there would be no Church of America


That is why the pyramid has only 13 layers

Why the flag has 13 stripes

And why the Founding Fathers tried hard

To have 13 colonies form the original Union


13 + 4 = 17

Anonymous ID: 8685d5 April 15, 2020, 3:17 a.m. No.8800570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0578



How can you say God bless you

When you just put a bullet in the eye of God

With blood running down onto the 13 layers of the pyramid

That represents WE THE PEOPLE?


Are you some kind of Nietszchian nihilist that believes you can kill God?

Anonymous ID: 8685d5 April 15, 2020, 3:24 a.m. No.8800587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0599


Yes it does. The Freemason Founding Fathers created the Republic for the people without a King, or Nobles or Knights or a Church of America

Instead they put their trust in God's Providence

Symbolized by an All Seeing Eye in a Triangle (Trinity) guiding the elected representatives of the people.


That Pyramid represents the Republic of the United States of America and that is why that symbol is on the Great Seal as depicted on the dollar bill.


You need to wake up out of your crazy dream and see the reality around you.

Anonymous ID: 8685d5 April 15, 2020, 3:32 a.m. No.8800605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0608 >>0615



It's your Derangement Syndrome

Q said that 4-6% will not be able to wake out of the hatred

And will be lost forever.


Here you are claiming to be a Christian patriot

Yet you preach the Satanist doctrine that SYMBOLS have magical power, are evil, and we must shun them.


Symbols are in the minds of men and are tools

To communicate concepts

Just like the symbols G, O and D

No are you going to refuse to enter a church

Because DOG is worshipped in there?

Or can you wake up and see that shuffling the symbols around

Does not make the symbols evil

It only makes you confused or dyslexic.


Here, have a native american good luck symbol for your next trip to the Grand Canyon

Anonymous ID: 8685d5 April 15, 2020, 3:44 a.m. No.8800634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0640

Dear President Donald Trump,

End the deficit, pay off the national debt as it comes due, get rid of

Obama Care by giving us real national healthcare, pay for education:

it is all possible by draining the monetary swamp of the fraudulent debt

money system. Guess what it also does? It unifies our country by

addressing the very real concerns of all Americans.

The U.S. monetary system is so corrupt that almost nobody

understands it. But it is really quite simple.

• Almost all of what we use for money is created out of thin air by

banks when they make loans.

• This debt money exists only as debt, as the debts are repaid the

money is extinguished from the bank's bookkeeping.

• We must therefore be in debt, individually and through our

government, or there would be no money and society would

grind to a halt.

• It gets worse, there is no money created with the loans for the

significant interest that we must pay. This makes it even more

impossible to reduce the level of indebtedness and insures that it

must perpetually increase.

• The Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express.

All 12 Federal Reserve Banks are owned entirely by the private

banks in their districts.

• Even our currency, which accounts for only about a tenth of the

total money supply, is printed by the government and then given

to the Federal Reserve for the cost of printing to be distributed to

the banks. Our government is paid a nickel for a $1 bill and 14.3

cents for a $100 bill.

The only real money in this system are the coins in our pockets

and piggy banks. Our government is paid face value by the Fed

for every coin minted. Our government gets 30 cents for a

quarter and a nickel and it only gets 28.6 cents for two $100 bills.

This is not a misprint, the debt money banking system pays us

more for a nickel and a quarter than they do for two $100 bills.

I used the word fraudulent to describe this system, because the

monetary economists at the Fed, the politicians and the bankers

have not told us that this is how the system works. Most of them

probably don't ever know how it works, because the textbooks

that they have learned from also misrepresent what the system

is. For those that do know and haven't told us, shame on them.

Our economists, politicians and bankers are either ignorant or

supporters of fraud.

The Bank of England, the UK's central bank and the model for

the Federal Reserve, unequivocally stated:

"In the modern economy, most money takes the form of bank

deposits. But how those bank deposits are created is often

misunderstood: the principal way is through commercial banks making

loans. '''Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a

matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby

creating new money.''' The reality of how money is created today

differs from the description found in some economics textbooks: •

Rather than banks receiving deposits when households save and then

lending them out, bank lending creates deposits."

(Emphasis BoE), Money Creation in the Modern Economy, 2014

Anonymous ID: 8685d5 April 15, 2020, 3:47 a.m. No.8800640   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Some on the far left have said nationalize the banks. Wrong,

nationalizing banks does nothing, we need to nationalize money

creation. The Constitution says money creation belongs with our

government. "The Congress shall have Power To… coin Money,

regulate the Value thereof…" (Article I, Section 8) The phrase "coin

Money" refers to the creation of money and was used because coins

at the time were considered the real money.

Simple, straightforward, non partisan, monetary reform legislation was

put into Congress in 2011 by Congressmen Dennis Kucinich and John

Conyers: NEED Act (National Emergency Employment Defense Act).

Its reforms are intuitively what one thinks the system already is.

• The Federal Reserve System, currently owned by the private

banks, would be put into the federal government.

• Banks would no longer create our money and would only loan

money that already exists.

• Money would be created, debt-free, in non inflation/deflationary

amounts and spent into existence for the needs of the nation:

jobs, infrastructure, healthcare, education, etc. The federal debt

will be repaid as it comes due, an absolute impossibility under

the present system and there will be no more deficits and debt

circuses in Washington.

The NEED Act transforms our society from austerity to a

productive, bountiful and sustainable democracy. More

information is available at the American Monetary Institute


President Trump, unite our country and drain the monetary

swamp by proposing the NEED Act on Day One.


Nick Egnatz Munster, IN


Jamie Walton's 2 page paper explains how immediate,

seamless and non-disruptive the overnight transition to a

government money system would be, "How the N.E.E.D. Act

gives an Immediate, Seamless and Non-Disruptive

Overnight Transition from a Crisis-Prone Bank Debt System

to a Stable Government Money System"