Anonymous ID: a65a8b April 15, 2020, 3:11 a.m. No.8800555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0700 >>0901 >>1062

Besides showing that Democrats are more prone to being "sheep" than Republicans, this is a very stupid interpretation of the data. Nowhere in there is the "why" these people (I am one of them) have been social-distancing: For most right now, it is REQUIRED.


Everything will go back to normal, as before, when the social-distancing REQUIREMENTS GO AWAY. This article is simply agenda-driven fear-mongering (muh mail-in ballots, muh economic disaster, etc.).



Social Distancing Efforts Are Now Cemented Into American Life

by Tyler Durden

Tue, 04/14/2020 - 22:45


Authored by Justin McCarthy via,


Avoiding public transportation such as planes, buses, subways or trains (89%) and small gatherings (84%) has become the norm for more than eight in 10 Americans. Nearly as many Americans are avoiding public places such as stores and restaurants (78%) out of concern about COVID-19. A smaller majority of U.S. adults (61%) have stocked up on food, medical or cleaning supplies.


Majorities of Americans have reported taking each of these actions since Gallup polling conducted March 20-22, and figures for most measures have remained at about their current levels since then.


The latest results, from a probability-based Gallup Panel survey conducted online April 6-9, reflect Americans' reported actions they have taken to socially distance themselves since late March.


Some notable differences by subgroup include:


Adults aged 18 to 44 are a bit more likely than older adults to have taken each of these actions.


Solid majorities within all major political party groups report having taken these measures – but Democrats are most likely to report having done so. The biggest differences between Democrats and Republicans are seen in the percentages saying they've avoided public places (86% among Democrats and 70% among Republicans) and avoided small gatherings (92% among Democrats and 74% among Republicans).


Few differences exist across income groups in terms of actions they have taken – except for the percentages saying they've stocked up on food, medical or cleaning supplies. While at least six in 10 higher-income households (66%) and middle-income households (61%) report having stocked up, less than half of lower-income households (49%) say the same.


Direct link to Gallup poll:

Anonymous ID: a65a8b April 15, 2020, 3:18 a.m. No.8800576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0583 >>0586 >>0590 >>0595 >>0624 >>0635 >>0651 >>0655 >>0820 >>0901 >>1062

I am not sure if this is an endorsement…or NOT. Summary: "Chloroquine may or may not have saved our lives, but the little people should not try it because it made me poop."


I think what happened was people "in the know" ([them]) were going to all use Chloroquine (or the newer version), so they were not worried about it. It would only kill the little people sheep in droves, so no worries. But POTUS let the cat out of the bag, and blew up that part of their plan.



Chloroquine gave Rita Wilson, Tom Hanks ‘extreme’ side effects

By Hannah Frishberg

April 14, 2020 | 10:53am | Updated


I spent two weeks quarantined in a four-star hotel

Virtual opening of 'Pride and Prejudice' musical draws 150,000 viewers


A controversial drug heralded by some as a coronavirus cure comes with symptoms of its own, Rita Wilson says.


The actress, 63, says she was given chloroquine after she and husband Tom Hanks tested positive for COVID-19 while in Australia last month. The malaria treatment may or may not have helped her beat the virus, but it certainly gave her “extreme side effects,” she tells Gayle King on Tuesday’s “CBS This Morning.”


After getting the chloroquine, Wilson became “completely nauseous” and experienced vertigo and weakened muscles, she warns.


“We have to be very considerate about this drug,” she says. “We don’t know if it’s safe in this case.”


Despite thousands of seriously ill coronavirus patients being treated with a newer version of the drug called hydroxychloroquine, federal agencies stockpiling it and individuals claiming the drug saved them from the coronavirus, significant testing is still required before it can be deemed safe.


Groups of doctors have called it the most effective coronavirus treatment, but in some cases, it may treat the disease only to prove independently lethal: Researchers called off a small Brazilian study of the drug on Monday after participants experienced potentially fatal heart complications.


Wilson and Hanks were among the first Hollywood elites to announce they’d tested positive for the coronavirus, and have since recovered and returned home to the US.


Hanks, 63, appeared on a remote version of “Saturday Night Live” from his home this month.

Anonymous ID: a65a8b April 15, 2020, 3:41 a.m. No.8800629   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"…which identified that parts of British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s anti-Trump dossier were likely influenced by Russian disinformation."


How the hell does a Belarusian-born U.S. citizen's bullshitting session qualify as "Russian Disinformation"? Gawd, the "muh Russia" runs deep…

Anonymous ID: a65a8b April 15, 2020, 4:02 a.m. No.8800684   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is what I thought, just the spin in these fake news articles is as horrible as possible to suit the "muh vaccinations" agenda, I guess. I don't even think vaccinations are POSSIBLE with viruses. Hygiene was getting so much better when the polio 'vaccine' came out that it is really hard to tell which had the CAUSITIVE relationship with eradication of that virus. Smallpox is another nasty one I don't know as much about. But I do know there is no cure for herpes (either simplex). Once you are stuck with Simplex 2 (I think it is), it is cold-sores and mouth-ulcers for life, baby (which are easily mitigated by L-Lysine, an amino acid, though – works for me every time).

Anonymous ID: a65a8b April 15, 2020, 5:36 a.m. No.8800972   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I found this…no help – All these are either Taiwan, South Korea, or Japan: