Anonymous ID: c28348 April 15, 2020, 6:23 a.m. No.8801205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1216 >>1226 >>1229 >>1249 >>1513 >>1847 >>1892

>>8799894 Bill Gates, the W.H.O. & the Practice of Monopolistic Philanthropy

>>8799925 Bill Gates mouthing off


President Trump said they are investigating the WHO, on why and how they mislead the US and all countries on the contagion of the virus. He said “we’ll get to the bottom of this”, now Gates is freaking out about the US defunding WHO


Gates in post above, is the 2nd biggest donor to WHO after USA, China contributes 1/10 or less than the US. So Gates would have much more sway over The WHO than China!


So what if Gates is freaking because it wasn’t China that told the WHO to deceive the world, it is Gates that intentionally did it to get growing numbers WW to fast track his vaccine projects


There’s no way I believe researchers first started on these vaccines when the virus came out. Gates knew about It and got samples months or years ago. He wanted the world on fire, so every person would willingly submit to the vaccine, out of dire fear and dread! Fauci stated that many times the vaccine gets developed and is not needed because no one has the disease anymore because it took so long to finish the vaccine. So the FDA has fast tracked this process, and Gates can inject it in people sooner.


And come to think of it, Gates and Fauci are buds, so it’s not unlikely Fauci knew the plan. but more importantly he refused to criticize the WHO as being responsible for the US delayed knowledge, maybe because he knew Gates was telling the WHO what to do!


Fuck Bill Gates, and after that Fuck Bill Gates again. President Trump and AG Barr, seize all his money for terrorism and sedition

Anonymous ID: c28348 April 15, 2020, 6:32 a.m. No.8801272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1391

>>8800793. DOJ report on FBI downloading child porn

>>”that the SIA had viewed and downloaded child pornography from the internet several years earlier. The SIA denied ever receiving or sending child pornography.“


Anon I think the main takeaway to this story is the person downloaded it years earlier. And did not send or receive it. That means he’d be prosecuted for a thought crime. Maybe they’re going to catch people now, and if the guy was charged it’d be kicked out of court. This is not the crime of the century


I’m not defending what the guy did in anyway, I’m saying they didn’t have a case.

Anonymous ID: c28348 April 15, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.8801622   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1847 >>1892

Yesterday “Out of Shadows” hit 5,000,000, it was posted at 10:47 am Here.


I took this pic at 8:45 am just a short while ago and as of 10 minutes ago it was 6,275,508. So in less than 22 hours it’s increased close to 1,400,000 views


Just took another pic of website at 10:06 am, 6,302,428, increased 26,920 in about 91 minutes, that’s 296 views per minute

▶Anonymous 04/14/20 (Tue) 10:47:13 ac7cce (5) No.8789109>>8789127 >>8789384 >>8789402



Out of Shadows Documentary views now ~ 5M

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