good goddamn niggers need to learn to follow rules and the rule of enough is enough here is the truth black people practice anarchy they are anarchist period . its always the black i can correlate the data into useful information. it is not rocket surgery.
stop trying to force it anon just relax the mind the funny will find its way out if you have any real juice if not do not feel bad everyone is not an artist by the true standards of the 1900's.. Now days everyone thinks they are an artist because they rhymed two filthy words together or thought they were a man because they sprayed their name in light cyan on a building man. Creativity is an ability no one is equal.
Dont stop trying just stop trying to force a meme they will form organically given the proper conditions.
fuck you faggots learn some history fuck your buffalo solider they are no soliders just cowardly niggers. Bad news for you the brainwash is still in place just another version of the programming your core is still unchanged.
ebot makes me smile because it is relentlessly bashing you fags nonstop.
say someone wanted to code a chanbot anyone got any source to peek at maybe a lil php perhaps?