So…the MindSlaveMedia "thinks" stopping funding for the China-w.h.o. is wrong, do they?
Here's an idea!
Since the American Taxpayer - you know, the people who OWN America - certainly shouldn't be funding an enemy power by financing such an anti-American gates/soros "company" as the w.h.o. nor the w.t.o.; BUT, if the braindead in the MindSlaveMedia think American funding for a China organization is necessary…then perhaps President Trump should listen to them.
President Trump should enact an EO that if the MindSlaveMedia and their waste-of-oxygen meat puppets want to fund China then they should do so. To do that, the American Government can put blocks on American Taxpayer dollars going to fund the enemy and he can appropriate the funding for the foreign-controlled, America Taxpayer Funded, China w.h.o. FROM the MindSlaveMedia and place deductions from the salaries of the meat puppets to be sent to the China w.h.o.; placing demands for payment to all the head offices of the garbage MindSlaveMedia and then use that money to send to the China w.h.o.
American Taxpayers should not be forced to fund those organizations out to destroy the American Taxpayer. Let those who support such disgusting, corrupt, anti-American Citizen groups as the China w.h.o.w.t.o. do the funding!
Good idea?