Anonymous ID: 72d2a1 April 15, 2020, 1:40 p.m. No.8804389   🗄️.is 🔗kun audio:


I can’t embed the podcast link


Leaked Audio: SBA scam on small business stimulus, senators (I think Schumer) wrote into the bill if a business get denied that business gets $10,000 even if denied; and they allocated $1 billions dollars to this program, out of the $2 Trillion


A veteran SBA guy opens up and he said all you have to do to get $10,000 is set up a corporation one day for $150, submit your loan app and the next day they get $10,000 dollars tax free.


100,000 loans submitted in a couple of days, which is a billion dollars. SBA guys said is physically impossible to submit and approve a 100,000 loans in a couple days. That means the entire fund for denied loans will never make it to small business’s in need.


Oh and they outsourced the loan processing outside of SBA, which has never been done. Some really shady shit going on. Corrupt politicians are getting family and friends in on this. Maybe that’s why Pelosi held it up, to have a massive number of friends and family siphon off a billion out of the two trillion. Meanwhile small businesses have not received anything. Another shit show from our congress. Whoever is involved should be hung in public.