Anonymous ID: 7a8b97 April 15, 2020, 5:14 p.m. No.8807027   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Patriot's across the country are beginning to rise. They are seeing through the bullshit that is being regurgitated as fact, is simply fake news. (((They))) want you afraid, they want you helpless, they want you obedient.


This country was founded by the average man, willing to risk it all for the sake of FREEDOM. One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and Justice for ALL.


The left is in full blown dictator mode. Restriction on travel, gatherings and now you cannot leave your house without a god damn mask. Are you fucking shitting me? Enough is enough. It's time to push back against these assholes. Their overreaching has gone too far. They want to shut this shit down so they can steal the election.


Be proud, they fear us. Do you think they don't see the shit people are saying on their social media? They know if they keep pushing it's going to light a match.