Finish your juice box and watch. Don't type.
I've NEVER witnessed POTUS not give anybody the Respect that they were due.
The real killer for me was when he touched the arm-less Veteran's face than shake one of his prosthetics. Lacking for proper respectful verbiage. Nothing but respect for both men.
Anybody have that photo handy? I'd love to have it.
Shep, the FOX stooge is going well out of his way to make Trump look like a liar about USPS vs Amazon. Hey had John Bussey (editor for the WSJ) on earlier to tag team the effort, and now has on a couple split-tails who I couldn't catch their names.
This all was like I was watching CNN, what the fuck is going on? Anybody else just see that?
I knew Shep was a dick, but this looks like programming not host bias.