Some filthbag reporter screamed Stormy Daniels at Trump when he said he was done . THATS ALL THEY GOT LEFT KEK !! GOD IS GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!! Q WINS !!!!!!!!!!! ENJOY GITMO FAKE NEWS NIGGERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesom meme anon
Post of the DAY !
LEX LUTHOR in the flesh !!! His son's name is Damien .
HA ha ha funny guy. Let me smile for the cameras and act like Mr. Cool guy. Let me act like I care about Americans. Let me act like it isn't all about money. Let me act like I am not a TRAITOR who needs the iron maiden. Act like……
Oh well. Truth needs revealed.
its brutal to deal with but nessesary.
Knock them down like trees . [Steven Spielberg] ……..
He likes to talk shit about 45 so immediately he is my sworn enemy . Comped for sure. Chicken Diddler, to be shown in time yes or no. That man better be praying that's all I know. When DJT tweets Bourne. You know there is a problem .
Double dubs confirm !!! Signatures ?!! I wish I was more autistic.